Irish Time

Monday, May 21, 2012

London 2012 : Galway Whooker Says Phuk 'Em - Human Rights British Occupied Ireland

London 2012 : Galway Whooker Says Phuk 'Em - Human Rights British Occupied Ireland

category international | rights and freedoms | opinion/analysis author Monday May 21, 2012 22:22author by BrianClarkeNUJ - AllVoices Report this post to the editors
Human Rights British Occupied Ireland
Her painful silence continues, I don't know what to do about Patricia? I'm madly in love with her, without knowing the status of our relationship? Were we engaged, going steady or what? I don't know?. I have been phucking like a red-rooster since she went. A different woman every night for several months now. With so much willing hippy flesh around, nobody knows what going steady means anymore. London crawls with sex-starved women who want it. Nothing permanent, without any hang-ups. The whole range on offer, from cool Swedish models, eager young English roses with their men away in the military, pushy yankee ‘chicks’, eager young, French demoiselles, Teutonic goddesses.
Human Rights British Occupied Ireland
Human Rights British Occupied Ireland
So we are still miles from nowhere, in the middle of the Indian Ocean heading for Aden or some such place, on the way to the Suez canal but right now I am more interested in watching the clouds as I lie on deck. I am not looking for omens or anything but I enjoy the constantly changing and evolving shapes. There are immense billows forming faces of Cameron, Obama and an Arab in disguise. Dark foreboding images that dominate along with a few celtic and pagan gods up there among the clouds, revengeful Gods of north Africa and the Euphrates. There are also Zeus, Anubis, Osiris, Set and alarmingly Mars in a massive war chariot.

It does mean something for me on this Olympian protest voyage, Yemeni soldiers getting bumped off left and right today, lot’s of very angry young Arab men on the street, with plenty of unemployed time on their hands and missing WMDs, Cameron and the viceroy telling whoppers about Ireland again today in the house of commoners, like their predecessors while recently drones humiliating Islamic armies in almost all of their countries. Still the Arabs persist, now more Islamic than ever, now showing no respect for the loving Christian WASP god who came to bring them the gifts of a dying democratic consumerist society. How much more fire and brimstone before they admit the error of their ways, more shock and awe in Tehran ? Meanwhile, up there the clouds gods are hard at it. The sky is full of Gods jostling for attention, including inscrutable ancient Chinese deities, a procession of Hindus. Where is Buddha? Oh yes that's right! Buddha is not a God exactly!

Enough of the foreboding images of this protest trip to London 2012. I cast my mind back to gentler times, when I first hit London in innocence in the late '60s. My place was squat in a quiet part of hippie Maida Vale. A second floor bachelor flat and I am at home with my new friend. Her name is Nina if memory serves me right. I met her at a concert in the Elephant and Castle, can't remember the name exactly but they had great rock bands. I check my answerphone for messages. There's one from Patrick in Dublin, asking me to string a few sentences together, for a new magazine for the fast growing teenage market. The other message is anonymous from Rolling Stone who want me to to call them. I'm glad I got the answerphone but there is no message from Patricia.

Her painful silence continues, I don't know what to do about Patricia? I'm madly in love with her, without knowing the status of our relationship? Were we engaged, going steady or what? I don't know?. I have been phucking like a red-rooster since she went. A different woman every night for several months now. With so much willing hippy flesh around, nobody knows what going steady means anymore. London crawls with sex-starved women who want it. Nothing permanent, without any hang-ups. The whole range on offer, from cool Swedish models, eager young English roses with their men away in the military, pushy yankee ‘chicks’, eager young, French demoiselles, Teutonic goddesses.

Nina is on my bed flipping through vinyl album covers. Nina or something from Tokyo. Getting them was easy enough in John Lennon's time of make love not war. Getting rid of them next day was the difficult part. I crumbled a bit of grass, mixed it with a few strands of tobacco and slowly rolled a joint. Mustn’t forget that Van Morrison article, due tomorrow, I thought. As I skimmed some notes it occurred to me that I was living on the cutting edge of something amazing. Definitely the right time and place to be in London, right there where the action was, prior to the subsequent troubles in British Occupied Ireland. The Swinging London business of the 60s was it like the Olympics 2012 or just a marketing device?

