Irish Time

Saturday, January 26, 2013

SS UK Still Murder Journalists & Human Rights Lawyers

Since the the signing of the Good Friday Agreement and the start 

of the Peace Process In Ireland. The British have blocked an

inquiry into the British Government's role in the murder of a Human

rights lawyer Pat Finucane.

The British Government have also been involved in the murder of

another Human Rights Lawyer, Rosemary Nelson who was bombed by

their agents, just a few months after the Agreement was signed.

Agents of the British Government have also since the Agreement 

murdered journalist Martin O'Hagan.

The British have further introduced secret political internment 

without trial of political activists. Continued with political 

policing,the torture of political prisoners, the censorship of 

independent Irish media and the continuance of a Police state run

by SS UK, still very agencies involved in these murders.

Below are just a few of the many mainstream media accounts of their activities.

The bottom line, is that there is no Peace Process, based on

basic principles of civilized justice functioning in British

Occupied Ireland.It has long since been destroyed by the British 

Government and their secret service agencies known as SS UK .


The National Union of Journalists has expressed grave disappointment at the announcement by the Director of Public Prosecutions in Northern Ireland that a decision has been taken not to prosecute in the Martin O'Hagan murder case. 
NUJ Irish Secretary Seamus Dooley said the union was disturbed by the announcement. The DPP was quoted as saying the decision was made after careful consideration of "available evidence". 
NUJ activist Martin O Hagan, a Sunday World journalist, was shot dead in Lurgan in 2001. 
Mr Dooley said: “This union does not accept that the State can walk away from this case. The murder of Martin O'Hagan was an outrageous act of violence which cannot go unpunished. 
"We will continue to campaign for a full investigation leading to the conviction of those responsible for the murder of our friend and colleague.  
"Martin's family, friends and colleagues remain determined to see justice done in this case".

Almost 12 years after journalist Martin O’hagan was murdered, the DPP now says it is unlikely that anyone will ever face justice

FAMILY, friends and former colleagues of the murdered Sunday World journalist Martin O’Hagan have expressed their anger after learning his alleged killers will not be brought to trial.

Sunday World editor Jim McDowell said he was “disappointed and angry” at the Public Prosecution Service’s decision to drop the murder case.
Yesterday’s decision comes after the PPS said evidence given by Neil Hyde, an assisting offender, could not be corroborated.
Eight people who were suspected of the murder will now not be prosecuted because of a lack of supporting evidence.
Four had been charged over their alleged involvement.
Hyde had been charged with the murder of father-of-three Mr O’Hagan (51), who was shot in September 2001. The killing was claimed by the Red Hand Defenders, a cover name used by the LVF and UDA.
After murder charges were dropped, Hyde signed a contract to assist police in their investigations. He was interviewed about his knowledge of the murder and Barra McGrory QC, said: “I know this decision will be disappointing to Mr O’Hagan’s widow, family, friends and colleagues but the evidence that can be given by an assisting offender must be carefully evaluated and the test for prosecution applied on a case-by-case basis.”
He referred to “the dangers of convicting on the uncorroborated evidence of an accomplice”.
Mr O'Hagan's brother Fintan said the family was bitterly disappointed.
“There is a witness who wants to tell a court who killed Martin O'Hagan, yet the PPS are depriving that witness the opportunity of telling the court his account and further depriving the court of the opportunity to consider the truthfulness or otherwise of that evidence and depriving the family, and indeed the public, of the opportunity to see justice in action.
“Justice need not just be done, it needs to be seen to be done,” he said.
Family lawyer Niall Murphy said they would be considering options which include making representations to Attorney General John Larkin QC over an inquest and potential civil litigation.
Mr McDowell ( left) is leading the campaign to bring the reporter’s killers to justice.
He said: “This decision comes back to the old adage that there may be law in this country, but whether there is justice — that’s another matter.”


In March 1999, just months after the signing of the Good Friday Agreement, human rights lawyer Rosemary Nelson was assassinated when a bomb exploded under her car. The attack was claimed by a loyalist paramilitary group but, over the last ten years, there have been several government inquiries into Nelson's murder. The latest one, which has been ongoing since 2005, has dramatically alleged that there may have been some security service collusion in the killing. Rosemary Nelson came to prominence for representing high-profile Republican and nationalist clients. It was no secret that her life was at risk and she had received many death threats - but had always been refused police protection. She had even claimed publicly that her life was being threatened by members of the RUC - allegations which have always been denied by the police.As well as investigating the events leading to Rosemary Nelson's murder, author Neil Root drew on first-hand interviews with those relevant to the case. He also examined the striking similarities between her murder and the assassination of lawyer Pat Finucane in 1989. This is a complex and terrifying story of British State terrorism in Occupied Ireland.

