Irish Time

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Muphry's Law dictates that  if a mistake is as plain as the nose on your face, everyone can see it but you.

After the large car bomb explosion outside the court house in Newry city centre
last night. The British paramilitary police said they received warnings around 30 minutes before the
explosion went off, and were in the process of clearing the area when the bomb exploded. There are no reports of any injuries.

The bomb was heard by people living up to four miles from the scene.It comes days after an unexploded mortar rocket was abandoned outside a British paramilitary police base in the nearby County Armagh village of Keady. The area around the heavily fortified courthouse remains sealed off as the occupying British Army check for further devices.

It is understood to be the largest bomb explosion in British occupied Ireland for several years.It follows a series of IED's by traditional republicans which have been left all over occupied Ireland..Last month, a member of the British paramilitary police was serious injured when a device exploded underneath his car.

Local Member of the occupying British Parliament and former republican Conor Muprhy, said: "The fact that we're in the process of devolving policing and justice powers and there's an attack on a courthouse will not be lost on people. These people are trying to drag us backwards and ensure we have the British army back on the streets." What Muphry fails to mention is that MI5 have all the senior positions staffed in the occupying  British paramilitary police force and the nature of MI5 is secrecy and undermining Ireland, as in the instance of the Dublin/Monaghan bombings without warning and murder of 33 people. The reality is that the politicians answer to MI5 not the other way around.Only a fool would agree to their state of the art headquarters win Ireland with thousand of their agents scattered in every facet of Irish life. Let me remind you again Mr Muphry of Muphry's Law;

 Muphry's Law  dictates that if a mistake is as plain as the nose on your face, everyone can see it but you.

 Most of the high salaried British establishment including the collaborators have vested interest in the status quo and the ordinary people have long since given up on any of them defending the Irish victims of the occupying British state sponsored assassinations or imprisoned of  community activists on corrupted evidence by their British paramilitary police.

None of Provisional Sinn Fein MP's now condemning resistance have credibility with traditional Irish republicans, they say none of them were ever on any of  the marches from occupied Ireland to Dublin, when the 11 hunger strikers comrades along with Bobby Sands were dying, despite orders from HQ , that the hunger strike was the singular priority of the movement at the time.

Traditional republicans categorically state that these Castle Catholics with their own Catholic agenda, who infiltrated the movement, are in fact the antithesis of the non-sectarian nature of republicanism and they do not speak or care for the oppressed people of no property in Ireland or traditional republicans. They state that the Catholic Church's sponsored peace process from their peace people movement was an utterly stage managed fake infiltrated surrender process of decades of Irish resistance and has no basis or reality in communities of ordinary people, especially those of no property.

Mentioning the Catholic Church, which has had a malignant influence on Irish republican affairs since Maynooth was founded, with elected ardent Catholic politicians like Murphy, Adams and McGuinness, referring policies to the Catholic hierarchy for approval, before recent revelations of a damning indictment of the British paramiltary police force, which ignored complaints of serious crime against their family and colleagues and covered up the systematic rape and abuse of children in good old Catholic Gombeen Ireland. 

The revisionist Catholic fake republican leaders, genuflecting before the Men of the Cloth, as they set about building a Gombeen Nation and sell it to the highest international bidders or blackmailers, prospering and exploiting while the Irish people of no property are assassinated, tortured, imprisoned, discredited, medicated or starved.

Catholic Headquarters, Maynooth, Ireland was built by the British Govt as part of a cosy deal whereby the Catholic Church ran services that in Britian were under the control of democratically elected local councils, thereby negating the need for such councils in Ireland. The gombeen political nature of revisionist Castle Catholic republicans in the gombeen nation are complex, as a result of warps developed in the Irish psyche over hundreds of years of Brutal British Physical Oppression coupled with Catholic Roman Empire Psychological and sexual oppression, 

SEE LINK; and conquered civilizations in decline for details.

The Irish resistance to the British Empire is ultimately part of an international struggle, by people of no property across the planet, disinherited by centuries of wanton imperialist exploitation and native gombeen parasites collaborating while compliant gombeen local politicians, fool and betray their  largely impoverished electorate into submission. McGuinness, Adams and Murphy, etc., are just the latest embodiment in this ignoble gombeen parasite.

The traditional bonds of oppressed communities, along with their no property class consciousness, is the solidarity in which the struggle lives. This rather than working class consciousness of organized labour, the class with nothing to loose anymore from which comes the revolution, when offered genuine visionary leadership and the class from which trustworthy leadership must eventually come. The latest republican operation is evidence that the damage, inflicted on the traditional republican movement, by the previous insipid, revisionist, semi-leadership, with an infiltrated  Roman Catholic/British agreed agenda, rather than the traditional non-sectarian visionary strong leadership, is being repaired.

