Irish Time

Saturday, November 17, 2012

CENSORSHIT Opinions Are Like A-Holes, Everyone's Got One !


                             EVERYONE'S GOT ONE


         Fascist Freedom Fightin Censorshit  

1.Political Correctness15 up3 down
Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a
delusional, illogical, Marxist (Politically Correctly called liberal) minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.
The Politically Correct term for Politically Correct is sensitive.

Facts are Politically Incorrect, that is why we need Postmodern "thinking", that is lying elevated into a form of art.

Political Correctness has successfully outsourced censorship to private enterprises.
2.perma-offended2 up2 down
A person who is in a permanent state of being offended because of {politicalcorrectness.} No matter what others say or do, they will find a reason to pounce on them for use of a word they don't like. The other party finds they have to walk on eggshells around them.
The guy who used the word niggardly to describe someone who is miserly and he was asked to leave his job by pressure from the perma-offended.
3.Facebook correctness5 up1 down
the sacrificial act of not posting what you want to write on Facebook because it really will piss off somebody.
You wouldn't believe how often Trish resorts to Facebook correctness because of her strident political views.

Facebook political correctness politcally correct
4.intellectual50 up61 down
1.A person capable of writing grammatically correct phrases expressing the fashionable opinions of the day.
2.Self styled national conscience and natural leader.

3.Linguistic acrobat specialising in moral postures and verbal smoke and mirrors.
The Western intellectuals find themselves in a desperate situation. In order to justify their existence within the limits of the straitjacket of their own design (such as Political Correctness and Multiculturalism), they have to resort to insincerity, selective outrage, taking offence on the behalf of others, ignoring atrocities committed by privileged, oppressed people.

Censorship and intimidation is the wet dream of the intellectuals. It is the only acceptable safety net when balancing on a tightrope in world of ever changing sensibilities and linguistic prohibitions, producing a spectacle of moral indignation in competition for the attention of a fickle audience.

Fear of ridicule is the constant companion of the Politically Correctintellectual in his battle against facts and observations by the uneducated.
5.Politically Correct1091 up243 down
1. The laws of moral and ethical relativism; all systems of cultures and thought are equal in value, steming from a perceived guilt from white liberals who believe that the Western Civilization is the root of all evil to the exclusion of all else.

2. A powerful form of censorship.

abbr: PC
Political correctness has a basic flaw. If all views are equal, why do some who embrace this view feel the need to push this agenda as the "correct" one at the same time demonizing other views as "incorrect"?
by tradesman Mar 31, 2003 share this add a video
6.fiberal12 up3 down
A fake liberal. A fiberal thinks they know what they are talking about but they just repeat the same shit the New York Times, CNN, or any other liberal media outlet tells them to. They tend to care more about politicalcorrectness than what liberalism is all about, which is exactly what it sounds like: liberty. they are really into censorship of any kind. They cannot explain complex concepts of politics and economics because they just don't know enough about it. 100% of them are dumb cunts. Although the word "fiberal" contains the word "fib", fiberals actually believe the shit they say.
fiberal: Communism isn't a form of national socialism! Social darwism isn't darwism! Censorship is wrong, unless it's of something that's mean and evil, like the Bible! Natural selection doesn't exist, because nature would never be that mean to poor little animals! Welfare is constitutional and isn't unfair in any way!

regular person: What a retard...
7.Nanny State227 up78 down
Intrusive government policies in Europe and recently the United States, designed to legislate morality and social behavior, assuming the state knows best what constitutes such, in the goal of essentially protecting people from the obvious consequences of their own stupid and destructive behaviors. Therefore, the central government believes it has the comprehensive and moral duty to protect the citizenry from itself. A derogatory term used in reference to intrusive political policies where the government has an excessive desire to govern and control society in the name of “protection.” When the central government of countries goes from being a governing body to a regulatory power and social caretaker, that engages in social protectionism and economic intervensionism, to control you from the womb to the tomb and instituionalizes them as common practice.

Opponents of such policies use the term in their advocacy against what they consider as uninvited and damaging state meddling in social affairs. The nanny state burdens people with high taxes and numerous government regulations to totally control our lives and make us more dependant on government, in its quest for more power. In practice, it assumes the citizenry is stupid and that intrusive legislation is mandatory to protect people from themselves.

The term can refer to:
1. public health interventions such as disease surveillance, quarantines, mandatory or government-subsidized vaccinations, food labeling regulation...


The BBC was mocked sometime ago in a political comedy “The Day Today” in which an actor playing a provisional Sinn Fein representative, inhales helium before an interview “in order for his views to sound less credible”. Some political dissidents claim it make them more credible, you can judge for yourself in the video below. The BBC's own journalists went on strike about the matter at the time.The broadcasting ban was condemned internationally with the New York Times of the day, before Mark Thompson and MI5 infiltrated it, proclaiming “Britain’s good name as mother of parliaments and seed bed of political freedom is an asset more precious than the crown jewels, how bizarre for it to be tarnished by a Conservative government” .