PM apologises for MI5's role in murder of Ulster lawyer but wife slams report into police collusion in his murder

  • 38-year-old was shot dead in front of his wife and children at home in 1989
  • Report by Sir Desmond de Silva QC published today reveals the killing might not have happened without the involvement of security agencies
  • Widow Geraldine has repeatedly called for a full public inquiry
  • David Cameron admitted there was collusion between police and loyalists responsible for the killing but only ordered a review of the case
The report into the murder of Belfast solicitor Pat Finucane was publsihed today. The 38-year-old was shot at his north Belfast home by loyalist paramilitaries the Ulster Defence Association in 1989
The report into the murder of Belfast solicitor Pat Finucane was publsihed today. The 38-year-old was shot at his north Belfast home by loyalist paramilitaries the Ulster Defence Association in 1989
David Cameron said the Government was ‘deeply sorry’ yesterday after a report into the murder of solicitor Pat Finucane found the security services colluded with the loyalist terrorists who killed him.
A review of the case by Sir Desmond de Silva, QC, found the father-of-three would probably not have been executed by the Ulster Defence Association without the encouragement of British agents.
Sir Desmond said state employees ‘furthered and facilitated’ the shooting of the 38-year-old, who was gunned down in front of his family in 1989.
But his finding that there was no evidence of an over-arching conspiracy involving ministers or security chiefs to target Mr Finucane sparked calls for a full public inquiry.
The widow of murdered Belfast solicitor Mr  Finucane slammed a report into his death as 'a sham... a whitewash... a confidence trick'.
Geraldine Finucane said Sir Desmond de Silva's report was 'not the truth' and renewed her call for a full public inquiry.
In a Commons statement today, David Cameron admitted Mr Finucane might still be alive had police and state agencies not colluded in his murder.
The Prime Minister said the 'appalling crime' was the result of 'shocking levels' of state collusion and apologised on 'behalf of the government and the whole country'.
The de Silva review into the 1989 killing found that state employees actively 'furthered and facilitated' the loyalist murder of Mr Finucane.
But the victim's family have criticised the review, insisting only a full public inquiry will reveal the truth about his murder.
The 38-year-old was shot in front of his wife and children at home by loyalist paramilitaries from the Ulster Defence Association in 1989.
At a press conference after the review was published, Mrs Finucane accused the British Government of suppressing the truth while attempting to blame dead individuals and disbanded organisations while exonerating ministers, serving officers and existing security agencies.
Mrs Finucane said: 'Yet another British government has engineered a suppression of the truth behind the murder of my husband, Pat Finucane.
'At every turn it is clear that this report has done exactly what was required - to give the benefit of the doubt to the state, its Cabinet and ministers, to the Army, to the intelligence services and to itself.
'At every turn, dead witnesses have been blamed and defunct agencies found wanting. Serving personnel and active state departments appear to have been excused.
'The dirt has been swept under the carpet without any serious attempt to lift the lid on what really happened to Pat and so many others.
'This report is a sham, this report is a whitewash, this report is a confidence trick dressed up as independent scrutiny and given invisible clothes of reliability. But most of all, most hurtful and insulting of all, this report is not the truth.'
Mr Cameron told the Commons said the review had found the Army and Special Branch had advance notice of a series of assassinations planned by the loyalist paramilitary group, the Ulster Defence Association (UDA), but nothing was done.
Scroll down for video
Pat Finucane's widow Geraldine today arrived at the House of Parliament with her children John (left), Michael (centre) and Katherine at the Houses of Parliament in central London to read the review of the report into her husband's murder
Pat Finucane's widow Geraldine today arrived at the House of Parliament with her children John (left), Michael (centre) and Katherine at the Houses of Parliament in central London to read the review of the report into her husband's murder
The review found a 'relentless' effort to stop justice being done with Army officials giving the Ministry of Defence highly misleading and inaccurate information, Mr Cameron said.
Successive UK Governments are accused of a 'wilful and abject failure' to properly control secret agents within paramilitary groups.
Mr Cameron said: 'It is really shocking this happened in our country. Collusion demonstrated beyond any doubt by Sir Desmond, which included the involvement of state agencies in murder, is totally unacceptable.
