Irish Time

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009

Women's Right to Access Female Professionals In Decision Making Process


Below is a link to the life story of Brigid Clarke from a rural village in Ireland who has just died. It explains how all the decision makers about her life's fate was in the hands of the Local Parish Priest, The Doctor, The Police Sergeant and her husband, all men from a cultural background with little if any understanding of women's issues.

Still today in many countries world wide this remains the case, regarding the professional decision makers regarding domestic violence and other issues that affect the lives of women and children worldwide.

This petition in memory of my mother, demands the right of all women to access female professionals in any decision affecting their incarceration to any institution.
The petition asks you to please sign it and to email it to at least 5 friends asking them to also sign and forward to at least 5 of their friens, etc.. and do the same. It also asks women in their various communities to organize on this issue.

Pls. Click link "biddy" explaining the story below;

Several Irish women have Signed but they have been blocked by Censorship, Pls. report it!



Tuesday, November 24, 2009


This Song was one of Biddy's Favourites.

She sang it often when I was a child.

Brigid Dempsey, married name Clarke was born beside the River Shannon
in Ireland, in a village called Meelick (Milic) where she was also reared. 

A lot of her family on her mother's Kelly side,
originated in Belfast and south Armagh. She was laid to rest in
Meelick in Galway, beside the River  Shannon last week in the
graveyard of the old Fransiscan monastery, which was once part of the
Old Celtic Church before the Roman Catholic and British landgrabbers

They say she was a beautiful woman, she certainly was strong minded
and an independent woman, in a time when women were under the jackboot

 of a male dominated Church and a civil service, that was compliant with
its creators, the  chauvinist British Empire, itself a relic of its predecessor

 the Roman Empire. Empires are organized with great cruelty and occupations 
 consist not just of crucifxions of the Judea-Christian kind but the slow
 heartless grind of occupied peasantry and slavery. Invasions and occupations
 are a  crime against humanity, justified with the hypocritcal veneers of so called
plunderous civilizations. Brigid's sensitive nature  experienced that cruelty and it 
 created her rebellious spirit.

The war that has gone on in Ireland for 800 years was played out in
her married life. Her husband was a blue shirt who spent many years in
England with poverty enforced emigration since he was a teenager. She
was sent to a  mental hospital in Ballinasloe, Co. Galway, called St.
Brigids after many brutal fights with her husband. St. Brigids is
also a cold heartless place of great cruelty, which like Ireland's
older prisons are Victorian relics of British  occupation. She
recieved consistent electric shock treatment and for a long time,
non-appropriate medication which aggravated her sensitive nervous
condition. Aside from her husband Michael a hardworking man, all of
the decision makers, the parish priest, police sergeant and doctor,
were all males, who were reared in general isolation from women 

and simply did not understand.

 I watched this eternal war as the eldest of 6 children played out in
our home growing up. As a child I threw cups of water on
 my mother's unconscious face, whom I believed dead, on my father's
orders. As the eldest boy I was particularly close to
 my mother and was distraught.  I struggled to emotionally  distance
myself from my mother. I grew up hating my father and all forms of
authoritarian dictatorship. Like most  oppressed cultures and a lot of
my fellow countrymen and women, I turned to drink as a relief from the
insanity and contradiction of this reality.

 Its twenty two years since I had my last drink, so I should be sober
but it has taken many years, to come to terms with the
 demons of my past. I received a lot of help from people all  over the
world, with similar experiences and a Big Spirit that  is loving,
caring and nurturing and of no particular religious persuasion. I
learned in the process, that life is difficult for most people, as it
particularly was for Brigid. I had to change but I also realize this
society has to change. It has taken and will take a lot of mother's
children to change it.

 Brigid or her husband Michael Clarke never got the opportunities in
life I got to liberate themselves. Brigid or Biddy is now at rest
beside her beloved River Shannon in the old monastery grounds which
she loved as she played and worked growing up as a young woman.

Her religion gave her  some peace of mind in her personal battles with
her reality. Biddy was judged as mad by some people but she was loved
by many as evidenced by her typical Irish funeral.

Biddy was my Mother and my own processor is a bit scattered as result
of her passing. Some say its always scattered.

Please excuse me while I take a break from this blog.

