Friday-Thursday, 23-29 November, 2012
2. Optimism increases for Maghaberry resolution
3. 15,000 march in pre-Budget demonstration
4. 'End impunity' for Bloody Sunday killings
5. Price family condemns Parole Commissioners
6. No protest against small loyalist march
7. Feature: The diggers who fought in Irish Civil War
8. Analysis: Another issue flying in the face of change
Republican socialist group éirigí is being subjected to a concerted
smear campaign following the arrest of one of its members this week.
A member of the organisation in Dublin, Ursula Ní Shionnain, was
detained on Tuesday in what appeared to be a carefully planned Garda
operation in county Offaly, and charged with arms offences.
A further move to arrest party chairman Brian Leeson bore the hallmarks
of a 'black ops' campaign against the entire organisation.
Éirígí General Secretary Breandán Mac Cionnaith said Mr Leeson's arrest
and 72-hour detention was a "cynical exercise" designed to foster "black
propaganda and misinformation" within sections of the media.
“Brian’s release, without charge, confirms our view that his arrest had
a clear political motivation," he said.
He linked the events to the left-wing party's growing political support
and its recent decision to contest local elections in the 26 Counties.
Mr Leeson had played a central role in organising opposition to the
austerity policies being implemented by the Fine Gael/Labour coalition
in Leinster House, he said.
"We are of the view that this arrest and the accompanying coverage by
some media outlets is designed to undermine opposition to this
forthcoming budget and to attack our party.
“We also believe that it is more than just mere coincidence that Brian’s
arrest came just over a week after the party voted at our annual Ard
Fheis to contest local government elections in the 26 Counties.
“We fully believe that these things are most certainly not unconnected.”
He also said the party would not take steps to distance itself from Ms
Ní Shionnain.
“I have no doubt that some of the more sensationalist media outlets will
try to exploit Ursula's arrest to insinuate all sorts of conspiracy
theories and to engage in McCarthy-like 'reds under the beds' hysteria
against éirígí. That, of course, will be nothing new."
Media depictions of Irish republicans have become more heavily
propagandised in recent weeks, particularly in the tabloid newspapers. A
commemorative event in Dublin for prominent local republican and
anti-drugs campaigner Alan Ryan, murdered by drug dealers in September,
was described as a "terrorist party" in one newspaper.
A separate incident in Newry has reinforced a belief that Éirígí, in
particular, is facing an increased policy of suppression. An early
morning raid and arrest on the Newry home of prominent éirígí activist
Stephen Murney took place on the eve of Leeson's arrest.
It had demonstrated yet again the political nature of policing in the
North, said éirígí spokesperson John McCusker.
“Stephen is well-known as an éirígí party member in the Newry area who
is very active within his local community. For the past couple of years,
the PSNI have conducted a lengthy and intense campaign of harassment
against him.
“Independent human rights organisations are currently investigating this
campaign of harassment against Stephen and other people in the Newry
area. Indeed, they have documented evidence detailing this open
political victimisation. It has included constant stop and search
procedures, harassment, assaults, house searches and threats from the
PSNI officers – all carried out under the guise of so-called
‘anti-terror’ legislation.
The PSNI seized items from Mr Murney's home which included éirígí party
literature and personal items belonging to him and other members of his
family. He was then arrested and taken to Antrim Holding Centre.
McCusker added, “Many of Stephen’s neighbours gathered beside his home
this morning in a show of solidarity and to demonstrate their abhorrence
of the PSNI’s actions. I would commend those people for showing such
communal solidarity with Stephen and his family.
“Serious questions must be asked about the overt and aggressive
political policing which is becoming a daily occurrence," he concluded.
The Republican Network for Unity said the arrests were an example of
"joined up political policing" between the Gardai and the PSNI which had
been carried out to demonise Éirígí and its political work.
>>>>>> Optimism increases for Maghaberry resolution
The remaining block of republican prisoners are to end their protest in
Maghaberry prison as of today after getting what they say was a
"goodwill gesture" from Six-County justice minister David Ford.
A three-man delegation of senior prison staff, which included at least
two deputy governors, met with representatives of the remaining
prisoners on protest yesterday in a last-minute push to convince them to
come off the protest.
A two-man team of independent mediators have also been working behind
the scenes to reach a compromise between the prison authorities and
republican prisoners following 17-months of protest by around 40
The prisoners have been protesting at the use of strip-searching, the
use of restrictive controlled movement and other measures intended to
criminalise their armed campaigns.
A prison guard, David Black, died in an attack by the 'new' IRA on his
way to work in Maghaberry prison on November 1.
Prisoners housed on Maghaberry's Roe 3, aligned to the Republican
Network for Unity (RNU), have now said they will also end the protest
which has been ongoing for the past 17-months. The protest has included
a refusal to take part in prison procedures, and as in the early '80s.
has seen excrement smeared on cell walls.
A statement issued on behalf of the prisoners said since the
commencement of the protest in July 2011, "we made it clear to our
representatives, that a genuine indication of goodwill on behalf of the
state would be required before we would consider ending this phase of
the protest".
Prisoners aligned to the 'new' IRA and the Continuity IRA called off
their protests earlier in the week.
However, the remaining prisoners insisted they receive some sort of
confirmation that body scanners were to be introduced to replace strip
searches before they would fall into line with the rest of the
republicans held in Roe 3 and 4 of Maghaberry.
On Tuesday, the justice minister confirmed he would be introducing the
new technology across all three main prisons stating: "There has been
considerable speeding up of the process."
In their statement, the 'Cogús' prisoners said they had held back from
ending their protest until they had received "a genuine indication of
goodwill on behalf of the state."
"We would not have ended our protest but for David Ford's announcement,
yet we stress that our good faith is conditional on him keeping his
"We asked for a goodwill gesture which was given, we sought assurances
on scanners and controlled movement. This was also given."
It is understood that assurances on controlled movement were given
yesterday by a three-man delegation lead by senior deputy governor Gary
McClean that visited a representative of the Cogus prisoners.
In a more cautious statement earlier this week, prisoners on the same
Roe 3 landing associated with the Continuity IRA said they had also
chosen to suspend their protest.
"After 18 months of this second phase of protest, we believe that we
have shown the prison regime our resolve and determination to oppose
conditions not befitting Republican Prisoners of War. We also believe we
can afford them the opportunity at this juncture to implement the
agreement," the prisoners said.
"It is our hope that with this magnanimous gesture the prison regime
will now honour their word. As Republicans we will not shirk our
responsibility and we believe that it is now necessary for us to take
this lead in bringing the agreement to its conclusion."
In his response, Six-County Justice minister David Ford said: "I welcome
any initiative by the remaining prisoners on protest in Roe House to end
their protest.
"The ending of the protest removes a barrier and will hopefully allow
for a better environment to exist on the wing, which will be beneficial
for both staff and prisoners alike.