'We do not defend our security forces or the many who have served in them with great distinction by trying to claim otherwise. Collusion should never, ever happen. 
'On behalf of the Government and the whole country, let me say again to the Finucane family I am deeply sorry.'
The review found no evidence that any Government was informed in advance of Mr Finucane’s murder or knew about the subsequent cover-up.
Sir Menzies Campbell, former Lib Dem leader, said he had never heard a statement in the Commons which filled him with more 'revulsion'.
However, today Mr Finucane's son John said he could not believe that there had been a public inquiry into newspapers hacking mobile phone messages but not into state involvement in the death of a British lawyer.
‘We're talking about the murder of a lawyer in the UK,’ he told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.
‘I rather flippantly announced last year that I thought it would have been easier if my father's phone had been hacked rather than being killed. That's not in any way to disrespect the victims of phone hacking.
‘But if we can have an inquiry into something as important as that, this case is the murder of a lawyer which the British government have admitted there was collusion, you don't then deal with that, such a fundamental attack on democracy, by holding a non-statutory review behind closed doors.’
David Cameron told the Commons the report revealed 'shocking' levels of state collusion
David Cameron told the Commons the report revealed 'shocking' levels of state collusion
Mr Cameron has apologised more than once for the collusion between police and the loyalists responsible for the murder.
But Mr Finucane added today: ‘An apology is not in the correct running order. You don't apologise for something but then not fully admit what it is you're apologising for. I think that's what the Prime Minister has done.’
The Finucane are unhappy that in 2001 the British government agreed during peace talks to meet honour for public inquiries into deaths. Of five recommended, four were held but in Mr Finucane's case it was rejected.
Mr Funucane said: 'The only case that's outstanding is the case of my father. This review, we feel, is the embodiment of a broken promise of the British Government. We do feel that if they are sincere in dealing with this issue then they need to grasp this issue and they need to deal with it in a credible fashion.'
The loyalist paramilitaries shot Mr Finucane 14 times as he sat eating a Sunday meal at home, wounding his wife in the process. The couple's three children witnessed the attack.
The former head of the Metropolitan Police in London, Sir John Stevens, has previously investigated collusion claims surrounding Mr Finucane's death.
Shortly after starting the new inquiry, the Stevens team charged former Royal Ulster Constabulary Special Branch agent and loyalist quartermaster William Stobie in connection with the killing.
Sir Desmond de Silva QC has completed his 500-page report into the 1989 killing, which is published today
Sir Desmond de Silva QC has completed his 500-page report into the 1989 killing, which is published today
Former Met Police Commissioner Sir John Stevens
Former Met Police Commissioner Sir John Stevens published the results of his four-year inquiry into Pat Finucane's murder in 2003. The report confirmed that rogue elements in the security forces were involved in a deadly plot with loyalist paramilitaries to carry out a series of sectarian murders in Northern Ireland
But in November 2001 the case collapsed and he was shot dead outside his home within weeks.
In September 2004 a loyalist accused of murdering the solicitor pleaded guilty to murdering him. Ken Barrett entered his plea at the beginning of his trial.
Prime Minister David Cameron, who ordered the de Silva review, will deliver a statement to the Commons
Prime Minister David Cameron, who ordered the de Silva review, will deliver a statement to the Commons
In 2004, retired Canadian judge Mr Justice Peter Cory, asked by the Government to investigate cases of suspected collusion, concluded that military and police intelligence knew of the Finucane murder plot and failed to intervene. He recommended a public inquiry.
That year, Barrett was sentenced to 22 years' imprisonment.
In 2004, then Northern Ireland Secretary Paul Murphy announced an inquiry under new legislation introduced in 2005.
The Finucane family opposed the Inquiries Act 2005, arguing it would allow government to interfere with the independence of a future inquiry because a government minister could rule whether the inquiry sat in public or private.
As a result, plans to establish an inquiry were halted by former Northern Ireland Secretary Peter Hain.
In October 2011, the Government ruled out a public inquiry into Mr Finucane's murder but put forward a proposal for a leading QC to review the case. That review is to be published today.

