Irish Time

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Protest brands PSNI's drugs fight 'toothless'

Hundreds of demonstrators took to the streets of a Co Derry town last night to protest over what they claim is a lack of confidence in the British  paramiltary police's ability to clamp down on drug dealing and other anti-social behaviour.
The crowd gathered in the Heights/Killowen area of Coleraine and made their way through the town before handing a letter of complaint to the British paramiltary police at the PSNI station.
Some of those taking part held placards reading ‘Police Service — What Police Service?’ and ‘Drug Dealing + Informing = Immunity’.
Local political representatives also took part, including the area’s DUP MLA Adrian McQuillan and councillor George Duddy, also of the DUP.
Mr Duddy handed over a letter of protest to a senior police officer outside the station, which the protesters requested be brought to the attention of Chief Con Matt Baggott.
Speaking to the Belfast Telegraph after last night’s protest, Mr Duddy said people in the area are angry about what they perceive is a lack of action being taken by paramiltary police against criminals.
“Probably since 2008, there has been a criminal gang who have been allowed to roam free,” he said.
“They are involved in drug-dealing, on-street drinking, anti-social behaviour, attacks on property and people.”
Mr Duddy continued: “We started monitoring the police’s response to these individuals as well as talking to our own community.
“This gang is of mixed religion and the only common bond they have is drugs, drinking and criminality.”
Mr Duddy said a number of residents told him they had reported criminal acts but, to date, they hadn’t been resolved by police. He also said there is a climate of fear among many locals with people feeling the need to arm themselves with bats and even fire pokers when going to bed.
One resident feels so intimidated they get a taxi to a local shop just 100 yards away rather than walk, said Mr Duddy.
“There was probably in the region of 800 to 900 people took part in the parade, which is more than we expected but it shows the support we have,” said Mr Duddy.
Another organiser — who didn’t want to be named — said policing in the area is “toothless”.

Bob MArley The Legend Album Rastavibe13
Get Up, Stand Up, stand up for your right (3 times) Get Up, Stand Up, don't give up the fight Preacher man don't tell me heaven is under the earth I know you don't know what life is really worth Is not all that glitters in gold and Half the story has never been told So now you see the light, aay Stand up for your right. Come on Get Up, Stand Up, stand up for your right Get Up, Stand Up, don't give up the fight (Repeat) Most people think great God will come from the sky Take away ev'rything, and make ev'rybody feel high But if you know what life is worth You would look for yours on earth And now you see the light You stand up for your right, yeah! Get Up, Stand Up, stand up for your right Get Up, Stand Up, don't give up the fight Get Up, Stand Up. Life is your right So we can't give up the fight Stand up for your right, Lord, Lord Get Up, Stand Up. Keep on struggling on Don't give up the fight We're sick and tired of your ism and skism game Die and go to heaven in Jesus' name, Lord We know when we understand Almighty God is a living man You can fool some people sometimes But you can't fool all the people all the time So now we see the light We gonna stand up for our right So you'd better get up, stand up, stand up for your right Get Up, Stand Up, don't give up the fight Get Up, Stand Up, stand up for your right Get Up, Stand Up, don't give up the fight.



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The Jackbooted British Gestapo

The British created the first concentration camps in the Boer War. Their holocaust in Ireland ethnically cleansed more than 6 million Irish. Every decade they re-introduce internment without trial since the foundation of the two neo-colonial scum states they created in Ireland.Marian Price, Martin Corey and may other Irish political prisoners of conscience are interned without trial in British Occupied Ireland. A Peace Process based on power sharing was sold to Ireland and the world. Clearly this is not the care unless PSF secretly support internment. The Jacbooted British Gestapo override their own queen and judges, to inflict their sadistic tyranny with torture in a peace process without due process today. A Peace Process without Due Process is meaningless.

Ecuador President Rafael “We Are Not A Colony” Correa Stands Up To The Jackbooted British Gestapo

By Paul Craig Roberts
                                    A coward dies many deaths; a brave man dies but once.

The once proud British government, now reduced to Washington’s servile whore, put on its Gestapo Jackboots and declared that if the Ecuadorean Embassy in London did not hand over WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange, British storm troopers would invade the embassy with military force and drag Assange out. Ecuador stood its ground. “We want to be very clear, we are not a British colony,” declared Ecuador’s Foreign Minister. Far from being intimidated the President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, replied to the threat by granting Assange political asylum
The once law-abiding British government had no shame in announcing that it would violate the Vienna Convention and assault the Ecuadorean Embassy, just as the Islamic students in the 1979 Khomeini Revolution in Iran took over the US Embassy and held the diplomatic staff captive. Pushed by their Washington overlords, the Brits have resorted to the tactics of a pariah state. Maybe we should be worried about British nuclear weapons.

Let’s be clear, Assange is not a fugitive from justice. He has not been charged with any crime in any country. He has not raped any women. There are no indictments pending in any court, and as no charges have been brought against him, there is no validity to the Swedish extradition request. It is not normal for people to be extradited for questioning, especially when, as in Assange’s case, he expressed his complete cooperation with being questioned a second time by Swedish officials in London.

What is this all about? First, according to news reports, Assange was picked up by two celebrity-hunting Swedish women who took him home to their beds. Later for reasons unknown, one complained that he had not used a condom, and the other complained that she had offered one helping, but he had taken two. A Swedish prosecutor looked into the case, found that there was nothing to it, and dismissed the case.

Assange left for England. Then another Swedish prosecutor, a woman, claiming what authority I do not know, reopened the case and issued an extradition order for Assange. This is such an unusual procedure that it worked its way through the entire British court system to the Supreme Court and then back to the Supreme Court on appeal. In the end British “justice” did what the Washington overlord ordered and came down on the side of the strange extradition request.

Assange, realizing that the Swedish government was going to turn him over to Washington to be held in indefinite detention, tortured, and framed as a spy, sought protection from the Ecuadorean Embassy in London. As corrupt as the British are, the UK government was unwilling to release Assange directly to Washington. By turning him over to Sweden, the British could feel that their hands were clean.

Sweden, formerly an honorable country like Canada once was where American war resisters could seek asylum, has been suborned and brought under Washington’s thumb. Recently, Swedish diplomats were expelled from Belarus where they seem to have been involved in helping Washington orchestrate a “color revolution” as Washington keeps attempting to extend its bases and puppet states deeper into traditional Russia.

The entire world, including Washington’s servile puppet states, understands that once Assange is in Swedish hands, Washington will deliver an extradition order, with which Sweden, unlike the British, would comply. Regardless, Ecuador understands this. The Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino announced that Ecuador granted Assange asylum because “there are indications to presume that there could be political persecution.” In the US, Patino acknowledged, Assange would not get a fair trial and could face the death penalty in a trumped up case.

The US Puppet State of Great (sic) Britain announced that Assange would not be permitted to leave Britain. So much for the British government’s defense of law and human rights. If the British do not invade the Ecuadorean Embassy and drag Assange out dead or in chains, the British position is that Assange will live out his life inside the London Embassy of Ecuador. According to the New York Times, Assange’s asylum leaves him “with protection from arrest only on Ecuadorean territory (which includes the embassy). To leave the embassy for Ecuador, he would need cooperation that Britain has said it will not offer.” When it comes to Washington’s money or behaving honorably in accordance with international law, the British government comes down on the side of money.

The Anglo-American world, which pretends to be the moral face of humanity has now revealed for all to see that under the mask is the face of the Gestapo.
Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following.


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