In 1981 IRA prisoner Bobby Sands was elected with over 30,000 votes and after he died on hunger strike, Owen Carron of Sinn Fein won the resulting by-election.The BBC repression on freedom of expression, with regards to Sinn Fein and elected people who opposed the occupation by Britain of Ireland continued, with PEDO BBC censorship exploding the credibility of the myth of a democratic system, which the British government claims to have. It continues today with the reintroduction of the political internment of Marian Price, Gerry McGeough and Martin Corey.

Another example of PEDO BBC propaganda was when a Thames TV programme ‘Death on the Rock’ which covered the murders of three 3 IRA members in Gibraltar and contained interviews with eye witnesses, whose accounts differed drastically with those put forward by the PEDO BBC and the SAS. With a whirlwind of disinformation and erroneous reports by the PEDO BBCs suggesting, the three were armed engaging in a shootout with a large bomb. Later it was acknowledged by foreign secretary Geoffrey Howe in the House of Commoners, that the IRA members were unarmed and no bomb was found.

Noam Chomsky’s said, that media such as the PEDO BBC, are used as an instrument of the British state. This was true of the British government's attempt use the media against Sinn Fein then and still true with the interned such as Marian Price today.
Senior BBC suit Roland Fox prevented radio programme ‘Today’ from airing an interview with Michael Farrell, a leader of the People’s Democracy. Farrell was not a member of Sinn Fein but his views were regarded as critical of British government policy in British Occupied Ireland.

The Pedo BBC broadcasting ban covered the censorship of people who opposed British Occupation of Ireland. With PEDO BBC interviewers not knowing in advance what individuals are going to say during the course of interviews, many PEDO BBC producers prefer to just axe interviews, rather than risk the wrath of the Tory government. The Irish community in Britain still have their freedom of expression harshly curtailed as a result of the British government’s anti-terrorist measures and PEDO BBC propaganda..In 1988, the Pogues released, ‘If I should fall from grace with god’ which contained a song “Streets of sorrow/Birmingham 6”.This song was ‘blacklisted’ by Independent Broadcasting Authority  and banned from being played on the Pedo BBC or by PEDO BBC radio stations.The Birmingham 6 were eventually freed and acquitted in 1991, three years after the Guilford 4 were released in a similar miscarriage of justice.

Paul McCartney’s ‘Give Ireland back to the Irish’ released in February 1974 was also ‘blacklisted’ due to its political content and was barred by the PEDO BBC.For example, in 1975 a Mr. James Fegan was convicted of selling posters with captions of ‘Victory to the IRA’. In response to PEDO BBC propaganda in 1980, a prosecution took place, for the sale of Republican newspapers outside Glasgow Celtic’s football ground. Sinn Fein survived the PEDO BBC propaganda and the broadcasting ban of 1988 but it might be argued that the ban prevented dialogue with Sinn Fein, prolonging a bloody conflict.

PEDO BBC, British television and PEDO BBC radio coverage of Ireland is still used to implement British occupation. Meanwhile Media offering alternative viewpoints, are subject to censorship which breeds the PEDO BBC self-censorship amongst journalists and producers. The freedom of expression of Britain’s Irish community is seriously challenged by the British government, the bigoted London Lord Mayor, Boris Jonson so much so, that it leads one to question if there is any form of a democracy system left in a Britain which the PEDO BBC claims to belong..

Public Meeting House of Commons for Irish Political Internees

category international | crime and justice | news report author Saturday November 17, 2012 15:18author by BrianClarkeNUJ - AllVoices Report this post to the editors
The Justice Campaign for Gerry McGeough, Marian Price and Martin Corey.
A Public Meeting took place last night, Friday 16 of November 2012, in the House of Commons for the Promote Justice Campaign.

The Justice Campaign

is for Gerry McGeough, Marian Price and Martin Corey.

The Public meeting took place to examine and discuss the justice issues surrounding the imprisonment of Irish prisoners Gerry McGeough, Marian Price and Martin Corey in the House of Commons, Committee Room 15 20, November at 7 pm
Marian Price Political Hostage
Marian Price Political Hostage


EAMON O CUIV TD (Fianna Fail) Former Cabinet minister, currently opposition spokesperson in the Dáil Éireann for Agriculture, Food, and Community Affairs

CONOR MURPHY MP (Sinn Fein) MP MP for Newry and Armagh. Minister for Regional Development in the Northern Ireland Assembly 2007-2011

MONSIGNOR DR RAYMOND MURRAY Human rights' campaigner, prolific author, editor Armagh Historical Journal and award-winning Irish poet

