Irish Time

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Low Lie the Fields of Gombeen Irish Politics

Iceland’s Economy now growing faster than the U.S. and EU after arresting corrupt bankers

So Iceland decided not to follow the rest of the world by bailing out the bankers. Instead, they chose to arrest them. Now their economy is recovering faster than the EU and the United States. Hmmmm.
Remember when the United States government told the American people that immediate action was required to save the banks, and save our nation from complete collapse? An action in the form of Billions of dollars of National Debt? Yeah, we remember that! Now Trillions of dollars in National debt later, we are in the same position we were in 4 years ago, just more debt. As a matter of fact Federal Reserve Chairmen Ben Bernanke has called for yet another stimulus that will add more debt onto the mountain we already have.
At the start of the world wide 2008 economic collapse, Iceland was in worse shape than almost any other country in the world. Now they are one of the fastest growing economies in the world.
Imagine what America would be like today if we bailed out the victims of poor banking practices, while punishing the bankers who were responsible?
After watching this video tell us what you think? Was Iceland off their rocker for sending the bankers to jail, or on to something that America should have done as well?

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Iceland’s Economy now growing faster than the U.S. and EU after arresting corrupt bankers. on my side!

category national | anti-capitalism | news report author Friday October 05, 2012 20:42author by Costas Avramidis Report this post to the editors
That pat on the back to our "glorious leader Enda" in Time Magazine fails to come to terms BIG TIME with the reality on the ground here in Ireland.

Just in case you have forgotten what has happened to all of us since Enda and Eamonn got in power:
More than 400.000 thousand people on the live register.
Thousands of people migrating to Australia and Canada and many other places each month.
Cuts to the weakest groups in our society, people with special needs, carers, basically people without voice in our society because of their small numbers.
Cuts on salaries and pay freezes.
Increases in direct and indirect taxes plus introduction of HOUSEHOLD TAX and WATER Charges coming up soon.
Demolition of the Health system.
Introduction of Students fees.
Increase in suicides
Increase in alcoholism, drugs intake and homelessness.
Soup kitchens and charities are under pressure trying to cope with the vast amount of the new homeless and the poor.

I suppose now its pretty obvious why Enda is at the cover of TIME magazine!

author by serfpublication date Fri Oct 05, 2012 22:22Report this post to the editors
Yes. It's because the Elite who have wanted to do all these things for ages want to reward Enda for selling out his own people so very efficiently into serfdom.
author by W Finnertypublication date Sat Oct 06, 2012 12:55Report this post to the editors
The excerpt just below is from an e-mail sent yesterday to Prime Minister Enda Kenny TD:

"Finally, I would like to remind you that -- as I tried to stress to you and your colleagues this morning -- I am very firmly convinced that my particular case represents just a very, very tiny proportion of the overall 'government corruption, crime, cover-ups, and impunity' phenomenon which I believe -- as a direct result of my own completely independent, lengthy, and ongoing investigations (since mid 1998) into such matters -- continues to run completely wild, and to be more or less totally and dangerously out of control in many important respects at the present time: from the viewpoint of humanity as a whole."

A copy of the full text of the e-mail in question, which was sent simultaneously to (among others) a sizable international selection of senior politicians and lawyers, can be viewed at:

Related Link:
"Government corruption, crime, cover-ups, and impunity, Republic of Ireland ..."
author by BrianClarkeNUJ - AllVoicespublication date Mon Oct 08, 2012 04:20Report this post to the editors
I believe this article titled;

Iceland’s Economy now growing faster than the U.S. and EU after arresting corrupt bankers:

with the link below, puts Kenny's praises in perspective.
Low lie the Fields of Gombeen Irish Politics
Low lie the Fields of Gombeen Irish Politics

Savage Native Shore

The Irishman
(tune "Vive la.")
THE savage loves his native shore,
Though rude the soil and chill the air;
Well then may Erin's sons adore
Their isle, which Nature formed so fair!
What flood reflects a shore so sweet,
As Shannon great, or past'ral Bann?
Or who a friend or foe can meet,
So gen'rous as an Irishman?
His hand is rash, his hart is warm
But principle is still his guide-
None more regrets a deed of harm,
And none forgives with nobler pride.
He may be duped, but won't be dared;-
Fitter to practice than to plan,
He dearly earns his poor reward,
And spends it like an Irishman.
If strange or poor, for you he'll pay,
And guide to where you safe may be;
If you're his guest, while e'er you stay,
His cottage holds a jubilee:
His inmost soul he will unlock,
And if he should your secrets scan,
Your confidence he scorns to mock,
For faithful is an Irishman.
By honour bound in woe or weal, What'we she bids he dares to do;
Tempt him with bribes-they won't prevail,
Try him in fire, you'll find him true.
He seeks not safety: let his post
Be where it ought, in danger's van:
And if the field of fame be lost,
'Twill not be by an Irishman.
Erin, loved land! From age to age,
Be thou more great, more fam'd and free!
May peace by thine, or, should'st thoiu wage
Defensive war, cheap victory!
May plenty bloom in every field;
Which gentle breezes softly fan,
And cheerful smiles serenely gild,
The home of every Irishman!

Uploaded by  on Apr 28, 2011
This last video is a pictorial of the Parishes of Meelick and Clonfert in South East Galway. Meelick and Clonfert were entered in the 2009 Pride of Place competition by Galway County Council and sucessfully won the overall all Ireland prize for their population. The Pride of Place Competition recognises and celebrates the vital contributions that community partnerships make to society. The focus is on people coming together to shape, change and enjoy all that is good about their local area. It differs from other similar projects in that they specifically recognise the involvement of the local community in all aspects of rural and urban regeneration including, promoting social cohesion, involvement in planning, the promotion of heritage and environmental awareness.

The Pride of Place competition springs from Co-operation Ireland's work with Local Authorities on a cross-border basis through the Local Authority All Island Steering Forum. This forum established a wide range of projects. One of these projects was the Pride of Place Initiative. This initiative expertly guided by Chairman, Tom Dowling grew from strength to strength and has proved to be a run away success in terms of interest and participation from local community groups and their respective Local Authorities. We could safely now say that this is a flagship initiative of the forum.


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