"The initiative has been taken by the prisoners themselves. The
Agreement of August 2010 has been and continues to be honoured by the
Prison Service."
>>>>>> 15,000 march in pre-Budget demonstration
The Dublin government's fiscal 'kite flying' season is well and truly
underway ahead of next month's annual 26-County Budget announcement.
Measures already signalled and likely to be included in the spending
plans for 2013 are an annual property tax of around 300-500 euro per
home, and a universal cut in child benefit.
Other elements being leaked by government officials include a hike in
motor tax, a 'fat tax' or 'sugar tax', and an increase in the duty on
the 'old reliables' -- alcohol and cigarettes.
Over 15,000 marched on Saturday in a demonstration against the
government's unrelenting austerity measures, which once again look set
to hit the most vulnerable the hardest.
Michael O'Reilly, president of the Dublin Council of Trade Unions
(DCTU), which co-organised the event, said it was just one step in a
long campaign to reverse cutbacks.
"The evidence is clear - you cannot cut your way out of a recession," he
told protesters, outside the GPO on O'Connell Street. "On the contrary:
with each cut in public spending, and with each euro taken out of the
pockets of low and average earners in new or increased taxes, we are
digging ourselves further into a hole."
But the march was overshadowed by spontaneous protests against the trade
unions' tacit support for the government, and the public perception that
it has worked to the advantage of Ireland's wealthiest civil servants.
O'Reilly himself was heckled by one man shouting, “how much are you
getting paid?”.
Like government ministers, the pay packages of Ireland's trade union
leaders are indirectly linked to those of the state's top civil
servants. And under the 2010 Croke Park Agreement, unions have vowed to
take no action against the government while the incomes and job security
of public service workers -- including those earning up to half a
million euro a year in pay and benefits -- are guaranteed.
Siptu President Jack O’Connor criticised attempts to heckle
O'Reilly and the head of the ICTU, Eugene
McGlone, who also spoke at the rally. In an unusual outburst, he
described those involved as "fascists" and claimed they were members of
Sinn Féin or the United Left Alliance.
Councillor Larry O’Toole, leader of the Sinn Féin group on Dublin City
Council, said that the party was not behind any orchestrated heckling or
booing, but said that many people are criticial of the leadership of the
trade union movement because of its support of the Labour party.
Mr O’Toole said that the Labour party is “implementing the brutal
austerity policies affecting working families and citizens across this
state. It was inevitable that such criticism would be reflected" at the
rally, he said.
Pressure on the trade union to act on social injustice
has increased this month following fresh reports of the extraordinary
pay and bonuses being awarded to politicians, state-funded bankers and
elite public servants.
The flat and regressive nature of the cut to child benefit is likely to
prove one of the most controversial measures this year. Reports today
suggested that Ireland's wealthiest will be hit with the same level of
cuts as its poorest, at 10 euro per child per month.
It was also rumoured a new but as yet unquantified “payroll tax” to fund
increased health spending is being planned, as well as a doubling of
prescription charges for medical card holders.
The elderly are being targeted for extra hardship, with changes to the
over-70s medical card, as well as reductions planned in other pensioner
benefits, including electricity and telephone allowances.
It has also been reported that the time for which unemployment
assistance is guaranteed for those newly out of work will be cut from 12
months to nine months.
Council house residents may also face a rent increase of to 2 euro a
week, which will generate €50-€100 a year per house.
Due to the severity of the budget, a new format for the presentation of
Wednesday’s announcements will see Finance Minister Michael
Noonan introducing the main
taxation measures in a 40-minute speech, to be followed immediately by
Minister Howlin, who will reveal the spending cuts.
There has been much opposition to the rumoured measures by
Opposition TDs and advocacy groups.
Any cut in child benefit would be a “blatant breach of election pleges
from the Labour party”, Sinn Fein health spokesman Caoimhín O'Caoláin
said in a statement today.
It would be an “outrage” shortly after the passing of the children
referendum to attack child benefit and hit the most vulnerable children
and families, he said.
The prescription charge for medical card holders was something Minister
for Health James Reilly opposed when introduced by former health
minister Mary Harney, he said.
“Not only has he failed to abolish the charges as he demanded in
opposition, but he now proposes to increase them”.
He suggested that the leaks may be part of a 'softening up' process with
cuts and charges imposed on budget day portrayed as 'not as bad as they
could have been'.
But he added: "These two measures alone - Child Benefit cuts and higher
prescription charges - would significantly increase the growing hardship
for low to middle income families, and especially families with children
in this state. They must be resisted strongly."
>>>>>> 'End impunity' for Bloody Sunday killings
A number of relatives of those murdered by British paratroopers on
Bloody Sunday say they will continue to march until those responsible
for the 1972 massacre are held to account.
A new group called the Bloody Sunday March Committee announced details
on Tuesday of a series of events to mark the 41st anniversary of the
Bogside shootings, in which 14 anti-internment marchers were shot dead.
The main event is a march which will take place on Sunday, January 27,
One of the organisers of the weekend of events - the theme of which is
“End Impunity” - is Kate Nash whose brother, William, was among those
gunned down on Bloody Sunday.
She told the press conference that she intends to continue marching
until those responsible for the murders are brought to justice.
Earlier this month it was revealed that, to date, not one soldier
implicated in the murders and the maiming of a further 14 has been
interviewed, or indeed arrested, as part of the investigation.
A lawyer representing the families and wounded of Bloody Sunday said he
was “staggered” that the PSNI have still made no attempts to either
question or arrest any former soldier involved in the 1972 massacre.
Peter Madden, of Madden and Finucane Solicitors said there had been an
“abject failure” to progress the murder investigation which was announced
back in July.
Correspondence his firm has received from the PSNI confirmed that the
police have yet to further the case for soldiers’ prosecutions and have
yet to appoint a family liaison officer to work alongside families and
those who were wounded on January 30, 1972.
Families of those murdered expressed disbelief.
Joe McKinney, whose brother William was shot dead in Glenfada Park, said
he was “extremely angry”.
Citing the example of another historical
inquiry, he demands a “level playing field” when it comes to
investigating crimes committed by the armed forces.
“I read a newspaper report in recent months concerning the trial of a
man accused of murdering Captain Robert Nairac in 1977. The Crown
barrister opening the prosecution said that the passage of time must not
absolve those accused of heinous crimes being brought to justice, but it
appears to me to grant absolution if the person responsible for the
crime wore a British Army uniform,” Mr McKinney told the Derry Journal.
“I am extremely angry that there does not appear to be a level playing
field and that those responsible for the murders committed on Bloody
Sunday are not being pursued with any genuine conviction or rigour by
the PSNI.”
Claims that the PSNI do not have the money to advance
the investigation have been dismissed.
