Irish Time

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Why British Police Can Go to Hell in Ireland

The phrase scientia potentia est is Latin. In English it means "For also knowledge itself is power" as stated originally by Francis Bacon in 1597. In modern times it is often stated  as "knowledge is power."  This phrase is used by the British and their unofficial media, primarily the BBC, as a basis for their Official Secrets Act, guarding their system of monarchy and privileged class system, as justification for withholding knowledge, that can deliver commoners some form of freedom, threatening their masters.

In Ireland as a result of a 'Surrender Agreement', agreed primarily by Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness  two former Irish catholic republican leaders, the British Intelligence services are now allowed an expanded role to operate and broadcast via their broadcast service the BBC in all parts of Ireland, including the former free state. The lengthy process, involved the British negotiating up, as all professional negotiators do. The hapless Adams and McGuinness on the other hand, walking away with their tails between their legs, with less freedom for Irish people after the latest phase of 40 years of struggle by Irish freedom fighters, than the island had to begin with.

 It is possible that Francis Bacon was also referring to extracts from that best known book of the Roman Empire, officially sanctioned as, proverbs: 24:5: "A wise man has great power, and a man of knowledge increases strength." Other references to this phrase, can be found in Greek philosophy, simply stated - if the world exists as the result of dialectic consciousness, then information control, can be used to directly manipulate reality.

Under the same recent 'Surrender Agreement', MI5 who recently built a new state-of-the-art headquarters inside the British Army’s Palace Barracks in Belfast, the largest outside their main headquarters in England, where they will co-ordinate intelligence,  passed from their subordinates the RUC/PSNI, staffed at officer level by their own MI5 agents.  This ensures that the police ombudsman and local superficial policing boards, cannot investigate British spying and intelligence gathering in Ireland. 

MI5 is meant to be the ‘domestic’ wing of British Intelligence Services but is now operating in all of Ireland, which as a result of the agreement, is now regarded officially as, "John Bull's Other Island".  Neither is it's activities, confined to gathering intelligence. MI5's activities were best illustrated in Ireland by the central role its agents played in the murder of 33 ordinary people in its Dublin/Monaghan bombings.

The number of people currently working for MI5 in Ireland as paid agents is  again a 'British Official Secret Secret' but it numbers at least several thousand, including their journalists. There were seventy ethical journalists assassinated worldwide in 2009 as a result of publishing such 'secrets' online , making it the worst year since records began, the Committee to Protect Journalists says.

Below is a link to what happened to a witness of Ireland's new policing arrangements. Colin Duffy's two friends, a distinguished human rights lawyer Rosemary Nelson was blown in half by a car bomb outside her home in Lurgan, the other Sam Marshall in a separate incident was shot in the head, as he lay injured on the ground from previous gunfire. 

Colin Duffy is in prison for a long time now without trial, under Ireland's new form of internment. Colin's Duffy's crime is that he knows too much and seen too much, first hand of what exactly the new British policing arrangements in Ireland mean. Its a taste of things to come, for those brave enough to challenge the injustices of British policing in occupied Ireland. His treatment is precisely the same, as previous attempts by the British, to discredit and criminalize Bobby Sands and the 11 other recent prisoners who died on hunger strike as political prisoners. Dead, imprisoned and discredited witnesses, have always been the modus operandi of perfidious Albion in Ireland.

People who bear witness in a forthright manner, to the truth and reality of policing in Ireland, post the Surrender Process, are either assassinated, imprisoned, discredited, threatened or blackmailed in various attempts to silence them. The process is sanitized by their agent embedded media spin doctors, calling their murderers security forces or the Surrender Process a peace process. The alternative media of the people of no property in Ireland, who tell it like it really is, are censored in a host of manipulative ways and challenged by their embedded 'official' politicians also given a platform in "their mainstream media". 

The voices of the witnesses need your help to get the truth out, before they too are silenced. Re-tweet it, share it on Facebook, share it with your friends, ask them to pass it on. Real peace will not happen in Ireland without justice and a genuine people's police force of the people, for justice. Unfortunately, there is no easier softer way, there are no short cuts to genuine peace with justice. The struggle will eventually make those voices strong. The spirit of freedom that Bobby Sands referred to in Ireland is too strong to be extinguished.

The British police and army have butchered too many people in Ireland, to ever be accepted or trusted by ordinary people. Check the reality out for yourself at this link and independently and verify it for yourself with trustworthy sources.

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