 One of the major lessons of the latest phase of the struggle is the lesson  that Rome not alone carried out a lot of brutality in  Ireland but warped the focus of resistance and the British certainly manipulated this, both divided the people using religion. The 800 Year War was never about faith it was always about the occupation of Irish ground and the brutality and the impoverishment of mind, body and spirit that went with it. When the butchers apron is taken and occupied Ireland returned to all of the Irish people, not just a few and  Catholic & Protestants leave their faiths at home and be the Irish people they all claim to be, whenever they go abroad, a genuine peace will happen in Ireland as part of the international liberation process.

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Newry Car Bomb Ireland

A massive car bomb has exploded outside a courthouse in the Occupied Ireland border town of Newry, in the latest of increasingly frequent attacks in the province. British Paramilitary Police were in the process of evacuating people from the area when there was a large explosion in a car which left the vehicle ablaze close to the courthouse gates, a spokeswoman for the paramilitary British Police said.
There were no initial reports of casualties, she added. reports are also coming in of another explosion on the border of Occupied Ireland in Fermanagh. It comes only days after a mortar bomb was abandoned outside a police station in the nearby Co Armagh village of Keady.
Last March traditional republicans gunned down two soldiers at Massereene army barracks, Antrim. Two days later they shot dead police constable Stephen Carroll in Craigavon, Co Armagh. Last month a  police officer was seriously injured in car bomb attack in Co Antrim while a number of police stations have been shot at several times in recent weeks.
Traditional Iris republicans want the British out of Ireland, lock, stock and barrel and self determination for the Irish people.

Brutish Bulsscutter Coperation Video

The term IED was first used in the early 1970s by the British Army when the IRA made bombs from fertiliser and Semtex.Using the first timers in bombs decades back, skills evolved to fit timing mechanisms and methods of detonation, command wire, radio control, radar with light initiation and anti-handling mechanisms. The bomb that blew up the Grand Hotel in Brighton was aimed at assassinating the entire British Cabinet of Thatcher, was the first to incorporate a video recorder's long-delay timer. Radio-controlled devices were used from model aircraft. Irish republicans also use car parking timers. Under-vehicle IEDs, were fitted with a novel and deadly booby-trap devices, like the mercury-tilt switch.

IED's were also common in Vietnam where the Vietcong made them from unexploded American ordinance. In Afghanistan today in the battle for Marjah, the coalition has 15,000 soldiers ringing an estimated 400 Taliban fighters. It first appears like no contest. Still the advance is so slow and bloody because the Taliban have ringed the town with IEDs in what is known as the “belt of death”.

The IED's now rival the Kalashnikov as the freedom fighters weapon of the 21st century. It can be assembled by villagers in a shed  and it enables them to take on the invader, who have huge numbers and massive fire power, just as the US industrial war complex Stinger surface-to-air missiles, enabled the Mujaheddin to neutralize Soviet air power in the 1980s..

“The operational word of IED is ‘improvised’. Constantly changing expertise that stays ahead of the game. The Pentagon on the other hand has spent $15.5 billion and employed the top scientific minds in an effort to come up with the best ways to detect and survive IEDs. Its scientists and engineers for the last three years have been working round the clock on robots, lasers, chemical detectors and even specially trained bees.

In 2003 there were 81 recorded IED incidents in Afghanistan. Last year there were 8,159. In Helmand soldiers vomit before they go on patrol, because the chances of being hit are so high. In September 2003 in Iraq, there were 100 explosions a month,  rising to 2,000. US central command in July 2003, asked the Pentagon for a “Manhattan project-like” approach. The Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organisation (Jieddo) now has more than 3,000 staff and funds of $4 billion a year.

The man in charge is General Michael Oates, a four-tour veteran of Iraq. “The war against IEDs is very personal,” he says. “I’ve lost many of my men to them and I’ve been in proximity many times. A vehicle behind you blowing up, a vehicle in front, your own vehicle getting hit ... My driver killed. Virtually every soldier I know has seen an IED or been close to one or knows someone who died.”

About half of all American soldiers who died in Iraq were killed by IEDs, while in Afghanistan the figure is now about two-thirds. But insurgents quickly learnt that they inflict more than just death and injury. The IED is a tactical weapon in that people not only use it to maim and kill but also a strategic weapon in that it impacts the will of countries that invade.The Netherlands for example has just voted to withdraw its 2,000 troops in Afghanistan.

Sergeant John Stricklett did four tours in Baghdad, often taking the “long walk” to defuse a bomb. He can operate the Talon robot from a laptop in a case, studying the area from its four mounted cameras and manoeuvring its claw-like hands.“It becomes my hands and disassembles the bomb, while I can stay at remote distance,” he says. “On my last deployment I lost three robots. If I’d walked down that street instead, they would have got me.”At $150,000 a time, the robots are expensive, but cheap in comparison with the lives they save. When robots don’t work, the technicians have to put on a blastresistant suit and a transparent face shield, resembling an astronaut’s mask. 

The lunacy of amassing all this money and brainpower to invade and try to defeat a bunch of Afghan farmers, like the Vietnamese rice farmers before them in Vietnam, who actually defeated the Americans seems to be lost on the invaders. Meanwhile the locals carry on assembling bombs in their mud houses, using fertiliser packed in jugs leaving the modern expert to scratch his head and conclude, “Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to defeat,” he says. “As Americans we like technology, we like complicated things. That’s what I’ve been trying to get my head round, how to think more simply.”