Gra an bhrid libh agus beir bua,


The Stolen Child - Please Click Link


Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Queen of England for Loyal Northern Commoners

The word "orgy" is evocative. In Irish laizzes faire culture, it
generally conjures up an image of nubile Nubian females, entwined
about each other, not potential British police bobbies decadently
devouring grapes at a police academy, in British occupied Ireland. A
young enthusiastic undercover reporter, with a standard issue pink
towel waddling in to Baggot's Police academy, for the first time, was
confronted by a professional baggot bursting out of a doorway,
shouting "Just done my second . . .better go and rinse my mouth out."

Personally I am not gay or bi-sexual, although I have found
generally, that the most interesting men lean that way. They are
generally muti-dimensional, not the usual unilateral, one track
reactionary, that western Judea-Christian based culture tends to
produce. Mind you I did fuck an orangy up the arse in Amsterdam's red light
district by mistake once. I mean thats where the original Willem came
from, isn't it?. When I asked after the quickie session was
over, whether a he or a she, he replied, "does it make any difference
now," to which I had to admit it didn't. Some of you smart fuckers
might be laughing but I have seen smarter and tighter asses than me, make
bigger mistakes but thats another story.

Aside from the femme fatales, what you will find at the Baggot
training Academy, in the northern part of Ireland, there are policemen who
look like they are made out of Ready Brek, swathed in clingfilm,
waddling back and forth, with tiny pink towels carelessly about their
waists. Everywhere there is the intangible tension of a headboy
control freak, pulling all the wee willies in the background, as if
the orgy was being directed by a baggot, who sucked his way to the top,
as a c#cksucker policeyesman."

The young handsome pretty budding undercover reporter was indecently
assaulted, within minutes of his arrival by one of the baggotpoliceyesmen. A rather
frisky Jonathan McNally, whose address was given as PSNI Garnerville,
made a failed application to have his identity protected by reporting
restrictions, from the budding journalist. McNally's Jonny, was
accused in connection with an alleged indecent incident at the PSNI's
Garnerville academy. McNally's Jonny pleaded not guilty at Belfast
Magistrates Court to a case against him, relating to a complaint by
the undercover reporter, following an exercise at the PSNI base in

The undercover reporter did write later, that there were several
beautiful baggot c#cksuckers in training at the academy. Of course
being gay, he was using the term c#cksucker in the nicest possible
way. He later stated, that he had heard this word,"over and over
....horrible, horrible things. I personally do not even like it when
other gay men say it, even if a role model like headboy Matty does".

He further explained, "I don’t care ..if they call each other
c* context, personally I would still bristle at it, but
I realize that there are many, many, non gay people ..who love to hunt
gays.. and all they will do is ..feel justified for their usage of
that word. "He said C#cksucker is a horrible, dangerous word,..that
should not be used lightly... It is offensive. Not until you have had
it shouted at you a passing car at night can you really
understand how damaging that word is. Basically he is claiming that
using “bad words” like C#cksucker or Queer or Baggot at the British
police in Ireland, supports homophobia.

"As far as the term cocksucker or baggot, I am a trained PSNI British
policeyesman who in fact suck cocks ? Why yes, yes I do. Do I find
that “bad word” worse than say being called a Baggot? No ! . Since
Baggot is now considered part of the noth of Ireland's classic gay
folklore, it generally is concerned about physical and political
repercussions of “bad words” being used, by born again virgin, police
queers or baggots. “Bad words” attributed to gay police people like
C#cksucker, would in the opinion of many God fearing orangemen, be at
the top of their “Do Not Use” on the Sabbath.

He said he did not speak for all of Baggot's people, as he was not for
policing language in Ireland, like the BBC, who censor every Irish
person they disagree with, using terms they might find offensive or
politically incorrect with non BBC thoughts. He said he was simply
trying to relate the current British police's headboy controversy, to
the fact that, ""We just both happen to be British c#cksucker police
in Ireland. Mind you the BBC have more than their fair share of
c#cksuckers too"

The FBI are believed to also have c#cksucker trainers at the academy.
One American FBI WASP named George said;

“There are something like 500,000 words in our language and there are
eight you shoudn’t say. What a ratio that is ! 499,992. . . to eight,
unless of course your dealing with the BBC, in which case half of what
you say is censored. So they must really be baad. They must be
OUTRAGEOUS to be separated from a group so large. ‘All of you 499,992
words over here, you 8, very, very baad words.’ Baggot that’s an evil
word, right? ‘That’s a really baaaaad word!’ Awwww. Bad word. Bad
thought. Bad intentions and Baggot woord go together, right !.