John Kelly, whose 17-year-old brother Michael was murdered by British
paratroopers on 30 January 1972, pointed out that the force had all the
resources necessary for a giant security operation ahead of next year’s
G8 Summit, which is to be held in Fermanagh.
“The PSNI don’t seem to be complaining about the money or the resources
needed to cover the G8 Summit next year, yet still they insist they
don’t have the resources needed to conduct a major murder investigation?
That can’t be right.
“The fact is, we are all waiting for news of this murder investigation
and now the PSNI will probably spend millions and draft in hundreds of
extra personnel to police this summit of world leaders.
“Our words are falling on deaf ears. Since this G8 Summit has been
announced, there has not been even a whisper of complaint from the PSNI
as regards resources. Our loved ones mean nothing to them. They are
second-class citizens and don’t seem to count as far as the PSNI are
A sister of one of the teenagers murdered on Bloody Sunday said local
families were still being treated like “second class citizens”.
Kay Green's 17 year-old brother Jackie Duddy was the first fatality of
Bloody Sunday.
“This is still a murder investigation and, while the PSNI take their
time deciding, they need to realise that time really is of the essence
here. We are all getting older, so what are they going to do - wait till
either we die off or the soldiers do? That’s what it looks like to me,”
Mrs Green said.
“The one thing we don’t want is to pass this responsibility on to
another generation, just as it was passed to us from our parents.”
“Considering we waited so long since 1972 anyway, and the fact that it’s
been two and a half years since the Saville Report was delivered, not to
mention the fact that the police didn’t even have the common courtesy to
inform families about the murder investigation and we actually found out
about it on the news - I am really not surprised. We are only the
families, after all. We’ve always been treated as second-class citizens
and so it goes on - our loved ones mean nothing to them.
“They have every bit of evidence necessary - evidence that they
murdered, evidence that they committed perjury - it’s all there in front
of them. What more do they need?”
A second theme of the weekend's events is the subject of cover-up, with
links to the Hillsborough justice campaign in Liverpool.
There is a widely held view that one reason that the soldiers have not
been questioned by police is a fear that those higher up the political
and military chain could become implicated in the massacre.
The families have launched a website (bloodysundaymarch.org) to pool
information on the 2013 march and related talks, film-showings and other
Kate Nash had a message for those who believe it is time to stop
“You are entitled to your opinion. It is your democratic right not to
march,” she said. “However, I also have a democratic right to continue
marching and I intend to do so.”
>>>>>> Price family condemns Parole Commissioners
The family of Marian Price has said it is "appalled" at what it says are
deliberate delays by the Parole Commission in reviewing her case.
The Parole Commission is empowered to release prisoners if they are no
longer considered a 'public threat'. Campaigners have said that Price
never posed any threat, and that her mental and physical health have
seriously declined since she was effectively interned without trial last
The Price and McGlinchey families said there was now a widely held view
that the Commission was engaged in "a stalling process". They said they
had been assured that the Commissioners were in a position to deliver a
verdict by Stormont Ministers, as well as by past and present British
Direct Rulers.
"It is now 18 months since Owen Paterson employed mechanisms to revoke a
license he claimed Marian was held under. She is now imprisoned for
offences dating back almost 40 years.
"Marian has been bailed by the courts yet since May 2011 has remained in
solitary confinement in prison and present is held in an isolated
hospital unit.
"As a consequence of her treatment in Maghaberry and Hydebank prison
Marian's health has continued to deteriorate. The hospital staff now
treating Marian's various illnesses have had an arduous task balancing
highly toxic medications with other treatments. This ordeal for all
involved should be not be happening."
"The courts have said Marian should be released on bail and all medical
opinion has stated she cannot be treated in an environment that is not
conductive to recovery."
They said the former prisons campaigner had been in an 'outside'
hospital since June and is held under guard with all the rules and
regulations applied to a prison regime.
"The fact that she has been hospitalised by such a lengthy period
without improvement and indeed marked deterioration speaks volumes about
the chronic state of her health.
The families said that Marian has been forced to endure the brunt of
'game playing' in a 'legal limbo' to the detriment of her mental and
physical health.
"We call on those assigned to adjudicate in this travesty of a so called
justice system to act now before a shameful situation becomes
They said the Parole Commissioners had failed to comply with their
obligations under Article 5 of the European Convention, which requires
such hearings to take place within a reasonable time
"The Commissioners dealing with Marian's case must discharge their
statutory legal duties without interference from any source. Their
delay in embarking on the pathway to a resolution of this urgent matter
is tilting the scales towards further deterioration in Marian's already
serious ill health.
"At the same time we call on the state to produce the evidence if it
exists so that Marian's legal team can defend her. The Parole
Commissioners must swiftly enact the duties charged to them and after
such a lengthy process come to a just and decisive ruling."
Meanwhile, judgement has been reserved in an appeal against Price's
fellow internee, Martin Corey, being returned to prison.
The British Direct Ruler Theresa Villiers has challenging a ruling that
the Parole Commissioners had breached Martin Corey's human rights in
keeping him behind bars.
In July Corey won a judicial review over a decision by the Parole
Commission to keep him behind bars on the basis of 'secret information'.
A High Court judge held that their determination on whether it was safe
to release him had breached his rights under European law.
The commissioners were directed to reconsider the case and Corey was
granted unconditional bail.
But pending a full appeal against the judgment, lawyers for the British
government secured a stay on the bail order from another judge.
Corey's legal team are seeking to challenge that determination at the
Supreme Court in London.
Meanwhile, the appeal against the judicial review ruling was heard by
three senior judges. Following submissions from both sides the judges
pledged to deliver their verdict as soon as possible.
>>>>>> No protest against small loyalist march
Nationalist residents have asked the Apprentice Boys why they intend to
hold a parade past St Patrick's Church in Belfast involving just 25
people. The order has applied to the Parades Commission for permission
to walk past the church and nationalist Carrick Hill area tomorrow
[December 1] as part of its annual Lundy's Day celebrations.
The organisation had not applied for any bands to take part in the
parade. The 'Faith Defenders Clifton 'want to walk almost half a mile
from Clifton Street Orange Hall to York Street, from where they are
expected to make the onward bus journey to Derry for the main parade.
An Apprentice Boys parade past
the flashpoint earlier this month ended
in controversy when a loyalist band breached a Parades Commission
ruling by playing the sectarian Famine Song as it passed Carrick Hill.
Tensions in the area have been high since the Shankill Road-based Young
Conway Volunteers were filmed walking in circles while playing the same
song outside St Patrick's on July 12, and since there have been five
parades organised by loyalists to pass the church, with violence
breaking out on one occasion.
The unusually long Protestant marching season has been linked to a
continuing low level of sectarian incidents. In the past week,
nationalists were blamed for vandalising an Orange Hall and a British
Army war memorial in isolated areas of County Derry and Antrim, while a
tricolour was placed on an abandoned Orange Hall in Ballycastle.