Nah, the music had power all right. Power to excite pubescent hormones and cash flow from Japan to Abbey Road but where is the real power? Who rides the beast? Rock writing changed fast too, from gossiping about a group, their groupies and their girlfriends? to a new generation of writers emerging on Kerouac, Miller, Burroughs, taking it to another level. Readers became sophisticated wanting solid information, studio details, technical stuff and intellectual observations. Rolling Stone tapped into an audience where drugs had gone mainstream. The trick was to seduce the readers, tappity, tap, tappity, tap tap and it was done. Pulled it out of the typewriter folded it, put it in an envelope.

Now to quote Joni Mitchell on this ‘strange new flesh’ I found. I was wondering what this little Oriental creature had between her legs. She is still sitting on the edge of the bed looking at an album cover, as I move behind her on the bed and start playing with her hair. I was going to explain the album title but I was already getting her bra off? She had a couple of nice tits, in each of my hands from behind as the album fell to the floor. So did her jeans and panties in due course, exposing a particularly bushy muff. Yummy, Yumi, yum. She sat up to watch my fingers run through the hair and I move slowly back up along her body to kiss her on her mouth again ,while sneaking a finger, very discretely into her moist little cavern. She began to moan so I decided to slow the movement down a bit.

I needed to slip a few things off myself and women with one track minds do sexy writing so much better than me. But getting the fit took a while. So East met West for the first time in 60's London for this Irisb boy, in a resounding climax. Japanese Baby had driven my car. It had been a good phuck as phucks go but I wasn't sure what all the Japanese squealing was about but she seemed happy enough. Being young I planned to do her again in the morning if I could. I wondered what Rolling Stone wanted? The answering machine was definitely a good investment. The motorbike was parked properly, the fridge contained enough breakfast ingredients and I fell asleep really happy, as Nina snuggled up to me. London was a good place then, before it made forty years of war on my people.

I do try for emotional honesty but I have learned since my east west experience, that all these women with one track minds who say 'fuck' a lot or don’t give a flying fuck! like quite afew groovy chicks since the 60's, are quite ruthlessly mercenary hunters despite the illusion and they choose their victims accordingly. I try to present my intimate musings in a positive, progressive, and gender sensitive way, while at the same remaining brutally frank and true to my own sexual shortcomings, doing as best I can not to offend any minorities. However I have learned everything is political and like everyone else I have my shortcomings. At the end of the day I owe it to myself, to remain true to myself.

So after many such wonderful experiences, how could I have anything against London or its wonderful people I met there. No its the politicians who front the City money and the industrial-military-war-complex are cultivated to corruption and blood money. Most of these politicians dedicate themselves initially to the public welfare but are seduced by the greed of it all along the way. The politics of Empire and its consequence gets seriously on my tits with the extent of its tragedy and blood letting. I'd much prefer to focus my attention on cultural matters or new developments in the world of art, literature and the future of communication.

However when an unelected English despot wants to start it all over again with internment in British Occupied Ireland without trial and torture in solitary confinement an Irish sister with a political conscience, it starts the Irish troubles all over again. It makes Olympic London 2012 a grotesque facade of hypocrisy, especially with many of my Irish brothers tortured similarly. It makes London's slogans about human rights in Beijing or "Free Tibet" a mockery of justice and sheer hypocrisy, infuriating anyone humanely Irish, truly acquainted with the real extent of British genocide, political torture and ongoing crimes against humanity in Ireland into a rage. This is why this Olympic protest is important and we call for a boycott of Olympic London 2012 along with its sponsors.
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Breaking News : Olympic Terror Causes HIgh So Evacuation of London 2012

Breaking News : Olympic Terror Causes HIgh So Evacuation of London 2012

category international | crime and justice | news report author Monday May 21, 2012 09:00author by BrianClarkeNUJ - AllVoices Report this post to the editors
British Reneging on "Fear Process" in Ireland
It has been revealed that dummy runs by para-bombers at London 2012, have been successful in attempts to smuggle explosive devices and bombs into the Olympic site in Stratford the centrepiece Olympic stadium, velodrome and swimming pool.
Olympic Rings
Olympic Rings
It has been revealed that dummy runs by para-bombers at London 2012, have been successful in attempts to smuggle explosive devices and bombs into the Olympic site in Stratford the centrepiece Olympic stadium, velodrome and swimming pool. This underlines growing concerns over a dirty bomb that may wipe out millions of Londoners security at the Olympic games. The security level of threat at the Olympic in London is so high, that all of the Army’s explosive search dogs. including those in Afghanistan are being recalled to try boost totally inadequate security back in London.