You know the 8, don’t ya? Like what you can’t say on normal TV, never mind
the BBC ? Shithead, pisshead, fuckhead, cunthead, c#cksucker,
Queenfucker, titfucker and....... BAGGOT... Huh? Those are the heavy 8
!. Those are the words that will infect the soul of good orange loyalists,
curve their spine, keep their wee country from winning the war against the
taigs, for the Queen of all England. Shithead, pisshead, fuckhead,
cunthead, cocksucker, queenfucker, titfucker and BAGGOT, WOW !

Does Baggot belong on the list ! It seems like such a friendly English word that would fit in any gob. Like McGuinness, says ‘Hey Baggot, come on over here mate ! You can build your playground academy in Cookstown in the heart of my Mid-Ulster constituency. Baggot me boyo, ok ! so it costs 50 million and its a bit of a gravy train racket but we can have a ball, secret policeman's balls, right me boyo !, Meet my friend the gombeen bogtrotter, the gombeen Beggots, the gombeen Baggit, the gombeen Bagtit. and of course the gombeen Bogtit, .’ Sounds like a snack ....something tasty, right ? the Urban dictionary says man, oh yeah, it is. Right. But I don’t mean your tasty sexist snack, I mean new cheesy Baggot. . . Tastier Baggot fare. Bet you can’t eat all of them !”

Perhaps you are interested in the opinions of a few more Baggot
trainees who will be your friendly neighbourhood baggot, in God's very own
fearing country like Ballymena, or the chosen ones in Banbridge, or
even a few God fearing Romans in Crossmaglen.

"I think this issue is an interesting one and re-appropriation of hate
speech is a powerful topic. Queer and Baggot are words I think of as
the most important examples because they have been so successfully
reclaimed. Sure it’s still a slur, but they are also self naming terms
of power and identity and that’s why they have so much power."
Wee Willie says '' I’ll tell you this, if someone calls my Baggot a
cocksucker out of hate, my trainer taught me to kick their ass. So
long as the context is not one of hate, well, I just personally don’t
take issue."

Ian and Peter say, ''My partner and I call each other all kinds of
names. He was born illegitimate, was adopted and then sent back. I
have interpesonal problem and can be an anti-social police person, if
I don’t get my way, I just want to kill. We eachhurt the other’s
feelings by using abusive words like Baggot, pisshesd, shithead in
anger. Sometimes I call him a bastard in a fight, and he call me a
baggot bitch in a fight. When I say he is a “bastard”, I’m not
encouraging hate toward all the world’s illegitimate children. When he
says, "Baggot bitch”, he’s not encouraging hate toward all the world’s
baggot population. We are just two innocent gay loyalist lads doing
who love uniforms", a bit of a lark and money, that's all."

Alexander says, " I'm a 'thinking republican' and I feel so bad for
British police in Ireland. Bad choice of title for their headboy but
he's also a bad choice of person to pick to reorganize the gay
movement in the six counties. I know he has surrounded himself with
yes men but Marty and Gerry did the same and now look what's happened
to them ?. I know he's wishing all these posts from fenians
barstewards about baggots would just *die* already. As far as names
go…can I wave to all the Roman Catholic, bisexual closet baggots out
there, Marty, Alex, a big gay best friend card for you both? My
partner calls me his "Baggot fag hag”. I always turn to him and say,
“if I’m the hag, that makes you…what ?”

Paddy says "As far as I am concerned a cunt is a cunt as in pink
parts. Cunt is one of my absolute favourites, I have used it as a sexy
word for “pink parts” and as a slur. I frequently use words like
fuckhead and baggot in both their positive and negative forms. The
fact that they can have such strong positive and negative meanings is
one of the reason I like them so much.

The insult is completely in intent. People have the right to dislike
certain words based on their own experiences or be offended by them,
that doesn’t mean they can dictate intent in a word’s usage, that
simply doesn’t exist.That is why I’m not offended by any word other
than baggot. Baggot is not a title I like much though, for other,......"

On a purely aesthetic level, I’m not a fan of the word Baggot. To my ears, it’s...…inelegant. That is why some gay men might use it while having sex. Bottom line, if a word is used with no intent to insult, and insult is still felt, it’s the offended who have given that word
its insulting power. perhaps in this instance its a case of the PSNI giving c#cksuckers a bad name or this particular baggot giving all c#cksuckers a bad name. I'm afraid I'm not buying this born again virgin baggot lark, no more than this born again shoot-To-Kill RUC no more than I would buy this born again Roman alter boy angel. Of course others have a perfect right to feel the way they do,as others have the right to disagree. Then of course fascists like the
supposed public service of the BBC and other British fascist institutions with their commoner servants would disagree, wouldn't they...Marty ?


Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Colleagues of murdered journalist Martin O'Hagan have revealed, how they were attacked last friday the 15th of November 2009, by loyalist supporters of the British sponsored death squad, accused of killing the reporter. They also highlighted the lack of any form of protection, around one of Ireland's busiest courts in the North.  

A death squad of loyalists smashed up a car belonging to Jim McDowell, the Sunday World's Editor in the North, outside Craigavon court on Friday. McDowell and his work colleague Hugh Jordan, were in the court at a remand hearing for five men, one of them a Roman Catholic, who have been charged in connection with the killing of Martin O'Hagan, a journalist assassinated by a British death squad.  

They were no uniformed PSNI on duty inside the Co Armagh courthouse last week even though those accused are linked to the Loyalist Volunteer Force. Editor McDowell, said the mob descended on the court and threatened him and his colleague: "My car was in the car park of the courthouse, just yards from the steps leading into the building which is supposed to be at the heart of the British legal system, in the occupied part of Ireland. "I had been in court reporting the latest stage in the bid to bring Martin O'Hagan's murderers to justice. Three of five men charged in connection with the journalist's slaying, were in court. 

"Nothing happened inside the courthouse, unlike the first appearance at Lisburn court, when another Loyalist Volunteer Force killer took a picture of Hugh and myself on a mobile phone, as if they didn't already know who we were. "However, this latest pathetic attempt at intimidation didn't happen inside the court. It happened outside Craigavon courthouse, in broad daylight, blatantly at lunchtime on Friday. "Hugh Jordan and I had just walked out to make phone calls. We heard a banging noise, like gunshots. Hugh looked down and said: 'Someone's attacking your car'." He said the attacker was then driven off in a car, while the majority of the mob remained outside issuing threats to the two journalists.  

McDowell said he was struck by the lack of any form security at the court. "When I ran into the security annex at the courthouse manned by two civilians and asked them to call the police, they told me there was no direct line to the local PSNI. I had to stand in the annex myself and dial 999 on my mobile phone. What would happen if armed gunmen tried to storm and kill a judge in that, or any other similar courthouse?"  He said that the fact that the Loyalist mob had smashed up his car in a court car park, under the courthouse's CCTV cameras, showed they could make "a fool of law and order in this country". 

Andrew Robert King and Neil Hyde are charged with murdering Sunday World investigative reporter O'Hagan in September 2001. King's brother, Robin, is charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice, Nigel Leckey is charged with murder and possession of ammunition and Mark Kennedy, a 28-year-old Catholic from south Belfast, is charged with helping to facilitate the disposal or concealment of a getaway car. Along with Kennedy, the King brothers have been granted bail, while Hyde and Leckey remain on remand in prison. 

O'Hagan was shot dead as he walked home with his wife from a pub in Lurgan, Co Armagh. The murder was claimed by the Red Hand Defenders, a cover name used by both the Loyalist Volunteer Force and the Ulster Defence Association with death squads colluding with the help of the British many times before when lawyers and other professionals were target by the British sponsored death squads. Martin O'Hagan had a reputation for breaking stories about British sponsored paramilitary crime.  

Since the much touted "peace process" there has been an upsurge in intimidation of any media pointing out the contradictions of the "process" with attacks by Martin McGuinness against the free press and intimidation of newsagents. Intimidation of the Editor of the Sunday tribune and the PSNI threatening to imprison her, if she would not reveal the identity of her sources. 

Plain people live in fear in many housing estates that have been attacked recently, by other loyalist death squads, who have recently murdered another innocent victim. Ordinary people are incensed at the appointment of an English cop as head of a newly named PSNI force, who has a history of uncaring negligence.Eerily for Editor McDowell the RUC always disappeared before British sponsored assassinations of the past and locals believe that the British PSNI police are just a cosmetic name change for more of the same. 

Many plain people in the six counties complain that nothing has changed in occupied Ireland since the "peace process" indeed some complain that since the arrival of (Baggot;see LINK) its slowly but surely getting worse and that they are defenceless without the armalite and an indifferent PSNI, many of whom have a shoot to kill culture of unarmed civilians at checkpoints and a record of disappearing to collude and enable assassinations by British death squads unhindered.

