Irish Time

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

INTO THE WEST full film

Irish Republicans from as far back as I remember, often use the phrase, "the darkest hour is just before the dawn." In my own experience I have found this to be particularly true, in the sense of birthing a new or better reality. In the film with this blog below "Into the West," it has particular significance and affection for several reasons for myself..

Almost thirty years ago I found myself in the Ballymun high rise flats complex, which is at the beginning of the film below. Yes it very much was like the reality portrayed in the film. I too had reached a rock bottom with my drinking and like Gabriel Byrne in the film, was in a state of 'confabulation' with the DTs not able to distinguish reality from the horrors in a fear based twilight zone.

I walked around the numerous tower blocks at night, each apartment light reaching to the night sky, seemed like aliens from another planet. I had lost everything from family, loved ones, dreams, beliefs and any spiritual connection my people and Ireland. The emotional estrangement was so intense, that I decided to do a hold up, which if successful, would result in a 'good piss up" or if unsuccessful, would at least mean being able to chat with my own kind in prison.

That night as I tore the wallpaper off the walls of my apartment, to stay warm on a bed base of wire without a mattress, with a ripped door lock beside me, to use as a fake gun next day, I had dreams and visions and horrors of my lost families of wives and children.I was also  suffering the post traumatic shock of my experiences up north around Newry, I had reached what is called my rock bottom.

Next morning I walked into town and the first substantial supermarket I found was on Dorset Street. I duly proceeded to hold it up at fake gunpoint, demanding every leaf in their till. I duly made off down a side street and I eventually entered a major church, where mass was being celebrated. I waited until the end, to leave with the congregation, but the church was surrounded by police or the Garda. They were more nervous than I was, because they believed I had a real gun. but I immediately surrendered.

I was lucky, I was well treated by a decent Garda and charged with something like aggravated burglary and was in Mountjoy prison for a while, before serving the remainder of my time in Shelton Abbey. I'm not one of those people who do time in prison very well and couldn't wait to get out. I cannot complain about my treatment at any time during that experience.

I was introduced to the the book the I Ching by another prisoner serving seven years for drug trafficking. He was well educated, doing daily yoga and quite a spiritual vegetarian.Some of the nicest people I have met in my life were in prison. I was determined however, not to return but a member of the prison staff, scoffed with sympathy at me, when I said I would not return."That's what they all say" he said as he laughed at me. I did a special last reading of the I Ching for the last time before leaving prison, which talked about a dog running around in circles, chasing its tail, repeating the same mistakes over and over without learning anything.

What I took out of the reasing, was that I needed to get out of Dublin immediately on my release, indeed get out of modern living. Looking back now that was highly significant, because the drug trade was becoming seriously lethal and I have no doubt I would have been snared in its tentacles. 

On being released, I moved to an abandeoned island off the coast of Donegal called Inisfree, which at that time had a commune, based on the primal Scream called the Screamers.It certainly was an alternative experience but I found it overly manipulated and controlled by the women, who as result of co-operating better with each other than the men, were in control. I'm rather chauvinistic in this sense, so we parted company.

Subsequently I walked the roads of Ireland from north to south sleeping in hay, sheds, in the open and in shelters for the homeless. My sole possession was a torn sleeping bag, wrapped in plastic to keep it dry. Eventually as in the film below I headed into the West to Galway, from where I originate. I stopped drinking with the help of a white horse 'metaphorically speaking' who helped me find my Tir na nOg. Yes it really does exist and its a place where we can all let our inner child out to play for free and for fun but that's another story of liberation.


Evil Paedophile Lindsay Brown, Bangor Grammar School Pervert
Lindsay Brown , paedophile
Lindsay Brown's brother - Godfrey Brown, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland
Ronnie Flanagan , Chief Constable of the RUC with staff at Bangor Grammer School County Down. The RUC record concerning pervert Born Again Christians is consistent ; just like the Kincora Scandal , they ignore obvious leads which would expose establishment paedophiles and their lackies. They then declare ; "they have investigated all the allegations and there are no grounds to substantiate the claims"! The rhetoric is always the same , just like the (Garda) Police in the Republic of Ireland ; one could almost anticipate the giberish which they quote when it comes to child abusers .
The Lindsay Brown Child Abuse Scandal is overshaddowed by the infamous Kincora Scandal which involved many establishment figures , including high ranking police, top civil servants , the gentry and it is rumoured, top English politicians . It is known that Ted Heath was in the habit of paying "social" visits to the Kincora Boys Home in East Belfast .
IMF Ted Heath visits Kincora
William McGrath , "Born Again Evanangelical Christian", yet another christian paedophile
NB. The results of official RUC investigations into the Kincora Scandal are "sealed " to this day , because of the influence of high ranking persons . It should also be noted that some of the Kincora children were taken to Birr Castle County Offaly in the Republic of Ireland .
See: The Kincora Scandal

Birr is the hereditary family home of the Earls of Rosse - related to the royal family through the marriage of Princess Margaret and Anthony Armstrong Jones .