MOYA ST LEGER Connolly Association President 2002-2008

The Political Internees ;:

Gerry McGeough (53) who was born near Dungannon Co. Tyrone is an honours graduate of Trinity College Dublin. He is a prominent Irish republican who was a Volunteer in the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA). He was the narrator for BBC documentary-maker Peter Taylor's TV series PROVOS screened in the 1990s. After his graduation from TCD in 2001 he returned to Co. Tyrone with his wife. They have four children. McGeough stood as an Independent Republican in the Northern Ireland Assembly elections in 2007. On 8 March 2007 McGeough was arrested by the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) as he was leaving the election count centre in Omagh. The arrest was in connection with an incident during The Troubles, the shooting in 1981 of a postman who was also a part-time member of the Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR). The postman who was delivering mail near Aughnacloy when he was shot, was armed and wearing a bullet-proof vest at the time and managed to return fire shooting McGeough. Both men were severely wounded. In 2007, 26 years after the incident, McGeough and another Volunteer were charged with attempted murder, conspiracy to murder, and possession of firearms with intent to endanger life and IRA membership. On 4 April 2007 both men were remanded in custody to appear at Dungannon Magistrates' Court. McGeough was granted bail on 29 March. In the run-up to the trial in 2010 McGeough had a heart attack and a second one during the trial. He now has six stents in his heart. In February 2011 McGeough was found guilty of the charges against him and sentenced to 20 years imprisonment. His accomplice was acquitted of all charges. Under the Good Friday Agreement McGeough should serve no more than two years in jail. McGeough is in HMP Maghaberry. In November 2011 he had a further heart attack in prison and had to be rushed to hospital where he had a further stent inserted. McGeough has been visited by a stream of VIPs, including the Primate of all Ireland Cardinal Brady and former Irish cabinet minister, Eamon O Cuiv, who has been campaigning for his release. In April 2012, McGeough's case was the subject of an off-the-record briefing at the US State Department conducted by Hillary Clinton's Director of Policy, Jake Sullivan. McGeough has no access in Maghaberry to a Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme (CRP) which is available to all NHS cardiac patients and is crucial for all cardiac patients. His grave heart condition is of great concern to his wife and children aged 11 and under. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Marian McGlinchey/Price (58) As one of the so-called "Price sisters" Marian Price was jailed for her part in the IRA London bombing campaign of 1973 and released on licence in 1980 after being granted a Royal Pardon. On 15 May 2011 she was charged with encouraging support for an illegal organisation. This related to her involvement in a statement given at an Easter Rising rally in Derry in 2011. On the same day the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Owen Paterson revoked her release from prison. Marian was told the record of her Royal Pardon had 'gone missing' or had 'been shredded'. Paterson said the decision was made because the threat posed by Price had "significantly increased". On 26 October 2012 Marian was charged with addressing a meeting in support of a proscribed organisation in Derry in 2011. Marian Price has been very ill for months. She was moved to the hospital wing of Hydebank prison in February of 2012 where her condition rapidly deteriorated. The charges against Marian Price and three Derry men were dismissed by Derry Magistrate’s Court in May 2012 but Price was retained behind prison bars. In June 2012 she was moved from Hydebank Prison to a Belfast hospital. In September 2012 Price's solicitor said after examinations by UN, prison and defence doctors their consensus was she was too ill to stand trial. A letter published on 29 June 2012 and signed by 22 TDs, Irish Senators, American community leaders and a host of leading religious figures states:

Marian Price is the victim of psychological torture and internment without trial, and as a result of this her mental health and physical health has deteriorated rapidly. Given the concerns about her very poor health, we are calling for her immediate release based on humanitarian grounds.

Price is still in a Belfast hospital and her condition continues to deteriorate. She now has water on the lungs. Her attempt to have the prosecution against her thrown out of court in Londonderry because of undue delay, has been dismissed. In October 2012 District Judge Barney McElholm said he found no evidence of abuse of process, He fixed a preliminary date for her next court appearance on 21 November 2012. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Martin Corey is a former Provisional IRA member. In 1973, he took part in a Provisional IRA ambush on the Royal Ulster Constabulary in Aghalee. In December 1973 Corey along with the two others were found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment. He was released in June 1992. Corey was taken back into custody on April 16, 2010 on the basis of "closed material." No reason has been given to him for his internment without trial. On 9 July 2012 Justice Treacy ruled that Martin Corey's human rights had been breached and he should be released immediately on unconditional bail. This was overruled by Secretary of State, Owen Paterson. On July 10, the matter was referred back to the court to be reviewed by Justice McCloskey who further stayed Corey's release until an appeal court could hear it the following day, July 11, when an appeal was heard by Justice McCloskey and Justice Morgan. The court upheld the Secretary of State's overruling, and referred it to be heard again on September 28, 2012. Corey remains in detention without trial.
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