Frank Dempsey of the Carrick Hill Concerned Residents Committee asked
why the Apprentice Boys wanted to walk past the flashpoint again.
"Why can't they just get on their bus at the Orange Hall at Clifton
Street, or is this a case of 'we will walk where we want and to
with you'?" Mr Dempsey said.
"Why would anybody want to walk down past a Catholic area to get a bus
to Derry when they can get a bus at Clifton Street, go down a slip road
beside the hall and be on their way?
"Another issue is that if they can walk down here this time without a
band then why can't they do it all the time?"
However, he said residents had called off a planned protest for
tomorrow's parade as an "act of good will".
"Despite the breaking of the last determination on November 10 by
playing the Famine Song, Carrick Hill Concerned Residents Group has
decided to call off their protest as an act of good will, both on the
outward and return journey but will have observers on the streets," he
"From the outset of the parade dispute all this community has asked for
is respect and if the Apprentice Boys can walk past in silence on
December 1 surely then its not much to ask that the bands that accompany
them in other parades do the same."
>>>>>> Feature: The diggers who fought in Irish Civil War
by John Connell (for the Irish Echo)
A hitherto unknown story of Australian diggers who fought in the Irish
War of Independence and Civil War has recently been uncovered.
Sydney writer and filmmaker Kerry Casey discovered the hidden history
while in Ireland earlier this year.
“I had come to Glenosheen in County Limerick to trace my grand-father,
Patrick Cornelious (Con) Casey. I began working on the story when my own
father was dying, so it’s been a very personal project,” he said.
Ireland had become the breadbasket of the Allied war effort in World War
I. It was the most popular place for Australian soldiers to go on leave
during the conflict.
However, the seeds of political discontent in the country soon led to
many diggers becoming involved in the independence movement.
Of the 330,000 Australian forces who served in World War I, 893 were
illegal absentees, many of whom Casey has discovered served in the IRA
during the war years.
Con Casey was a highly decorated soldier, having fought at Gallipoli and
the Somme, and it was during his 1917 leave in Ireland that he became
interested in Irish politics.
Supported by his father in Australia, Casey would buy a motorbike and
become military advisor to Liam Lynch’s North Cork Brigade during the
“Con took part in a number of successful raids during the war and was
attacked more than once by British forces,” says Casey.
Casey’s research has so far uncovered six other IRA diggers stationed
around Ireland, and formed the basis of his thesis at the Australian
Defence Force Academy.
“At first military historians laughed at me and said this is not part of
the official digger story, but now that I’m pulling out more characters
and information, the facts are speaking for themselves.
“It has reshaped how we think about the Aussie digger.”
The story of Mike McGrath is perhaps the most illustrative of this
hidden history.
Born in Ireland, the young McGrath worked his way to Australia on the
White Star Line of Titanic fame.
He would later go on to join the Australian army and fight on the
Western Front.
While on leave in Ireland, he would join Dan Breen’s famous IRA flying
column and take part in a number of raids and battles.
McGrath fought with the anti-treaty side in the Civil War and was
executed in the Curragh prison camp, despite being an Australian
citizen. He would never get to return to Australia.
“The simple fact is we just don’t know how many IRA diggers there are,”
Casey says. “In doing this project I have uncovered a number, but I hope
in highlighting the story that more families may come forward.”
>>>>>> Analysis: Another issue flying in the face of change
The present kerfuffle about flying the Union flag over Belfast City Hall
is a reminder of how long it takes to change anything and of the
obstacles in the way of change. It used to be that the Union flag was
flown 365 days a year from anything vertical a unionist could find - at
police barracks, courts, council offices, libraries, hospitals,
education offices,schools and, more surprisingly, Protestant churches,
never mind unofficial efforts on lamp-posts and pylons.
Until about a decade ago St McCartan's Church of Ireland Cathedral in
Clogher used to fly four, yes four, Union flags, one from each corner of
its tower every summer.
Since the Good Friday Agreement official manifestations have dwindled.
Most unionists accept that flying the flag on 'designated days' as
elsewhere in the UK is enough to satisfy honour. Even so, the flag would
have been a lot less evident if it had not been for the foolish and
misguided machinations of Peter Mandelson when he was Tony Blair's
proconsul here.
In a futile attempt to placate unionists he reneged on understandings
about royalist regalia at courts and flags at Stormont. The unionists
got their flags but Mandelson got nothing from the unionists.
Mandelson's mistakes show that if there is no legislation imposed on
them, unionist politicians will resist change no matter what it is, even
if it is for the general good. Not, mind you, that removing a flag will
make a difference to general welfare but it does make a difference to
demonstrating parity of esteem and equality of status, concepts no
unionist politician has ever subscribed to. After all, what was Norn Irn
devised for except to provide an exclusive enclave for the diminishing
minority on the island?
Legally that position has been abolished but in practice it continues
and there is no provision to change the practice. Unionists know they're
on a hiding to nothing legally which is why they've been resorting to
dirty tricks in Belfast, distributing leaflets dressed up to look like
Alliance ones.
In the end it will come down to a vote despite all the spurious
consultations unionist councillors have tried to fix. In the end the
unionists will lose as they always do, not necessarily this time, but in
the end. They're on the wrong side of history and of demography.
You'd think some of them would stretch out a hand, meet Fenians hallway,
but no. Look at any proposal for change at Stormont. Even if it's a
motion in the impotent assembly unionists invoke a petition of concern,
probably the most abused and misused procedure provided for in the Good
Friday Agreement. True, Sinn Fein does it too, but that's mainly to
defend its own members or, recently, special advisers from unionist
attempts to contravene the spirit (and sometimes the letter) of the
agreement or to score some point about an IRA incident a generation ago.
In the case of petitions of concern there's no chance of the Alliance
Party throwing their votes behind change. Alliance don't count since,
although they're unionists, they refuse to designate themselves as such.
They pretend they don't take the position of either nationalists or
unionists when it's perfectly obvious they are a liberal version of
unionism and oppose national diversity in this society as assiduously as
anyone in the DUP.
Unlike the DUP, Alliance won't even admit there are two politico-ethnic
groups. The result is of course paralysis not just at the executive on
any matter that counts such as housing or education but on the most
trivial sectarian items.
Meanwhile the two governments are completely disengaged - the
Conservatives because they have no votes and no interest, the Irish
because the tanaiste for the whole of his chequered career from
Stickiness to Labour has never exhibited the slightest interest in the
north. Indeed at the height of the Troubles he seemed more concerned
with East Germany or North Korea than the Falls or the Bogside. At the
present time the man who is supposed to keep a watching brief on
nationalist concerns in the north is more concerned about keeping his
sinking poll ratings above those of Sinn Fein in the Dail than advancing
Friday-Thursday, 23-29 November, 2012
2. Optimism increases for Maghaberry resolution
3. 15,000 march in pre-Budget demonstration
4. 'End impunity' for Bloody Sunday killings
5. Price family condemns Parole Commissioners
6. No protest against small loyalist march
7. Feature: The diggers who fought in Irish Civil War
8. Analysis: Another issue flying in the face of change
Republican socialist group éirigí is being subjected to a concerted
smear campaign following the arrest of one of its members this week.
