Irish Time

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Whither Hugo?

Chavez’s Enemies See Opportunities in Cancer

By Mike Whitney
“When Chavez became president of Venezuela, the country was limping….. He gave everything he had in him – his sweat, soul, strength, energy, intelligence and love – to change Venezuela with dignity, growth, sovereignty, and nation-building. …. He helped it to grow strong, beautiful and happy….Today, Venezuela grows and flourishes, thanks to his commitment and vision, thanks to his dedication and determination, thanks to his love.”
Eva Golinger, Postcards from the Revolution
Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez is very sick. Currently he is in Havana, Cuba receiving treatment for a severe respiratory infection following his forth cancer surgery in less than 2 years. Chavez hasn’t been seen in public for more than 3 weeks.
Last week, Venezuela’s vice president, Nicolas Maduro, issued a statement intended to quash malicious rumors about the president’s health and inform worried supporters about the ailing Chavez’s condition. Here’s what he said:
“We have been informed of new complications that have arisen as the result of a previously diagnosed respiratory infection. Yesterday we were aware of his situation and how he is responding to his medication. We met numerous times with his medical team and his family. Just a few minutes ago we were with President Chavez. He greeted us himself and talked about the complications.
After 19 days after undergoing surgery, President Chavez state of health continues to be delicate with complications that are being attended to in a process that is not without risks. Thanks to his great physical and spiritual and strength, Commander Chavez is confronting this difficult challenge.
We have decided to stay with Chavez in Havana for the next few hours attentive to how his actual situation develops.”
Chavez’s struggle with cancer has been greeted with elation by the mainstream media that can barely contain its glee at the former-paratrooper’s misfortune. The MSM—-representing the interests of bankers, corporatists, cutthroat oil oligarchs and bloodthirsty weapons manufacturers —have waged a long and bitter fight with the man who dared to oppose the profit system, nationalise the nation’s oil industry, and reject Washington’s imperial ambitions in the region. For that, Chavez has been demonized in the media as a “leftist strongman” and a “dictator”. Corporate mandarins everywhere see Chavez’s illness as an opportunity to recolonize the thriving country and replace its democratically-elected leadership with the any one of silver-spoon loafers that Washington keeps in tow for just this kind of situation. (Think:  Karzai) Two Intel agency-generated coups (guess who?) have failed to topple the popular and tenacious Chavez. We can only hope that he will be equally successful in his battle with cancer.
The media has launched an impressive propaganda campaign aimed at discrediting Chavez, denigrating his achievements, and spreading fear about the future. The intention is to foment political instability and gin up support for the right-wing opposition which has the implicit support of Washington. Here’s a sample of the lies that are being spread by Chavez’s enemies:
“Spain’s ABC reported on Monday that president Chavez “has entered into an induced coma, with his vital signs very low, maintained by artificial assistance… sources consulted by the ABC assured on Monday that a disconnection from artificial assistance had been scheduled…this disconnection, with the foreseeable result of death, could happen at any time”.
The article further claimed that “almost half a metre of his intestine has been extracted” and that Chavez hasn’t eaten solid food since.
The ABC also speculated that Venezuelan government officials “seem to be preparing the country for the news of his [Chavez’s] death”.
The report was reposted and copied by other mainstream media sources, and follows a previous report by the ABC last week claiming that “Chavez had a tracheotomy” and was on “artificial respiration”. (“Venezuelan Government Denounces ‘Psychological Warfare’ Regarding Chavez’s Health”, Venezuelanalysis)
None of this is true. It’s all politically-motivated baloney. Chavez is not in a coma, half a metre of his intestines have NOT been removed, he has Not had a tracheotomy, and the government is NOT preparing the country for the news of his death”. These rumors just illustrate how despised Chavez is among the racketeer class of brandy-drooling plutocrats who want to return Venezuela to the pre-Chavez glory days of widespread ignorance, injustice and grinding poverty where 1 percenters ran the whole shooting match like their personal fiefdom. Chavez swept the miscreants from office, restored the rule of law, and initiated social programs which have lifted millions out of poverty, raised standards of living across the board, reduced illiteracy, lowered unemployment, provided universal health care, increased pensions and minimum wage, nationalised Venezuela’s booming oil industry, and stuck a big fat thumb in Uncle Sam’s imperial eye at every opportunity. And that is why he is despised in the media, in the corporate penthouse suites and in the Oval Office. As Sky News foreign affairs correspondent Lisa Holland opined in a recent article:
“A strident critic of America’s foreign policy, (Chavez) has been a thorn in Washington’s side and has always been quick to offer shelter and vocal support to the countries America has struggled with.” (Sky News.)
You bet he has, and that’s why we love him.
Speedy recovery, Hugo. Yo soy Chavez!