VIDEO: David Cameron's statement to the House of Commons...

VIDEO: Geraldine Finucane's scathing response to report 

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DOLOURS PRICE Mná na hÉireann

Marian Price is too ill to attend the funeral of her sister Dolours according to 
family friends.

Dolour's sister Marian who is being held under armed guard in the psychiatric
unit of Belfast City Hospital, where another republican Irishwoman Maire 
Drumm was murdered by British state sponsored assassins. Marian's lawyer 
Peter Corrigan has requested that his client be granted compassionate parole 
for a few hours, to visit the wake house with the aid of a wheelchair and say 
goodbye to her sister.

A friend of the Prices say “Marian is too weak physically, emotionally and 
mentally to go to Dolours’s funeral. “But even if she were well, she’d rather 
say her goodbyes in private than amidst a media circus.”

Marian Price is suffering from lung problems and post traumatic stress like
Dolours was before she died. It is speculated that 6 months of force feeding 
while on hunger strike did irreparable psychological damage to both sisters, 
which has been compounded in Marian's instance by more than a year in 
solitary confinement in an all male British prison.

The Great Dismal: “What We Speak Becomes The House We Live In.”

By Phil Rockstroh 

                                        “Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present.” — Albert Camus:

January 26, 2013 "ICH" -  The repercussions of our acts — the constructs we create — endure well past the dissolution of our convictions and desires. Our actions exist as living architecture that surrounds the breathing moment. Future generations will dwell in the world we erect, thought by thought, deed by deed.

And what if we construct an architecture of evasion and deception?.......

Take in our culture’s shoddily constructed, ugly, prefab, commercial structures — its archipelago of strip malls, fast food outlets, suburban, shitbox housing developments –gaudy mcmansion to cookie cutter trackhouse. Glance at its corporate state media, a self-perpetuating, self-referential dominion devoted to hype and hustle — a 24-7, enveloping sales pitch contrived to evoke the misplaced fear and manic compulsion required to create an unquestioning desire to consume ever proliferating arrays of unneeded, commercial products, as, all the while, its soul-defying criteria is internalized and the system’s byproduct — climate chaos – roils land, sea and sky of our besieged planet.

This is the world we have made. We tend to believe that our present day actions will pass into the shadow of memory, but they will remain in the world as ghostly architects of the future.

And this is where we stand, at present: We are transmigrating through a cultural landscape showing significant evidence of decline — a collective, psychical wasteland, defined by media mirages, political legerdemain, and ecological devastation. We find ourselves in an era in which arrogance and cupidity are enthroned while the veracities of the heart wander in the wilderness.

Presently, cunning is lauded as a virtue, yet steadfast compassion is viewed as weakness. Our ancestors would have regarded our predicament as catastrophic — a loss of soul…thus making it imperative that the gods be appeased — or else travail will follow travail.
We know these spurned and vengeful gods as alienation, as displaced rage, desperate anomie, as cultural atomization, inertia and decay.

The latest electronic gadget will not bring you balm; your guns will not preserve you; and it is evident the nation’s political class will not assist us.

How does one avoid being drowned in dumbness?

An inner conviction — a deep-dwelling knowledge akin to grace exists within — when your opinion on a matter aligns with the realities at hand. Often, one must stand against rising currents of worldly, wrongheaded opinion — a cacophonous flood of stupid; a raging torrent of collective pathology.

This is when your own inner idiot and delusion-prone maniac can be of service to you. Ergo, you can think like your adversaries e.g., Smart can envisage Stupid and Crazy, but Stupid and Crazy cannot comprehend what is intelligent and sane.

Thus, as surging tides of stupid crash upon you, you can breathe, with amphibian-like mutability, in the rarefied air of wit and knowledge, and you can breathe, as well, when immersed beneath the floodwaters of surging stupid and inundating insanity.

There are times when a bauble-bedazzled idiot can serve as a role model, because he knows how to surrender to the joys of his heart. But, because you are not an idiot, there is no need to surrender to idiocy.

This evokes the question: What is it that I should give myself over to with idiotic abandon?
There is a vast difference between going supine before one’s oppressors and surrendering to the vast, ineffable order of the heart of creation. The task is ongoing — and arduous, even, at times, terrifying.

It involves a drowning — a baptism of sorts, but of the poetic (not fundamentalist) variety — a washing away of calcified habit and a rebirth by an immersion in the embracing waters of a larger order — one that is not defined by a compulsion for domination of the things of the world one cannot control.

“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.” ― Aristotle

Subject to the status quo politics of late stage capitalism, we find ourselves stranded in the era of The Great Dismal.

Because a small cadre of elitist elements own the means of manufacturing and control of imagery and storyline, it is difficult to envisage the epic drama inherent to our circumstance.

As an example, the fate of the earth’s biosphere and its capacity to sustain human life is being subjected to an unfolding, desperate campaign — craven as it is noxious — in its intentions, scope, and side affects, by the elite of an arrogant order to maintain their grip on privilege and power. By propaganda and coercion, they proceed, with cult-like conviction, on a course of catastrophic folly involving a race to secure and exploit the remaining resources of our ecologically taxed planet (the only planet available to us). If their agendas remain unchecked, the biosphere will be rendered unviable to our species.
In an era of urban alienation, suburban atomization, corporate state domination of the public realm, and electronic media saturation of the human psyche, in an era when desire is defined by consumer impulsiveness, individual liberty is circumscribed by debt, and freedom monitored by the dehumanizing apparatus of the national security state panopticon, one hears the lament — I don’t even know how to go about embodying the truths of my heart…How do I even begin to glide along the pollen path of my soul? 

