Irish Time

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Clinton Statement on Human Rights Ignores British Censorship

Hillary Clinton and the US state department yesterday castigated censorship worldwide, as an attack on basic human rights, unfortunately they were extremely selective and ignored Britain's
rampant censorship. While British censorship like a lot of its human rights abuses are well disguised they have undoubtedly the worlds worst record on this basic human right. A link at the bottom of the article explains their record which is now almost a total blackout, to enable a fake media driven peace pretence without basic human rights or justice in Ireland.

The number of agents currently working for MI5 in Ireland, either directly or as paid agents is a 'British Official State Secret' as is anything substantive of a political nature on John Bull's other island but it numbers at least several thousand secret British agents, including their embedded journalists and editors in almost all of the Irish media. The BBC world service while unofficially the organ of her British Majesty's propaganda war, is under the total control of MI-5 and their agents, broadcasting unrestricted worldwide to her neo-colonies and compliant ex-colonies freely but should any of the natives question on its forums the truth about British torture for
example, they are mostly all censored. Huge resources of their taxpayers money are spent slowing the flow of information or blogs which are not pro British.

There were seventy ethical journalists assassinated worldwide in 2009, as a result of publishing such 'secrets' worldwide online, making it the worst year since records began, the Committee to Protect Journalists says. The British generally subcontract their international assassinations quite often, to groups such as Kidon a Mossad entity. Many Journalists which would not support the British lies around the invasion of Iraq, were assassinated

Many governments used the internet to prevent freedom of expression at home, the US state department says in its latest annual human rights report. In many cases electronic communications are restricted to control domestic dissent, it says. US Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton described the annual country reports - legally required by Congress - as "an important tool in the development of practical and effective human rights strategy by the United States government".

The US report said, over the past year many governments had applied "overly broad interpretations of terrorism and emergency powers" as a way of limiting basic human rights.

It said 2009 was a year in which more people gained access to the internet, at the same time governments spent more "time, money and attention" finding ways to control people.

Election blocking The report said "increased its efforts to monitor internet use, control content, restrict information, block access to foreign and domestic websites, encourage self-censorship, and punish those who violated regulations". Thousands of people political life are deployed
to monitor electronic communications, it added.

"The government at times blocked access to selected sites operated by major foreign news outlets, health organisations, foreign governments, educational institutions, and social networking sites, as well as search engines, that allow rapid communication or organisation of

• Discrimination against Muslims in Europe is an "increasing concern"

• Sri Lanka violated human rights at the end of last year's campaign
against Tamil Tigers and has also curbed press freedom

• Violence and human rights violations in Russia's volatile North
Caucasus region have risen dramatically over the past year

• Burma's military junta continued "human rights violations and abuses"

Regarding Sri Lanka, the report accuses the government of violating
human rights last year as it defeated Tamil Tiger insurgents.

British Ex-MI5 Head Maintains Interrogated Irish Stayed Silent

British Ex-MI5 Head Maintains Interrogated Irish were Silent

Thursday, 11 March 2010

A former head of the British Secret service MI5, has accused
intelligence services in the US, of deliberately hiding mistreatment
of terror suspects from their British allies. In the case of Binyam
Mohamed, a British resident, who was held at Guantanamo Bay after the
9/11 attacks and provided his captors with useful intelligence, which
was passed on the the UK security services. She maintains she was
unaware until 2007 that he had been subjected to waterboarding and

Baroness Manningham-Buller, giving a lecture in London on Tuesday
night, said Britain's experience of questioning suspects during the
Troubles in Occupied Ireland was that they remained silent. "I said to
my staff, 'Why is he talking?' because our experience of Irish
prisoners, Irish suspects, was that they never said anything," she
said. "They said, well, the Americans say he is very proud of his
achievements when questioned about it. It wasn't actually until after
I retired, that I read that, in fact, he had been waterboarded 160

The CIA was "very keen" to prevent Britain learning how they were
getting intelligence. She mentioned the case of Binyam Mohamed, a
British resident, who was held in Guantanamo Bay and provided his
captors with important intelligence, which was passed on to the UK
MI-5 intelligence services. She was unaware until 2007, she said, that
he had been subjected to waterboarding torture.

She was surprised at the amount of information coming from Mr Mohamed,
as Britain's previous experience of torturing suspects during the
Troubles in Occupied Ireland, was that they remained silent. "I said
to my staff, 'Why is he talking?' because experience of Irish
prisoners, Irish terrorists, was that they never said anything," she
said. "They said, well, the Americans say he is very proud of his
achievements when questioned about it. It wasn't actually until after
I retired, that I read that, in fact, he had been waterboarded 160

Her statement follows insistence by British ministers and Jonathan
Evans, the present head of MI5, that there was no collusion by British
security services in the torture of suspects. Lady Manningham-Buller
added at an event organised by the Mile End Group, a political and
historical research body, that proof Britain was complicit in the
torture of suspects could damage MI5's ability to carry out its work,
particularly as they had promised to cease their torture activities,
after they were found guilty by international courts of torture in
Occupied Ireland. It is believed she was ousted as head of MI-5 to
make way for more robust activities, in conjunction with the Israeli
secret service group based in London, known as Kidon who are involved
in international assassinations and the surveillance of political
activists on John Bull's other island. Some of the assassinations of
Irish activist are sub-contracted by the British.



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