A research laboratory in Los Alamos has found that honeybees because of their acute sense of smell can be trained within 20 minutes to recognise a particular chemical. The small hairs that bees use to detect pollen can be used to detect any scent, prompting them to stick out their tongues. It proposes putting bees in a detecting machine with a monitor that registers a signal when the bees stick out their tongues. But the logistics of carrying bees inside army vehicles moving around Afghanistan have proved unworkable.

The main testing site for the counter-IED programme is an island in Chesapeake Bay. About 100 yards away a copy of the latest Taliban IED is blown up and the screens all light up. As it explodes, the device sends out lethal fragments and explosive gases, and what we are doing is using X-ray imaging to capture this. The information enables a team to design better armour for army vehicles. Experts admit that, whatever his team comes up with, the farmers always seem to be one step ahead.

The army strengthened their Humvee from a 1.25-ton chassis to 2.5 tons. Then it built 20-ton MRAPs,  mine-resistant ambush-protected vehicles with V-shaped hulls to deflect blasts. Now all of  those are being hit as the farmers adapted by using larger explosives.“You might argue, why don’t you just armour more,” says Oates. “But the problem is, you reach a crossover point where you can so protect yourself you can’t do your mission. We really want to stop farmers placing IEDs and we can’t do that if we’re inside vehicles so protected we can’t go outside.”

.The invaders try get into the minds of the insurgents. They sit in offices plastered with maps of Pakistan and Afghanistan and try to predict what future IEDs might look like. but the farmers keep come up with things never expected.They take something extremely simple and make it extremely complex, they are really creative. Old mobile phones, wires, circuit boards, 7-Up cans, toy cars, walkie-talkies, key rings, handheld electronic games. The IED petting zoo, otherwise known as the ‘petting zoo of death’.

The most common IEDs in Afghanistan are simple pressure plates, two wooden blocks with metallic strips inside that make contact when a person or vehicle goes over them, attached to a command wire that sets off the explosion. Pressure plates so intricate that the farmers are now budding engineers. A wire with several pressure plates along it, is what’s known as a Christmas tree light.

For a while, insurgents were using wireless devices that could be triggered by punching a code into a cellphone as a convoy passed. When coalition forces started using jammers on their vehicles to block the phone signal, the farmers devised a new command-wire and pressure-plate IEDs. These are hard to detect because they use graphite for the connections to avoid being found by metal detectors, though this is expensive. The insurgents are also working on ways to defeat the jammers.

The farmers are not believed to have a centralised IED unit, and there is a lot of regional variation. But everyone under a certain regional commander will usually use the same design. The farmers are good at disguising IEDs in rubbish, potholes or craters from previous blasts. But for all the fancy technology, a high percentage of the IEDs found are spotted by soldiers noticing something doesn’t look right.

The money spent to counteract the farmers IED's is almost double the entire spending of the Afghan government. Not everyone agrees throwing all this money at the problem is the best way to go.Oates does not agree. “After you’ve survived one but clearly felt the effect, you know the feeling next time you go out, when you’re looking around all the time so much your neck hurts, waiting for the next,” he says. “Try and explain that to someone. That’s why we’re doing this.”The Afghan farmers like their Vietnamese rice farmer comrades don't agree either, neither do they bother to explain, their IED"s seems to be the only language the invaders listen to, as the Dutch parliament withdrawing 2,000 troops, wisely did yesterday.

Back in Ireland between 1970 and up to today in 2010, Irish republicans continue to detonate a staggering 20,000 IEDs on occupied Irish territory territory to date. Irish republican IED's are exclusively aimed at destroying economic infrastructure and killing or injuring those viewed to be instrumental in continuing British rule in occupied Ireland, not aimed at ordinary civilians, which is a war crime and counterproductive to the cause of liberation.

Recently the British establishment were badly advised that political prisoners were the soft underbelly of Irish resistance, quite the contrary, nothing could be futher from the truth. Improvised prison resistance, from the blanket protest, to the dirt protest to the deaths of 12 Hunger strikers relatively recently have been the most effective IED in Ireland. It is not a matter to be undertaken lightly or in an unmeasured or unorganized way but it is particularly explosive when used correctly with proper leadership on the outside among the people.

One of Ireland's leading republicans Padraig Pearse who was executed by the British declared; "They think that they have pacified Ireland. They think that they have purchased half of us and intimidated the other half. They think that they have foreseen everything, think that they have provided against everything; but the fools, the fools, the fools! - they have left us our Fenian dead, and while Ireland holds these graves, Ireland unfree shall never be at peace."

He could have replaced, Fenian dead with Fenian prisoners which has proven to be Ireland's most effective IED.  Ask any young Fenian in Lurgan or west Belfast today what Bobby Sands or Colin Duffy means to them. The newly named British police in occupied Ireland are about to learn exactly what they mean, as the latest foolish police target of IED's in Ireland will testify.

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