Irish Time

Saturday, January 16, 2010

An Ireland of Saints and Scholars Reduced to Child Rapists

Link to a Former Victim's Journey

Ireland the Breeding Ground for Child Rapists, a culture of denial and secrecy

Child rape is rampant in Ireland at the moment and so is its denial. It cuts right across political class and religious boundaries. It is an issue which is still being ignored across the whole Irish political spectrum, even in the wake of a 60 million euro, damning, report, that has led to the resignations of five bishops recently. Irishmen in particular are struggling with both their own and society's sexist macho male image, as they try to consider what it really is. A generally subservient infiltrated media by an occupying british monarchy, combined with religious elements of an old Roman empire, still keep the island's people in another dark era of dis-information and barbarity.

The Reality of Child Rape and Abuse

One persons's experience of being sexually assaulted as a child is described as follows.

There was the pain. A breaking and entering, when my senses were torn apart. The act of rape on my eight year-old body was like the story of the camel and the eye of the needle, a matter of the needle giving because the camel can't. My child gave because the body could and the mind of the violator could not.

Another person described the state of non-being after a sexual attack.

It took away all my dignity from my body, and from my soul. It is the ultimate invasion of privacy. There was nothing left. My whole body and all my feelings were displayed against my will.

The immediate results are horrific, complete violation of self has happened. A dirty feeling and a betrayal by a trusted adult. Feelings of confusion, humiliation, anger conflicting with guilt. Because of there being no choice but to submit, the child may also feel that she/he colluded. Confusion, along with threats of physical violence, lead to guilt, self-hate and the likelihood of secrecy. Often terms like sexual abuse, molestation, harassment, incest are really hiding the child rape reality. Apart from obvious physical damage, the emotional, sexual and psychological damage lasts a lifetime.

Child rape usually occurs in family. Children are depending on adults for almost everything, generally we live in a patriarchal society with a dominant male. A psychological dependency has developed among women on men, where women believe their means of fulfilment is serving a man. The man can manipulate this power to avoid exposure. A daughter may feel that any disclosure, would not only risk physical attack but she may responsible for the break-up of the family. Commonly she may not be believed.

Often the mother, proves inaccessible. Mothers may wish to remain in denial in order to keep up an image of a secure family, along with a fear of what happens to the family without a man to support them. Sometimes rhere is a belief that ultimately she is to blame, and a real fear of confronting rape within the home. A mother's self image as parent and a wife is shattered by her child's sexual abuse, accompanied by a fear of possible rape experienced by all women. Family denial has dire consequences for the victim.

The power difference of age and knowledge of emotional and sexual terms is baffling to a child . Often a child may not know what is going on but has an awareness of something being wrong. Unless children have the means to articulate their grievance against the adult, the abuse will continue.

The present nuclear family can be a deadly trap for children with men having various motives for committing such a violation? One suggests that the father, while placing his wife in the role of his punishing mother when their relationship changes, seeks intimacy elsewhere, usually a daughter. However, male sexuality in the modern world is increasingly alienated from any real emotion. A child rapist may well have been under the jackboot of exploitation himself as a child.

A Child Abuse Scandal in one of Ireland's Leading Political Families has generated the following questions. Incidentally there was just one leading newspaper, The Sunday Tribune, who did not participate in the general cover-up, yet few if any questions address the realities of the barbarous crime of Child Rape.

A very sad affair with a number of questions needing answers. It beggars belief that Mr Adams was unaware of his brother's position in 'youth' work in Dundalk and that he did not intervene.

How did Liam Adams remain a member of the republican movement while his brother Gerry knew about and apparently believed, the allegations against him.

I find it very strange, that if the RUC were aware of the allegations and knew medical evidence was available, that Liam Adams was not arrested and prosecuted seveal years ago. It's even more strange that he was vetted and cleared for working in a youth club.

Is the "Adams family" the reason Sinn fein have been so noticeably silent, regarding paedophile priests and their continuing roles in charge of Irish schools?

Gerry Adams has stripped him self of any vestige of respectability, by covering up his brothers paedophilia for years He should resign forthwith as leader of sinn fein.

The Gardai,FF,FG and now Sinn Fein .... have PROTECTED the biggest sex ring in European history involving the R.C fascist church.

Did Gerry compromise the Republican movement when he covered up the acivities of his brother ... ?????

What does Hugh Orde (Association Of Chief Police Officers) have to say on the matter - it is known that he discussed it with Gerry Adams ?

What he names of those in charge of the 3 youth groups who Adams said he either warned or that he did not know about - who have now issued quietly published denials about being told anything about the allegations against Liam Adams? Who funds them - are they accountable?

Why are Irish journalists almost without exception (Chris Moore/Suzanne Breen) allowing SF & the "Adams family "to fudge the issue and pretend Sally and Aine were even regarded as family let alone supported for over twenty years - when they were treated as troublesome outcasts????

If five Bishops were forced to resign, for allowing exactly the same thing to happen with priests, as happened with Gerry Adams and his brother, why are the media, police, judicial system, political parties,turning a blind eye to the ongoing threat of well connected alleged paedophiles, a week after a 60 million euro report damned the whole country with its verdict of systemic abuse.


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