Police were out in force as loyalists demonstrated outside Belfast City Hall last night
Police were out in force as loyalists demonstrated outside Belfast City Hall last night

Loyalists threw bottles and stones at police in a sixth straight night of violence in east Belfast.

I have written a number of posts since these protests started and I have yet to get an answer. Please - if there is a unionist out there who reads this please kindly reply and tell me why it is so important for you that Northern Ireland remains within the United Kingdom. As I said I have yet to get a reply over the last month so perhaps they don't know why they want NI to remain within the UK. maybe it's what their parents told them and they must be right.

I think i have a solution , this may sound crazy but why not just arrest these assholes.Every night you get a few more till there are no assholes left .Problem solved !!
1 reply · active 54 minutes ago
Hitler would have loved to have these loyalist goons in his brown shirt brigade!
3 replies · active 1 hour ago
As I said before someone who did not agree with my post got it deleted. They have been itching for a fight with the short strand area for quite a few nights. Poke a hornets nest for long enough you will eventually get a reaction. Now we have a new fighter in the ring and a way to divert attention and cry victim in all this. This flag going down has not affected your day to day life in any way shape or form. It is also not down for good or has it been replaced with a tri colour. This "protest" however is affecting those in the east who have to travel on these roads to get to work and take care of our families etc. Please will you all just give it a rest!
A special meeting of Unionist representatives has been called in a bid to end the loyalist unrest ................................... The dumb meeting the dumber to try to undo their dumb idea for to bring their dumb zombies on to our roads and streets. What will be their next dumb idea, will it also backfire on them and make the situation even worse?
The great problem facing Unionism is that they have no educated leaders.

The Unionist party has always had a great hold in working class communities; but guess what: there's no work for them any more!

So for now, the Unionist flag flies for the Benefits Community.

Don't for a moment, by the way, think that the people rioting, burning cars in the street have to go to work in the morning. They are the feckless, lazy scum for which you pay taxes.

But the Tories want to rid them all of their free monies!
But the Unionists love the tories!

At some point, the penny will drop. The working classes of Belfast, or let's be realistic, the class that had work about 30 years ago, will realise that London shat on them some 20 years ago.

They don't have the wit to realise this, yet.

At another point, the poor Protestants will realise that they were always going to be the most shat-upon in the UK. And shat-upon, most comprehensively, by the people they voted for.

Meanwhile, they will continue to vote for and support the very laws that ensure their enslavement. Because their leadership is unschooled and incapable of understanding what is happening.

Goodbye, Unionism. You no longer have the skills to compete.

Edit:: sorry, forgot. You can always kill people. Makes you big men in the pub, doesn't it?

'I may not be able to support my family; I may be hated by my family and/or associates but look, I killed an unarmed man, shot him in the back. I deserve respect. Fear me.'

That's how one garners respect on the Shore road, isn't it?

TL,DR: Unionists are too thick to realise that they are advancing the cause of Nationalism with their actions. Keep punching yourselves in the face, fellas!
2 replies · active 2 hours ago
There's a great headline coming up soon: 'Cousin/Nephew/Son/Brother-in-law injured by recreational rioter'. 'I was just bored, and wanted to join in. I had no idea I was going to give my uncle brain damage when I threw that curbing stone at him. He had a helmet on, I couldn't recognise him.' It was unclear if wee jimmy would have felt guilty if he hadn't been related to the victim.

Belfast flags trouble: Plastic bullets fired at protesters   The Unionists who insist on disrupting business in Belfast are going to get their wish. I am boycotting Northern Ireland and my tours of Ireland with 25 plus people will not include the North. So until the smart people start to show some leadership, don't start crying when your hotels are not filled up and tourists are not shopping in your stores. I was planning a big trip 12 day trip covering all four provinces for 2014. Not now. Many friends who visit Ireland ask me where to go, and at the moment it is not the North. Unionists have brought this on themselves. How pathetic it is to cry about the flag not been flowing over the city Hall, but your children are not completing school, fewer are going to university and then cannot get jobs, and thereby continue to live in highly depressed unemployed areas. Unbelievable!!!! Get into the 21st Century and stop trying to live in the 17th Century.

35 replies · active 1 week ago
Anyone who saw the video's of the wild hooligans running up to vans and threatening drivers, had to think twice about where to shop. Then the threats to the different political leaders and that was it!

Read more:

The BBC's Chris Page says it is a "seriously challenging night" for police, as footage shows violence and a hijacked lorry on the streets

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Police have fired plastic bullets during a fifth consecutive night of riots during flag protests in Belfast.
The PSNI said weapons, including hatchets and sledge hammers, were used to attack police officers and their vehicles on Newtownards Road.


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