A member of the organisation in Dublin, Ursula Ní Shionnain, was
detained on Tuesday in what appeared to be a carefully planned Garda
operation in county Offaly, and charged with arms offences.
A further move to arrest party chairman Brian Leeson bore the hallmarks
of a 'black ops' campaign against the entire organisation.
Éirígí General Secretary Breandán Mac Cionnaith said Mr Leeson's arrest
and 72-hour detention was a "cynical exercise" designed to foster "black
propaganda and misinformation" within sections of the media.
“Brian’s release, without charge, confirms our view that his arrest had
a clear political motivation," he said.
He linked the events to the left-wing party's growing political support
and its recent decision to contest local elections in the 26 Counties.
Mr Leeson had played a central role in organising opposition to the
austerity policies being implemented by the Fine Gael/Labour coalition
in Leinster House, he said.
"We are of the view that this arrest and the accompanying coverage by
some media outlets is designed to undermine opposition to this
forthcoming budget and to attack our party.
“We also believe that it is more than just mere coincidence that Brian’s
arrest came just over a week after the party voted at our annual Ard
Fheis to contest local government elections in the 26 Counties.
“We fully believe that these things are most certainly not unconnected.”
He also said the party would not take steps to distance itself from Ms
Ní Shionnain.
“I have no doubt that some of the more sensationalist media outlets will
try to exploit Ursula's arrest to insinuate all sorts of conspiracy
theories and to engage in McCarthy-like 'reds under the beds' hysteria
against éirígí. That, of course, will be nothing new."
Media depictions of Irish republicans have become more heavily
propagandised in recent weeks, particularly in the tabloid newspapers. A
commemorative event in Dublin for prominent local republican and
anti-drugs campaigner Alan Ryan, murdered by drug dealers in September,
was described as a "terrorist party" in one newspaper.
A separate incident in Newry has reinforced a belief that Éirígí, in
particular, is facing an increased policy of suppression. An early
morning raid and arrest on the Newry home of prominent éirígí activist
Stephen Murney took place on the eve of Leeson's arrest.
It had demonstrated yet again the political nature of policing in the
North, said éirígí spokesperson John McCusker.
“Stephen is well-known as an éirígí party member in the Newry area who
is very active within his local community. For the past couple of years,
the PSNI have conducted a lengthy and intense campaign of harassment
against him.
“Independent human rights organisations are currently investigating this
campaign of harassment against Stephen and other people in the Newry
area. Indeed, they have documented evidence detailing this open
political victimisation. It has included constant stop and search
procedures, harassment, assaults, house searches and threats from the
PSNI officers – all carried out under the guise of so-called
‘anti-terror’ legislation.
The PSNI seized items from Mr Murney's home which included éirígí party
literature and personal items belonging to him and other members of his
family. He was then arrested and taken to Antrim Holding Centre.
McCusker added, “Many of Stephen’s neighbours gathered beside his home
this morning in a show of solidarity and to demonstrate their abhorrence
of the PSNI’s actions. I would commend those people for showing such
communal solidarity with Stephen and his family.
“Serious questions must be asked about the overt and aggressive
political policing which is becoming a daily occurrence," he concluded.
The Republican Network for Unity said the arrests were an example of
"joined up political policing" between the Gardai and the PSNI which had
been carried out to demonise Éirígí and its political work.
>>>>>> Optimism increases for Maghaberry resolution
The remaining block of republican prisoners are to end their protest in
Maghaberry prison as of today after getting what they say was a
"goodwill gesture" from Six-County justice minister David Ford.
A three-man delegation of senior prison staff, which included at least
two deputy governors, met with representatives of the remaining
prisoners on protest yesterday in a last-minute push to convince them to
come off the protest.
A two-man team of independent mediators have also been working behind
the scenes to reach a compromise between the prison authorities and
republican prisoners following 17-months of protest by around 40
The prisoners have been protesting at the use of strip-searching, the
use of restrictive controlled movement and other measures intended to
criminalise their armed campaigns.
A prison guard, David Black, died in an attack by the 'new' IRA on his
way to work in Maghaberry prison on November 1.
Prisoners housed on Maghaberry's Roe 3, aligned to the Republican
Network for Unity (RNU), have now said they will also end the protest
which has been ongoing for the past 17-months. The protest has included
a refusal to take part in prison procedures, and as in the early '80s.
has seen excrement smeared on cell walls.
A statement issued on behalf of the prisoners said since the
commencement of the protest in July 2011, "we made it clear to our
representatives, that a genuine indication of goodwill on behalf of the
state would be required before we would consider ending this phase of
the protest".
Prisoners aligned to the 'new' IRA and the Continuity IRA called off
their protests earlier in the week.
However, the remaining prisoners insisted they receive some sort of
confirmation that body scanners were to be introduced to replace strip
searches before they would fall into line with the rest of the
republicans held in Roe 3 and 4 of Maghaberry.
On Tuesday, the justice minister confirmed he would be introducing the
new technology across all three main prisons stating: "There has been
considerable speeding up of the process."
In their statement, the 'Cogús' prisoners said they had held back from
ending their protest until they had received "a genuine indication of
goodwill on behalf of the state."
"We would not have ended our protest but for David Ford's announcement,
yet we stress that our good faith is conditional on him keeping his
"We asked for a goodwill gesture which was given, we sought assurances
on scanners and controlled movement. This was also given."
It is understood that assurances on controlled movement were given
yesterday by a three-man delegation lead by senior deputy governor Gary
McClean that visited a representative of the Cogus prisoners.
In a more cautious statement earlier this week, prisoners on the same
Roe 3 landing associated with the Continuity IRA said they had also
chosen to suspend their protest.
"After 18 months of this second phase of protest, we believe that we
have shown the prison regime our resolve and determination to oppose
conditions not befitting Republican Prisoners of War. We also believe we
can afford them the opportunity at this juncture to implement the
agreement," the prisoners said.
"It is our hope that with this magnanimous gesture the prison regime
will now honour their word. As Republicans we will not shirk our
responsibility and we believe that it is now necessary for us to take
this lead in bringing the agreement to its conclusion."
In his response, Six-County Justice minister David Ford said: "I welcome
any initiative by the remaining prisoners on protest in Roe House to end
their protest.
"The ending of the protest removes a barrier and will hopefully allow
for a better environment to exist on the wing, which will be beneficial
for both staff and prisoners alike.