One security expert off the record, said: “The issue of explosive search dogs is crucial, they are the tools that will find the bombs, but we don’t have enough of them. We only have around 30 and they can only work for 30 to 40 minutes before they get distracted or bored. From what I understand there will soon be virtually none left in Afghanistan they will all be here.”

The British army and non-specific armed force personnel working long shifts will be used to search members of the public entering the Olympic in a very intimate way in some instances including the anus and all body orifices. There are simply not enough people recruited to assist private security outfits because of the high threat level and the unhygienic nature of the work.

Many wealthier Londoners and High Society are giving London 2012 Olympics a miss and are moving to their holiday homes in places like Phuket, which they normally use during the British winters, because of the severe threat level. Indeed many of Boris Jonson's friends have already moved with much chatter below the radar of an impending apocalypse.

Aside from the mass produced underwear bombs being manufactured in Yemen for London 2012 by Al Qaida the main concern is a dirty bomb which aside from being possibly nuclear will quite likely be contain the Avian flu. British police may shoot members of the public to maintain order in the event of a "dirty bomb." British police have already tested successfully with shoot to kill experiments carried out on the public in British Occupied Ireland where the ensuing "Fear Process" gas created a lull in the fighting.

A recent Police Federation conference another of which is currently happening in Britain was told that there so few personnel trained to deal with an Olympic chemical, biological, nuclear or radiological attack on London 2012 that they would have to resort to "very unsavoury but necessary" population control for the games.

Sources within the organisation said it was evident that police could have to resort to firearms to stop contamination being spread by fleeing victims at events Like the Olympics in London 2012. The government has been negligent in explaining to Londoner how important it would be to keep the public cordoned off after such an atrocity at the Olympics," a spokesperson said.

"This is not about creating mass hysteria,this is about the opposite. The public has a right to know.The natural reaction from the public caught up in such an incident will be to get as far away from the scene as possible. This could, of course, only extend the problem." the spokesperson continued, adding, "We will be the ones who would have to carry out that containment and we would be the ones held responsible for our actions - whatever those may be."

Asked about officers firing on civilians, the reply was: "It’s an option the government is going to have to consider. We haven’t got enough cops trained to deal with full-scale containment and it’s putting everyone at risk." However the British Home Office continues to deny that police would have powers to shoot the public at the Olympics to cordon the Olympics of a chemical, biological, nuclear or radiological strike attack.
"Police have the right to detain people if they present a risk to the public, there are no circumstances in which police could operate some kind of shoot to kill policy under the law." However sources close to the London Lord Mayor reveal that Boris fears, that anymore revelations will create panic so he is keeping a traditional stiff upper lip for the 2012 Olympics.

A further source of concern which are fueling the concerns is that the British Viceroy in Occupied Ireland Owen Paterson revoked the licences of several Irish political prisoners who were released under the terms of the Irish peace process. In one instance, Irish republican Marian Price has now been interned in solitary confinement without trial for over a year.

The decision was surrounded in controversy being particularly striking in that on the same day a Judge released her on bail in May 2011, Paterson ordered her returned her to prison. There are other due process issues in relation to the case and many others, not least the fact she was given a pardon under the Royal Prerogative of Mercy.

The NIO claims this document only related to Marian Price’s fixed term and not life sentence for which a licence applied. Her family contest that the pardon related to both, and hence believe that the NIO had no licence to revoke, all of the ingredients of the British reneging on the "Fear Process," in Ireland that resulted many previous bombings of London.

London 2012, Olymp[ics 2012, Olympic, United Kingdom; War on Terror, biological attack, britain, dirtybomb, police, wmd, bird flu, pandemic, olympics, olympic, london, human rights, ireland, london olympics, 2012, olympic games, london2012, 2012 olympics, London 2012, Olympics 2012, London Olympics 2012
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