A Garda operation aimed at collaring paedophiles before they are given the chance to do any harm has been hailed as “hugely successful” by unnamed top Letterkenny law enforcers, despite uproar among the Donegal radio phone-in community.
The pre-emptive action is believed to be the brainchild of a recently-qualified officer based in Letterkenny, and was developed over a period of weeks and months after a chance viewing of Scientologist Tom Cruise’s film ‘Minority Report’ made him believe that certain criminals could be brought to justice before they had actually commited any crime.
The operation centred around a large roadside billboard featuring a highly offensive, provocative image of an overly-sexualised young child, amazingly displayed alongside an actual advertisement. While oblivious Donegal residents spent the morning noisily debating the inappropriateness of the image portrayed on the billboard, both on the radio and on the Internet, a squad of elite Gardaí lay silently in wait behind it. Listening intently, they immediately pounced on any driver who lost control of their vehicle while having unsavoury thoughts about the model on the billboard.

At the time of publishing this article, 15 drivers had been arrested for intent to commit paedophilia, with the vast majority of them claiming that they were “just trying to figure out what it said underneath ‘SHOPLK’.”
American multinational pharmaceutical corporation Pfizer have allegedly developed a revolutionary new pill that when taken daily, eliminates paedophilia.
The pill, called Nomolestol, has been researched and developed by over 80 top scientists for the last 3 years.
Nomolestol is now in the final stages before it gets its FDA approving, after which we can expect to see it on the shelves here in Ireland.
Meanwhile Pfizer is rumoured to be completing its human testing in the coming months and has apparently chosen Donegal as the testing grounds. Sources close to Pfizer released this statement;
“We think that Donegal will be an excellent place to focus our clinical trials. It seems like a proverbial breeding ground for the disease.”
We asked a local poet, who wished to remain anonymous, why they should test the drug here, to which he replied; “Why not?!!”. The pill is not expected to be made retrospecticaly available to ex BBC children’s presenters, dead or alive.

Kidnapping, West Donegal

53. Colonel GRETTON asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether his attention has been called to a report from West Donegal, stating that parties of irregulars from Glenveagh Castle in motor cars visited a number of farmhouses in the Churchill and Termon districts and conscripted about 11 young women, whom they brought with them to the castle to act as domestic servants for those who are in occupation there; that the mother of one of the girls, who vigorously protested against the taking away of her daughter, was placed in a motor car and driven away for a few miles, after which she was put out on the roadside, and the car resumed its journey to the castle; and whether, in view of recent outrages on women in Ireland, any steps have been taken, or will be taken, to secure the release of these young women?
Mr. CHURCHILL : My attention has been drawn to a newspaper report of this outrage, but I am unable to vouch for its accuracy. In any case, the matter would appear to be one for the Provisional Government to deal with, and I am glad to observe that, according to the latest reports, their troops have now compelled the evacuation of Glenveagh Castle, and are steadily extending their control over County Donegal.
Lieut.-Colonel DALRYMPLE WHITE : Will not the right hon. Gentleman take further steps in this case, in view of the fact that the outrages occurred in the Churchill district?
Mr. CHURCHILL : That is a joke, I suppose.
Colonel GRETTON : Has the right hon. Gentleman made no inquiry and taken 2261 no steps to secure the arrest of these people and the release of those who have been kidnapped?
Mr. CHURCHILL : This happened in one of the 26 counties, and, if Irish girls are kidnapped and carried off under such atrocious conditions by violent persons, in my opinion it is for the Irish men to see that they are released; and that is what is being done.
Colonel ASHLEY : Is the right hon. Gentleman now quite satisfied with his policy?
Mr. CHURCHILL : I am increasingly satisfied.
Colonel GRETTON : Does not the right hon. Gentleman consider it to be his duty to make inquiries?
Mr. CHURCHILL : I consider that this is an exceptional incident, which should be left to the Irish people to deal with.

Release of Ulster Special Constables

Mr. PENNEFATHER (by Private Noticeasked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he has any information regarding a newspaper report that members of the Ulster Special Constabulary who were kidnapped have been released by Free State troops at Dundalk?
Mr. CHURCHILL : Yes, Sir. I have just been informed by the Provisional Government that, when the military barracks at Dundalk were captured by the National Free State troops, 17 members of the Ulster Special Constabulary were rescued and liberated. They were escorted by the Free State troops to the railway station the night before last, and given free railway warrants to their homes
Further, I am informed that the Provisional Government procured the release, yesterday, from the interior of 10 additional members of the Ulster Special Constabulary, who had been taken from the Belcoo Barracks, County Fermanagh, and that they are proceeding to their homes.
Captain CRAIG : Are the men in the latter case the men who were imprisoned in Athlone?
Mr. CHURCHILL : I think that must be so.


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