Irish Time

Thursday, February 7, 2013


State 'can't afford' disability costs - Irish Times

category international | workers issues | news report author Wednesday February 06, 2013 19:32author by BrianClarke - AllVoices Report this post to the editors
Censored in the Irish Times
State 'can't afford' disability costs - Irish Times
"They're Only the Little People"
"They're Only the Little People"
tate 'can't afford' disability costs - Irish Times
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author by anonpublication date Thu Feb 07, 2013 13:08Report this post to the editors
They can't afford disablitiy costs,yet the politicians making those tough decisions (lol) can afford to keep their extra expenses, lavish pensions, without having them cut.....And didn't DARE touch their 100,000+ salaries,in fact they put in a rule whereby people earing 100,000+ don't have thier salaries affected,that includes those in the dail obviously.

This country if it is to get back on its feet can do with cutting those on higher 100,000 + wages,cutting someone on welfare hardly is going to bring in the big bucks..
author by Comyn - Excellent Cartoon: Silent epidemics excludepublication date Thu Feb 07, 2013 13:51Report this post to the editors
Minister Reilly is portrayed in this cartoon in such a way that prompts to mind the potential of him going forward falling into a number of the categories highlighted for people who have the visible disabilities. Obesity is supposed to be the curse and plight of the Western world with its links to diabetes, to heart disease and other other costly health conditions. Luckily for Minister Reilly being a doctor that his private health care should cover him, add to this his investments, his Dail salary, expenses and pensions (include the lucrative IMO negotiated pensions for doctors in public practice) and then his property investments.

What the cartoon forgets is those of us with the bottom of the tier disabilities - the silenced conditions where people can appear normal to look at but the wiring to the brain is off kilter. I am talking about people with brain injury, victims of stroke, people with mental illhess and worst of all those with alzheimers and pre front lobe brain damage. Vision of Change is a decade being promoted, only to be basically binned....The promises from Minister Kathleen Lynch are hollow and the reality is those people with no voice will be labelled, stigmatised and worse again called Moochers as happens in the USA.

They say about suicide and provision. Again this is hollow. We have scattered organisations set up with the HSE having used the opportunity to divest responsibility into some 630 support groups all vying for potential clientele. I sound harsh. Try searching Indymedia on Mental Health, Suicide, Health, Public Private health provision, Alcoholism. Don't be fooled about the requests of the silenced that have gone unheard for a decade.

Minister Reilly - Shame on you, whose parents were doctors and you too are in medicine. Portrane was your local asylum, how grossly unfair you are to people who are vulnerable to mental Health.

Horizon research in the 1990's was funded by Europe, Trinity College Dublin, Centre for Women Studies, St Patrick's Hospital and FAS. The project was a success but FAS said it was too expensiv to roll out in early 2000. Shame on them. Look at the homeless, talk to them and you will find a lot have been released into the community with no provision for their needs. The latest scandal will be these people in bedsits facing eviction.

Again consider our prisons and people who in another decade might have been in mental hospitals. It is an ageing population and if we note what is happening with the Germans - yes the old people are siphoned out of the country to care homes in mainly lower tier countries where care is cheap, We surely need to be thinking and acting sensibly now.
author by Paul Ryan - Revolt Videopublication date Thu Feb 07, 2013 18:40Report this post to the editors
We can grow food with seedballs and traditional sowing.

We can make our own asprin from a willow tree and a good blender.

We can order organic food and support our health shop.

We can take care of our family first.

Help the aged.

Stop watching Tv

Get your news from indymedia not skybluesnn

You only need text

Send a stamp to your elderly loved one. Visit your relatives.

Make time for your family tree.

Use supplements in your diet.

Go Vegan.

Negate the industrial complex
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6 February 2013

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Marian Price’s health deteriorates after sister’s death – Sinn Féin MLA repeats call for release

Dolours and Marian were convicted with Hugh Feeney and Gerry Kelly (now a Sinn Féin MLA) of the IRA bombing of the Old Bailey in London in 1973. The sisters had together – with Hugh and Gerry – endured the ordeal of a hunger strike for more than 200 days for transfer to prisons in the North. The four were force-fed from 3 December 1973 to 18 May 1974. On 8 June 1974, all four ended their hunger strike after 206 days. They were subsequently transferred to the North.
MARIAN PRICE’S health has deteriorated since the death of her sister, Dolours, a fortnight ago and she should be released from prison immediately, Sinn Féin Foyle MLA Raymond McCartney has said yet again.
Marian-PriceThe Vice-Chair of the Justice Committee was speaking after Junior Minister Jennifer McCann visited Marian Price (right).
Belfast-born Dolours was found dead at her home in Malahide, County Dublin, on 23 January.
Foyle MLA Raymond McCartney said:
“The continuing imprisonment of Marian Price is unacceptable. It is obvious she is a threat to no one and continuing to keep her in prison is wrong.
“Sinn Féin met Justice Minister David Ford last week concerning this case and again called on him to intercede and ensure that justice is served and this clearly unwell woman is released immediately.”
Jennifer McCann said:
“It is a disgrace and totally unjust that yet again the date for Marian Price's Parole Commission hearing has been put back.
“It is clear that her health has worsened since the death of her sister, Dolours, and it serves no purpose whatsoever to keep her in custody.
“Marian Price has already been granted bail on the charges she faces, yet is unjustly held at the diktat of the British Secretary of State. She should be released on bail immediately."
free price dublin


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