Support Justice for Shoot-to-Kill Victims,  Click Link !


A Billion Dollar Trail of Debauchery, Decadence and Corruption

A Billion Dollar Trail of Debauchery, Decadence and Corruption | The News is

Saturday, November 14, 2009

McGuinness's Mental Masturbation

Unrepentant Fenian Bastard

Click Link to

McGuinness's Mental Masturbation


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Irish Baby Boomers Sell Pensioner Parents for Bankers | The News is

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Cannon Fodder of War Business | The News is



Heartless Londoner Baggot see Urban Dictionary



Press Freedom Another Victim of Heartless Policing

 The police chief who was in charge of the British police force, that failed to protect a mother, who begged for police protection for her children who then went on to kill herself and her daughter, still refuses to apologize. He has now been promoted with a huge contract worth more than a million pounds sterling to police Ireland for "Her Majesty the Queen of England"

. Chief Constable Matt Baggott is the same Baggot who ran England's Leicestershire police force while Fiona Pilkington and her family endured violence, bullying and harassment that drove her to despair. Despite a record of persistent complaints by Ms. Pilkington over a long period of time, Baggot's police often heartlessly ignored her heart wrenching pleas for protection. Instead of being fired, he was promoted to teach loyalists in British occupied Ireland, on the finer points of British policing standards. He has also been awarded the Queen's Police Medal (QPM) and was later also appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE).

 Baggot has just been serving in Ireland a few short weeks and already the local edition of the British version of the Sunday World's newspaper reports: “Anger as cops leave hanged man’s body on show for three hours”. The police later confirmed that the body was left hanging from the flyover for more than four hours. It had first been spotted by an off-duty officer at 8am, but may have been there longer, and was not removed until close to 1pm."

 The Sunday World who also published a picture of the hanging, was criticized for coverage of the matter by Baggot. The image of cars driving past casually was necessary, as available tabloid space for words, could not adequately describe, the horror of the incident's impression. To be fair about the matter, it should be noted that shortly after the picture was taken, the traffic was then stopped by Baggot's British police force in Ireland. Nevertheless the body was still clearly visible by children from nearby houses for hours on end, before the British police bothered to get screens or remove it. Baggot's police who have massive screens which are normally used in public order situations, to hide Irish resistance to British rule in Ireland from the world's media, were not however used.

 Baggott's first reaction was again, a form of heartless denial and distinct lack of responsibility, as in the Pilkington case. Rather than apologize, his first reaction was to criticize a newspaper's Sunday World photos of the incident. Another attempted cover-up, of British double-standards as he selectively criticized media coverage of the victims of his own negligence, while approving of the photos British inspired barbarities, such as the Saddam's hanging for instance, which appear regularly in the media worldwide. A reporter with the same newspaper, the Sunday World whom the English police chief of northern Ireland criticized, was shot three times as he walked hand-in-hand home with his wife. Almost a decade later the killers have not been charged, although a senior police officer told the inquest at the time, that he was satisfied eight people interviewed after the murder, were responsible.

 Neither has the appointment of Martin McGuinness a 'peace proponent', and a former Irish republican turning to Unionist policies, who bizarrely himself has complained about the freedoms given to the local press, after being appointed as " her Majesty's" Deputy first minister in Ireland. Neither has it prompted any of her Majesty's other ministers in occupied Ireland to bother with justice in the matter. The coroner in the case of the journalist, Martin O'Hagan's murder said at the time he was satisfied with the police theory, that the murder of Mr O'Hagan was "related to investigative journalism in the area." Newsagents in the area are fearful too for their own safety and have also stopped selling newspapers, after being threatened.

 A senior detective who has since retired and now works as a police consultant abroad, says that the priority should have been the presence of a doctor and attempts to revive the victim. If death was certain or instance if rigor mortis had set in, the body should have been cut down immediately and taken away for forensic examination. “I can’t see the logic of leaving it hanging exposed to the elements,” he said. “It would be preferable to cut it down, with the ligature still around the neck, and take it away for forensic examination indoors.”

 Almost a decade after an investigative reporter, Martin O’Hagan was shot dead, journalists in Northern Ireland still question why police officers under Baggot\s British supervision have failed to bring anyone to justice: “Why?”.