"The initiative has been taken by the prisoners themselves. The
Agreement of August 2010 has been and continues to be honoured by the
Prison Service."
>>>>>> 15,000 march in pre-Budget demonstration
The Dublin government's fiscal 'kite flying' season is well and truly
underway ahead of next month's annual 26-County Budget announcement.
Measures already signalled and likely to be included in the spending
plans for 2013 are an annual property tax of around 300-500 euro per
home, and a universal cut in child benefit.
Other elements being leaked by government officials include a hike in
motor tax, a 'fat tax' or 'sugar tax', and an increase in the duty on
the 'old reliables' -- alcohol and cigarettes.
Over 15,000 marched on Saturday in a demonstration against the
government's unrelenting austerity measures, which once again look set
to hit the most vulnerable the hardest.
Michael O'Reilly, president of the Dublin Council of Trade Unions
(DCTU), which co-organised the event, said it was just one step in a
long campaign to reverse cutbacks.
"The evidence is clear - you cannot cut your way out of a recession," he
told protesters, outside the GPO on O'Connell Street. "On the contrary:
with each cut in public spending, and with each euro taken out of the
pockets of low and average earners in new or increased taxes, we are
digging ourselves further into a hole."
But the march was overshadowed by spontaneous protests against the trade
unions' tacit support for the government, and the public perception that
it has worked to the advantage of Ireland's wealthiest civil servants.
O'Reilly himself was heckled by one man shouting, “how much are you
getting paid?”.
Like government ministers, the pay packages of Ireland's trade union
leaders are indirectly linked to those of the state's top civil
servants. And under the 2010 Croke Park Agreement, unions have vowed to
take no action against the government while the incomes and job security
of public service workers -- including those earning up to half a
million euro a year in pay and benefits -- are guaranteed.
Siptu President Jack O’Connor criticised attempts to heckle
O'Reilly and the head of the ICTU, Eugene
McGlone, who also spoke at the rally. In an unusual outburst, he
described those involved as "fascists" and claimed they were members of
Sinn Féin or the United Left Alliance.
Councillor Larry O’Toole, leader of the Sinn Féin group on Dublin City
Council, said that the party was not behind any orchestrated heckling or
booing, but said that many people are criticial of the leadership of the
trade union movement because of its support of the Labour party.
Mr O’Toole said that the Labour party is “implementing the brutal
austerity policies affecting working families and citizens across this
state. It was inevitable that such criticism would be reflected" at the
rally, he said.
Pressure on the trade union to act on social injustice
has increased this month following fresh reports of the extraordinary
pay and bonuses being awarded to politicians, state-funded bankers and
elite public servants.
The flat and regressive nature of the cut to child benefit is likely to
prove one of the most controversial measures this year. Reports today
suggested that Ireland's wealthiest will be hit with the same level of
cuts as its poorest, at 10 euro per child per month.
It was also rumoured a new but as yet unquantified “payroll tax” to fund
increased health spending is being planned, as well as a doubling of
prescription charges for medical card holders.
The elderly are being targeted for extra hardship, with changes to the
over-70s medical card, as well as reductions planned in other pensioner
benefits, including electricity and telephone allowances.
It has also been reported that the time for which unemployment
assistance is guaranteed for those newly out of work will be cut from 12
months to nine months.
Council house residents may also face a rent increase of to 2 euro a
week, which will generate €50-€100 a year per house.
Due to the severity of the budget, a new format for the presentation of
Wednesday’s announcements will see Finance Minister Michael
Noonan introducing the main
taxation measures in a 40-minute speech, to be followed immediately by
Minister Howlin, who will reveal the spending cuts.
There has been much opposition to the rumoured measures by
Opposition TDs and advocacy groups.
Any cut in child benefit would be a “blatant breach of election pleges
from the Labour party”, Sinn Fein health spokesman Caoimhín O'Caoláin
said in a statement today.
It would be an “outrage” shortly after the passing of the children
referendum to attack child benefit and hit the most vulnerable children
and families, he said.
The prescription charge for medical card holders was something Minister
for Health James Reilly opposed when introduced by former health
minister Mary Harney, he said.
“Not only has he failed to abolish the charges as he demanded in
opposition, but he now proposes to increase them”.
He suggested that the leaks may be part of a 'softening up' process with
cuts and charges imposed on budget day portrayed as 'not as bad as they
could have been'.
But he added: "These two measures alone - Child Benefit cuts and higher
prescription charges - would significantly increase the growing hardship
for low to middle income families, and especially families with children
in this state. They must be resisted strongly."
>>>>>> 'End impunity' for Bloody Sunday killings
A number of relatives of those murdered by British paratroopers on
Bloody Sunday say they will continue to march until those responsible
for the 1972 massacre are held to account.
A new group called the Bloody Sunday March Committee announced details
on Tuesday of a series of events to mark the 41st anniversary of the
Bogside shootings, in which 14 anti-internment marchers were shot dead.
The main event is a march which will take place on Sunday, January 27,
One of the organisers of the weekend of events - the theme of which is
“End Impunity” - is Kate Nash whose brother, William, was among those
gunned down on Bloody Sunday.
She told the press conference that she intends to continue marching
until those responsible for the murders are brought to justice.
Earlier this month it was revealed that, to date, not one soldier
implicated in the murders and the maiming of a further 14 has been
interviewed, or indeed arrested, as part of the investigation.
A lawyer representing the families and wounded of Bloody Sunday said he
was “staggered” that the PSNI have still made no attempts to either
question or arrest any former soldier involved in the 1972 massacre.
Peter Madden, of Madden and Finucane Solicitors said there had been an
“abject failure” to progress the murder investigation which was announced
back in July.
Correspondence his firm has received from the PSNI confirmed that the
police have yet to further the case for soldiers’ prosecutions and have
yet to appoint a family liaison officer to work alongside families and
those who were wounded on January 30, 1972.
Families of those murdered expressed disbelief.
Joe McKinney, whose brother William was shot dead in Glenfada Park, said
he was “extremely angry”.
Citing the example of another historical
inquiry, he demands a “level playing field” when it comes to
investigating crimes committed by the armed forces.
“I read a newspaper report in recent months concerning the trial of a
man accused of murdering Captain Robert Nairac in 1977. The Crown
barrister opening the prosecution said that the passage of time must not
absolve those accused of heinous crimes being brought to justice, but it
appears to me to grant absolution if the person responsible for the
crime wore a British Army uniform,” Mr McKinney told the Derry Journal.
“I am extremely angry that there does not appear to be a level playing
field and that those responsible for the murders committed on Bloody
Sunday are not being pursued with any genuine conviction or rigour by
the PSNI.”
Claims that the PSNI do not have the money to advance
the investigation have been dismissed.