First ask yourself, how powerfully does the longing live with in you? Does it blaze through your blood? Does it bestow a love of life itself? Does it provide you with a love so potent that it allows you to even love the obstacles in your path? Do you love your adversaries like a Delta bluesman who wails in lamentation about the treachery of a dirty, lowdown betrayer? 

Notice this: It is the obstacles along your way that have given impetus to inspiration. The antidote is contained in the dragon’s venomous bite. Passion’s path winds through the monster of the world.

“I feel the beautiful, beating heart of God in the monster of the world.” — Federico García Lorca

What did you expect — a perpetual glide across eternal pools of bliss while lounging upon some kind of cosmic pool toy? There would only be a tinkling top to such music; it would be devoid of the heartbeat of an earthbound bottom — the vital rhythm section of the monster’s heart.

Here at the crossroads of Eternity and the Living Moment, and near the last exit ramp of Empire’s End, the roadside attractions have become more than a bit empty and garish i.e., a Cracker Barrel of the bottomless cravings attendant to the marketing of counterfeit desires.

“What we speak becomes the house we live in.” — hafiz

Is it any wonder then.. enmeshed as we are in the consumer paradigm of late capitalism, that we exist within a Landscape of Nada that is reflective of an inner Architecture of Nowhere?

Sterile malls and ugly strip malls, big box stores, fast food outlets, convenience stores and agora-devoid subdivisions — these flimsy, banal structures, we have conjured into existence by our hollow, poetry-devoid incantations.

Wasteland within. Wasteland extant. The word and the landscape are one.
So what is the Grail that will restore the dry, sterile landscape to fecundity? And whom does the Grail serve? And where can it be located?

The question pertains both to where and to whom. The who in question is you. And the where is: the living landscape of your stalwart heart. The first step in allowing the wasteland to bloom is a reclamation of empathy and the embrace of imagination.
Or else, all you hold dear will be rendered dust and ash — and find dismal dominion in the indifferent winds of fate.

“Art evokes the mystery without which the world would not exist.”– Rene Magritte
We must sing the world back into vital and vivid being. The heart will awaken once the task has begun. Art bestows flesh on phantoms; music spins garments for reborn flesh.

“Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.” — Plato

The Imagination is a charming seductress, an enchanter of harsh Verities. Baudelaire averred that when we love we have found a means of subsisting on the essence of invisible flowers. A sublime forgetting and relearning takes hold, as lovers take up residence in redolent air.

The act of looking upon the world as if it is the face of your beloved can serve to lift life’s burdens over grim landscapes, like Chagall’s lovers wafting over dour, quotidian rooftops, beneath which squat the compulsive folly of foolishly earnest men.

Bring an end to the Empire of Endless Burgers by giving voice to inspiration. Bring down the walls of airless, gated subdivisions of the mind with the heart’s reverberant soundscape.

Without your voice, nothing is possible, and nowhere is where you are bound.

Therefore, the only sound choice becomes…to arrive singing.
Words, Phrases, Sentences — they are more than simply verbal constructs. They are living things — the progeny of the union of the image-plangent soul of earth and sea — and the holy spirit’s lambent, inhuman illuminations. We know them as the dance of affinities attendant to the mating rituals of eros and logos — the Word and Flesh made one.

At paradigm’s end, buffeted and shaken — yet held enthralled within the maelstrom — by the vast and sweeping scope of unsolvable governmental/cultural forces — we feel the pull of a gravity that feels akin to love. We yearn for some remedy, like lovers whose blazing love threatens to burn away all their moorings and upend all they know.

Thus, rejoice in this: There is rebirth, dwelling deep, in the irreparable problem we know as the world.

Find solace in the knowledge that poets (who should not be imagined as an elitist covenant of the elect — but those who have chosen to avail their hearts to the art of living in a poetic manner) are out there now: wounded by beauty; indentured to logos.

And even when exploring our current day wilderness of alienation, poets are laboring to limn a psychical map of its terrain of terror and beauty. All who live pass through this soul-plangent landscape.

Know this: It is an illusion that you have ever been alone, even within the nadascape comprising The Great Dismal of the current era.

Phil Rockstroh is a poet, lyricist and philosopher bard living in New York City. He may be contacted and FaceBook.


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