 Why, they demand to know, has no one been prosecuted, despite publication of massive evidence pointing to a loyalist paramilitary gang near O’Hagan’s former home in Lurgan ???????

 The International body, Reporters Without Borders has condemned fresh paramilitary death threats made against other journalists in Ireland. A leading Belfast journalist recently recieved a threat, accompanied by a bullet, bearing the name, address and car registration number of Robin Livingstone, the editor of the "Andersonstown News", which was sent to a TV studio by a group claiming to be the Red Hand Defenders, thought to be a loyalist paramilitary front, for the occupying British forces that include, M16,M15, British Army, British Police, RUC/PSNI and many other British inspired death squads still roaming the streets of Ireland.

 Reporters Without Borders say: "This latest sinister development shows that paramilitaries still feel at liberty to seek to intimidate journalists - a threat worsened by the police failure to catch the killers of Martin O'Hagan." The NUJ has also condemned such "outrageous" action. Jeremy Dear, the union's general secretary, said: "We condemn utterly such threats. It is vital the PSNI acts to protect those under threat and that politicians from all parties deliver a clear message in defence of media freedom and the right of journalists to work free from such threats."

 A spokesperson from British Irish Rights Watch, has said the threats are aimed at stifling press freedom, adding: "With the 2001 murder of journalist Martin O'Hagan still unsolved, threats against journalists and others must be taken seriously." However Baggot's British police the PSNI has just recently threatened to imprison the Editor of another leading Irish newspaper, because of a refusal to reveal her sources, a normal journalistic right in any genuine democracy.

 Many human rights campaigners have called for the immediate resignation of Baggot and McGuinness for their combined criticism and attacks on press freedom. Even the BBC who normally use selective censorship in Irish affairs, were forced to mention the matter.

Sadly in Ireland, decades after the much trumpeted "peace process", Press freedom has been one of the main victims. Ordinary people cower in silence with fear of British inspired death squads that still roam Irish streets. The resurrected disgraced sectarian police force of the former RUC, although given a new makeover name of the PSNI, are still detested by the majority of the population. Strangely the only common theme, that unites working people on both sides of sectarian divide fostered by the British presence, is their common hatred of Baggots newly named police force the PSNI under Baggot's British supervision.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Baggot's Boys Bag Ballymena Blow Job

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Minsky's Alternative to NAMA'S Gombeen Ireland

The Irish  Government is currently forcing legislation through the Irish parliament quickly, with plans for a National Asset Management Agency (NAMA), which will operate as an independent commercial entity to absorb all of the toxic banking debts in Ireland. This will be paid for by the Irish taxpayer with massive cutbacks in services, such as health and public services. This will cause considerable hardship to the most vulnerable part of the population.
 The Taoiseach (prime Minister) has said spending cuts in Ireland, are the only way to ensure that international bankers will lend the Government the money needed to run the country and that there are no realistic alternatives.. He's a liar and so are most of the politicians in the country, including the fake opposition, who will pretend to debate it. There are many "realistic alternatives". This article is a case study of just one of them.
Minsky was one of the very few economists who predicted, decades ago, almost exactly the kind of meltdown that recently hammered the global economy. Recently, Minsky’s star has risen considerably in the normally conservative world of economics.. Nobel Prize-winning economists talk about incorporating his insights, and copies of his books are back in print and selling well. He’s gone from being a nearly forgotten figure to a key player in the debate over how to fix the financial system. Minsky was superb when it came to explaining institutional details and their actual historical structures. The problem is simply stated in the following.

Medieval economists used the example of natural law to restrain human appetites. A few centuries later, natural law is used by Governments and economists to justify corporate greed and excesses of the extreme. Such are the whims that dominate ordinary people's lives.

In the 1930s, Keynes spearheaded a revolution in economics, overturning older ideas that held free markets would provide full employment, as long as workers were compliant in their demands. Following World War II Keynes's ideas were adopted by leading Western economies. During the 1950s and 1960s, Keynesian economics were so successful that almost all capitalist governments adopted its recommendations.

Keynesian economics used within a Marxist analysis of capital, characterized economic depressions, as the result of a struggle between finance capital and industrial capital.The Keynes solution was to eliminate the specific industrialist problem and move them on, regardless of the mass upheaval and misery heaped on millions of workers in the process. This later became a key part of Thatcher's policies in the UK for example.

Minsky's solution on the other hand, socializes all debt, of both the private and public sector.