John Kelly, whose 17-year-old brother Michael was murdered by British
paratroopers on 30 January 1972, pointed out that the force had all the
resources necessary for a giant security operation ahead of next year’s
G8 Summit, which is to be held in Fermanagh.
“The PSNI don’t seem to be complaining about the money or the resources
needed to cover the G8 Summit next year, yet still they insist they
don’t have the resources needed to conduct a major murder investigation?
That can’t be right.
“The fact is, we are all waiting for news of this murder investigation
and now the PSNI will probably spend millions and draft in hundreds of
extra personnel to police this summit of world leaders.
“Our words are falling on deaf ears. Since this G8 Summit has been
announced, there has not been even a whisper of complaint from the PSNI
as regards resources. Our loved ones mean nothing to them. They are
second-class citizens and don’t seem to count as far as the PSNI are
A sister of one of the teenagers murdered on Bloody Sunday said local
families were still being treated like “second class citizens”.
Kay Green's 17 year-old brother Jackie Duddy was the first fatality of
Bloody Sunday.
“This is still a murder investigation and, while the PSNI take their
time deciding, they need to realise that time really is of the essence
here. We are all getting older, so what are they going to do - wait till
either we die off or the soldiers do? That’s what it looks like to me,”
Mrs Green said.
“The one thing we don’t want is to pass this responsibility on to
another generation, just as it was passed to us from our parents.”
“Considering we waited so long since 1972 anyway, and the fact that it’s
been two and a half years since the Saville Report was delivered, not to
mention the fact that the police didn’t even have the common courtesy to
inform families about the murder investigation and we actually found out
about it on the news - I am really not surprised. We are only the
families, after all. We’ve always been treated as second-class citizens
and so it goes on - our loved ones mean nothing to them.
“They have every bit of evidence necessary - evidence that they
murdered, evidence that they committed perjury - it’s all there in front
of them. What more do they need?”
A second theme of the weekend's events is the subject of cover-up, with
links to the Hillsborough justice campaign in Liverpool.
There is a widely held view that one reason that the soldiers have not
been questioned by police is a fear that those higher up the political
and military chain could become implicated in the massacre.
The families have launched a website (bloodysundaymarch.org) to pool
information on the 2013 march and related talks, film-showings and other
Kate Nash had a message for those who believe it is time to stop
“You are entitled to your opinion. It is your democratic right not to
march,” she said. “However, I also have a democratic right to continue
marching and I intend to do so.”
>>>>>> Price family condemns Parole Commissioners
The family of Marian Price has said it is "appalled" at what it says are
deliberate delays by the Parole Commission in reviewing her case.
The Parole Commission is empowered to release prisoners if they are no
longer considered a 'public threat'. Campaigners have said that Price
never posed any threat, and that her mental and physical health have
seriously declined since she was effectively interned without trial last
The Price and McGlinchey families said there was now a widely held view
that the Commission was engaged in "a stalling process". They said they
had been assured that the Commissioners were in a position to deliver a
verdict by Stormont Ministers, as well as by past and present British
Direct Rulers.
"It is now 18 months since Owen Paterson employed mechanisms to revoke a
license he claimed Marian was held under. She is now imprisoned for
offences dating back almost 40 years.
"Marian has been bailed by the courts yet since May 2011 has remained in
solitary confinement in prison and present is held in an isolated
hospital unit.
"As a consequence of her treatment in Maghaberry and Hydebank prison
Marian's health has continued to deteriorate. The hospital staff now
treating Marian's various illnesses have had an arduous task balancing
highly toxic medications with other treatments. This ordeal for all
involved should be not be happening."
"The courts have said Marian should be released on bail and all medical
opinion has stated she cannot be treated in an environment that is not
conductive to recovery."
They said the former prisons campaigner had been in an 'outside'
hospital since June and is held under guard with all the rules and
regulations applied to a prison regime.
"The fact that she has been hospitalised by such a lengthy period
without improvement and indeed marked deterioration speaks volumes about
the chronic state of her health.
The families said that Marian has been forced to endure the brunt of
'game playing' in a 'legal limbo' to the detriment of her mental and
physical health.
"We call on those assigned to adjudicate in this travesty of a so called
justice system to act now before a shameful situation becomes
They said the Parole Commissioners had failed to comply with their
obligations under Article 5 of the European Convention, which requires
such hearings to take place within a reasonable time
"The Commissioners dealing with Marian's case must discharge their
statutory legal duties without interference from any source. Their
delay in embarking on the pathway to a resolution of this urgent matter
is tilting the scales towards further deterioration in Marian's already
serious ill health.
"At the same time we call on the state to produce the evidence if it
exists so that Marian's legal team can defend her. The Parole
Commissioners must swiftly enact the duties charged to them and after
such a lengthy process come to a just and decisive ruling."
Meanwhile, judgement has been reserved in an appeal against Price's
fellow internee, Martin Corey, being returned to prison.
The British Direct Ruler Theresa Villiers has challenging a ruling that
the Parole Commissioners had breached Martin Corey's human rights in
keeping him behind bars.
In July Corey won a judicial review over a decision by the Parole
Commission to keep him behind bars on the basis of 'secret information'.
A High Court judge held that their determination on whether it was safe
to release him had breached his rights under European law.
The commissioners were directed to reconsider the case and Corey was
granted unconditional bail.
But pending a full appeal against the judgment, lawyers for the British
government secured a stay on the bail order from another judge.
Corey's legal team are seeking to challenge that determination at the
Supreme Court in London.
Meanwhile, the appeal against the judicial review ruling was heard by
three senior judges. Following submissions from both sides the judges
pledged to deliver their verdict as soon as possible.
>>>>>> No protest against small loyalist march
Nationalist residents have asked the Apprentice Boys why they intend to
hold a parade past St Patrick's Church in Belfast involving just 25
people. The order has applied to the Parades Commission for permission
to walk past the church and nationalist Carrick Hill area tomorrow
[December 1] as part of its annual Lundy's Day celebrations.
The organisation had not applied for any bands to take part in the
parade. The 'Faith Defenders Clifton 'want to walk almost half a mile
from Clifton Street Orange Hall to York Street, from where they are
expected to make the onward bus journey to Derry for the main parade.
An Apprentice Boys parade past
the flashpoint earlier this month ended
in controversy when a loyalist band breached a Parades Commission
ruling by playing the sectarian Famine Song as it passed Carrick Hill.
Tensions in the area have been high since the Shankill Road-based Young
Conway Volunteers were filmed walking in circles while playing the same
song outside St Patrick's on July 12, and since there have been five
parades organised by loyalists to pass the church, with violence
breaking out on one occasion.
The unusually long Protestant marching season has been linked to a
continuing low level of sectarian incidents. In the past week,
nationalists were blamed for vandalising an Orange Hall and a British
Army war memorial in isolated areas of County Derry and Antrim, while a
tricolour was placed on an abandoned Orange Hall in Ballycastle.