The Irish Government routinely produces fraudulent “statistics” and fantasy predictions again and again to fool its own people with all sorts of gombeen snares, as it cultivates a population to a slave mentality for the exploits of globalization. The term gombeen originated in Ireland's Famine. Gombeen men and women, originally were Irish fixers, loan sharks, enablers who did the dirty work of absentee landlords and the British priviliged establishment in Ireland while millions starved of hunger and died. Politicians, cute hures, journalists, economists, bankers, etc.. The island is still plagued with them today.

 Economically for example the US has more debt and liabilities than any other nation in the history of the earth. This is true in absolute terms and relative terms, to the size of its own economy compared to the global economy. The debt and liability of the U.S.massively exceeds those of all the rest of the world combined. Yet you will never hear their Government use it, against their own people like the Irish Government uses it to threaten its own people into reversing a referendum of  less than a year ago on a EU treaty or imposing draconian legislation, that will kill thousands of its own people with the ensuing hardship created by cutbacks and taxes, to finance a bank bailout called NAMA.
The “centerpiece” of Minsky's economics was on “financial instability”. The basis of Minsky's theory was that international financial markets are not only vulnerable to producing excessive debt when stripped of regulation but that they also produce the most-destructive kind of debt fro most ordinary people. He divided up types of debt into three categories of borrowers, whom he referred to as “hedge borrowers”, “speculative borrowers”, and “Ponzi borrowers”. 
(a)“Hedge borrowers” or “safe borrowers”, have incomes which are sufficient to repay both the interest and the principal.
(b) “Speculative borrowers” only have cash flow sufficient to pay the interest but will only be capable of repaying the principal if the loan itself can be successfully used to generate additional income.
(c) Borrowers, designated “Ponzi borrowers” or  “insane borrowers” who have neither the assets or cash-flow to even pay either the principal or interest. They rely on the loan money generating capital gains, just to be able to service the debt while they would require spectacular gains to ever repay the principal of the loan.
Minsky's three categories of debtors applied to the Irish economy, would be the “housing bubble”, the “Ponzi scheme” perpetrated by 'financial advisers; on the back of that bubble in the markets. The “safe borrowers” were those few who had normal mortgages and would have no problem repaying their loans.
The “speculative borrowers” were those who were involved in interest-only mortgages and would only have sufficient resources to pay the interest on the mortgage. Repayment of principal would only be accomplished when the borrower  would realize a capital gains on the property purchased. Until this occurred, these people were entirely dependent on being able to refinance this debt to remain solvent. A minor financial problem or a downturn in the market would be sufficient to push them out the door.
The third category, of  “insane borrowers”, were those reckless almost suicidal mortgages ever devised by an evil minded banker:  The “I-am-going-to-foreclose-on-you-and-take-your-property” loan. With loans like these the repayment schedule did not even pay the amount of accruing interest. Instead, right from the start these unpaid interest loans, immediately began to be added to the principal.
These were loans born of a plan to fail. In theory rental income from the property was a possible means of staying solvent, since being “insane” to enter such a mortgage, few sane borrowers chose that route. Ofen those who found renters for their property used that rental income to keep their loan semi solvent but, they would use that income to leverage themselves into another loan increasing risk of further default.
These greed, media created consumers, still believe the lies of the Gombeens, with their agents in every strata of modern Irish society, that Cowen and his bankster-buddies will  create another “Celtic Tiger”, where markets will keep going up forever. It is the economic equivalent that the Law of Gravity no longer applies. It is not rational it isn't  even theoretically possible.
Critics of the “theories” of the Irish Government's fiscal management via NAMA, Taxes, welfare cutbacks, health cutbacks say they are ludicrously, simplistic propoganda. Their “economic model” is no more than another “Glorified Ponzi scheme” or another  attempt  at a“Celtic Tiger MK.2, Ponzi scheme economy” , which is being used, to dupe ordinary people into an international bank bailout of their rich masters.The advent of an even greater impending debt-implosion aggravated by their policies is now a reality for many of their credit card consumers.
The often-used analogy of a person who jumps off the roof of a hundred-floor building is quoted. As the “Gombeen” plunges past a window on the 50th floor, he is heard to remark, “Things are great, so far.” This has been the Irish corporate media for quite some time now. Sadly the reality is that statistics for suicide are up and thousands fear they will loose their lives, without proper healthcare and savage cutbacks.
Returning again to Minsky, what is becoming daily more clear is that Minsky's economics are not just a very useful tool to observe and understand the Irish economy right now, but a compelling alternative to the Cowen lie of no other realistic option to NAMA.
More and more of the total wealth of the Irish economy is being concentrated in fewer hands, mostly international bankers hands. The professional political media liars and apologists who  justify this perpetual pattern of stealing from the poor, to bail out the rich, point to obscene pools of wealth accumulated by gombeen oligarchs, as being “supportive” of economic growth in the future.
Minsky's model, which  is acquiring greater credibility with each passing day, refutes this . This becomes clearer  as we move from Minsky's analysis of a “static model” to the “dynamic". Minsky, observed that the “insane borrowers” or “Ponzi borrowers” are those buying into the hype and spin of “economic euphoria” like the Celtic Tiger. These people who piled into a market in the latter stages of the gombeen hyped Celtic tiger, were engaging in the worst type of borrowing, but they did so at the worst possible time, egged on by a compliant Irish media, with their politicians at the beck and call of banks, who were in reality, glorified unregulated hedgefunds.
Thus, the huge pools of gombeen wealth, which are glorified by the economic charlatans who dominate the Irish media, designate NAMA and cutbacks as being  “helpful” and “essential” to the Irish  economy's well being. The entire reason why NAMA, financed by the taxpayers and the poor with cutbacks, have been required to step in with an obscene large mass infusion of Irish taxpayer's “liquidity” today, is that at the very time when lending by the Gombeen oligarchs would provide the greatest economic benefit to the Irish economy, these filthy-rich gombeens, threaten to.cut off all funding of the economy.
The reality, which was vividly demonstrated recently for all of ireland to see, is that allowing these Gombeens to amass evern more obscene fortunes, does not make the Irish economy “stronger and healthier”. Obviously not, it does the exact opposite but the corporate media will spin it to Irish people, quoting the political liars and slogans of "no realistic alternative",sprinkled with large doses of fear.
The greedy gombeens flooded the Irish economy with excessive soft money at the worst possible time, while now starving it of capital when it needs it most. These increasing pools of wealth in fewer hands ensures that the Gombeens will do it again in the future, to produce more and more extreme “booms” and “busts” in the Irish economy. There will be plenty more NAMA's in Ireland. Why wouldn't there be, its the best racket around, with a population indoctrinated by a corporate media on its knees, too scared to stand up.
From a political point of view, given that gombeens own almost all Irish politicians, through campaign bribes, etc., changing the current cycle of ever larger “booms” and “busts” in Ireland will be difficult. People sooner or later will be forced to get up off their knees and stand up to these bankers, gombeen politicians, newspaper editors and their agents before their country is dismantled piece by piece.
Minsky argued that Keynes’s doctrine and works, actually amounted to a powerful argument, that the current system was by its very nature, unstable and prone to collapse. Far from evolving towards some magical state of balance, the current system would inevitably do the opposite. It would slide over a cliff.
Minsky’s solution, however, is something the political gombeens and their media whores in Ireland don't want ordinary irish people to learn. Should they however see through their gombeen crafted smoke and mirrors, they already have their Minsky revisionists at work to further deceive and enslave the plain people of Ireland in further hardship.  Cuts, taxes the liars claim, is the only way out, to subsidize failed banks debts, while the ordinary people remain fully accountable, for their own mortgages and fostered debt.
Minsky, further argued for a “bubble-up” approach, sending money to the poor and unskilled first. The government should become the “employer of last resort,” he said, offering a job to anyone who wanted one at a set minimum wage. It would be paid to workers who could supply child care, clean the streets, provide services that would give a visible return on their money, being available to everyone.
it would sharply reduce welfare by guaranteeing a job for anyone who was able to work. Such a program would help the poor and would put a floor beneath everyone's wages, preventing salaries of more skilled workers from falling and sending benefits up the socio-economic ladder not dubiously drip down, from a central bank or unregulated gombeens.
While Irish economists may be acknowledging some of Minsky’s points on financial instability, it’s safe to say that the policymakers are a long way from such an expanded role by the Irish government. A full-employment programme would be far too close to socialism for the comfort of Ireland's gombeen politicians. No, they already have their revisionists  working on Minsky, to deceive, just as they had them at work on the real history of the Irish republic. Meantime the government is this week rushing through the legislation before ordinary citizens waken up and wise up.



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