Frank Dempsey of the Carrick Hill Concerned Residents Committee asked
why the Apprentice Boys wanted to walk past the flashpoint again.
"Why can't they just get on their bus at the Orange Hall at Clifton
Street, or is this a case of 'we will walk where we want and to
with you'?" Mr Dempsey said.
"Why would anybody want to walk down past a Catholic area to get a bus
to Derry when they can get a bus at Clifton Street, go down a slip road
beside the hall and be on their way?
"Another issue is that if they can walk down here this time without a
band then why can't they do it all the time?"
However, he said residents had called off a planned protest for
tomorrow's parade as an "act of good will".
"Despite the breaking of the last determination on November 10 by
playing the Famine Song, Carrick Hill Concerned Residents Group has
decided to call off their protest as an act of good will, both on the
outward and return journey but will have observers on the streets," he
"From the outset of the parade dispute all this community has asked for
is respect and if the Apprentice Boys can walk past in silence on
December 1 surely then its not much to ask that the bands that accompany
them in other parades do the same."
>>>>>> Feature: The diggers who fought in Irish Civil War
by John Connell (for the Irish Echo)
A hitherto unknown story of Australian diggers who fought in the Irish
War of Independence and Civil War has recently been uncovered.
Sydney writer and filmmaker Kerry Casey discovered the hidden history
while in Ireland earlier this year.
“I had come to Glenosheen in County Limerick to trace my grand-father,
Patrick Cornelious (Con) Casey. I began working on the story when my own
father was dying, so it’s been a very personal project,” he said.
Ireland had become the breadbasket of the Allied war effort in World War
I. It was the most popular place for Australian soldiers to go on leave
during the conflict.
However, the seeds of political discontent in the country soon led to
many diggers becoming involved in the independence movement.
Of the 330,000 Australian forces who served in World War I, 893 were
illegal absentees, many of whom Casey has discovered served in the IRA
during the war years.
Con Casey was a highly decorated soldier, having fought at Gallipoli and
the Somme, and it was during his 1917 leave in Ireland that he became
interested in Irish politics.
Supported by his father in Australia, Casey would buy a motorbike and
become military advisor to Liam Lynch’s North Cork Brigade during the
“Con took part in a number of successful raids during the war and was
attacked more than once by British forces,” says Casey.
Casey’s research has so far uncovered six other IRA diggers stationed
around Ireland, and formed the basis of his thesis at the Australian
Defence Force Academy.
“At first military historians laughed at me and said this is not part of
the official digger story, but now that I’m pulling out more characters
and information, the facts are speaking for themselves.
“It has reshaped how we think about the Aussie digger.”
The story of Mike McGrath is perhaps the most illustrative of this
hidden history.
Born in Ireland, the young McGrath worked his way to Australia on the
White Star Line of Titanic fame.
He would later go on to join the Australian army and fight on the
Western Front.
While on leave in Ireland, he would join Dan Breen’s famous IRA flying
column and take part in a number of raids and battles.
McGrath fought with the anti-treaty side in the Civil War and was
executed in the Curragh prison camp, despite being an Australian
citizen. He would never get to return to Australia.
“The simple fact is we just don’t know how many IRA diggers there are,”
Casey says. “In doing this project I have uncovered a number, but I hope
in highlighting the story that more families may come forward.”
>>>>>> Analysis: Another issue flying in the face of change
The present kerfuffle about flying the Union flag over Belfast City Hall
is a reminder of how long it takes to change anything and of the
obstacles in the way of change. It used to be that the Union flag was
flown 365 days a year from anything vertical a unionist could find - at
police barracks, courts, council offices, libraries, hospitals,
education offices,schools and, more surprisingly, Protestant churches,
never mind unofficial efforts on lamp-posts and pylons.
Until about a decade ago St McCartan's Church of Ireland Cathedral in
Clogher used to fly four, yes four, Union flags, one from each corner of
its tower every summer.
Since the Good Friday Agreement official manifestations have dwindled.
Most unionists accept that flying the flag on 'designated days' as
elsewhere in the UK is enough to satisfy honour. Even so, the flag would
have been a lot less evident if it had not been for the foolish and
misguided machinations of Peter Mandelson when he was Tony Blair's
proconsul here.
In a futile attempt to placate unionists he reneged on understandings
about royalist regalia at courts and flags at Stormont. The unionists
got their flags but Mandelson got nothing from the unionists.
Mandelson's mistakes show that if there is no legislation imposed on
them, unionist politicians will resist change no matter what it is, even
if it is for the general good. Not, mind you, that removing a flag will
make a difference to general welfare but it does make a difference to
demonstrating parity of esteem and equality of status, concepts no
unionist politician has ever subscribed to. After all, what was Norn Irn
devised for except to provide an exclusive enclave for the diminishing
minority on the island?
Legally that position has been abolished but in practice it continues
and there is no provision to change the practice. Unionists know they're
on a hiding to nothing legally which is why they've been resorting to
dirty tricks in Belfast, distributing leaflets dressed up to look like
Alliance ones.
In the end it will come down to a vote despite all the spurious
consultations unionist councillors have tried to fix. In the end the
unionists will lose as they always do, not necessarily this time, but in
the end. They're on the wrong side of history and of demography.
You'd think some of them would stretch out a hand, meet Fenians hallway,
but no. Look at any proposal for change at Stormont. Even if it's a
motion in the impotent assembly unionists invoke a petition of concern,
probably the most abused and misused procedure provided for in the Good
Friday Agreement. True, Sinn Fein does it too, but that's mainly to
defend its own members or, recently, special advisers from unionist
attempts to contravene the spirit (and sometimes the letter) of the
agreement or to score some point about an IRA incident a generation ago.
In the case of petitions of concern there's no chance of the Alliance
Party throwing their votes behind change. Alliance don't count since,
although they're unionists, they refuse to designate themselves as such.
They pretend they don't take the position of either nationalists or
unionists when it's perfectly obvious they are a liberal version of
unionism and oppose national diversity in this society as assiduously as
anyone in the DUP.
Unlike the DUP, Alliance won't even admit there are two politico-ethnic
groups. The result is of course paralysis not just at the executive on
any matter that counts such as housing or education but on the most
trivial sectarian items.
Meanwhile the two governments are completely disengaged - the
Conservatives because they have no votes and no interest, the Irish
because the tanaiste for the whole of his chequered career from
Stickiness to Labour has never exhibited the slightest interest in the
north. Indeed at the height of the Troubles he seemed more concerned
with East Germany or North Korea than the Falls or the Bogside. At the
present time the man who is supposed to keep a watching brief on
nationalist concerns in the north is more concerned about keeping his
sinking poll ratings above those of Sinn Fein in the Dail than advancing