Irish Time

Friday, April 19, 2013

Boston Bomber Secrets

'They Were Set Up, FBI Followed Them For Years'- Tsarnaevs' Mother to RT

Video By RT

'They were controlling him, they were controlling his every step…and now they say that this is a terrorist act! Never ever is this true, my sons are innocent!”
Posted April 19, 2013 - 841:PST

They used to come [to our] home, they used to talk to me…they were telling me that he [the older, 26-y/o Tamerlan] was really an extremist leader and that they were afraid of him. They told me whatever information he is getting, he gets from these extremist sites… they were controlling him, they were controlling his every step…and now they say that this is a terrorist act! Never ever is this true, my sons are innocent!”
When asked if maybe she didn’t know about some of her sons’ more secret aspirations and dark secrets, she said “That’s impossible. My sons would never keep a secret.”
Finally, she said that if she could speak to her youngest – Dzhokhar, she would tell him, “Save your life and tell the truth, that you haven’t done anything, that this is a set up!”
In an interview with Russian television the brothers’ father Anzor Tsarnaev also claimed that they are innocent and somebody might have set them up.
I’m sure about my children, in their purity. I don’t know what happened and who did this.  God knows and he will punish them,” he told Zvezda channel. “Somebody might have set them up. I don’t know who and because of their cowardice killed the boy.”
The father said he was unable to contact his sons or other relatives. “Everything is switched off. I can’t reach my brother there either. I can’t reach anyone! I just want information. Now I fear for my boy, that they will now shoot him dead and then will say 'He had a gun'.”
I fear for my son, for his life. They should arrest him, bring him, but alive. Justice should investigate who is right and who is wrong,” he said.
Mr Tsarnaev recently spoke to his elder son, Tamerlan [Suspect #1], telling him that he should take care of his younger brother. Speaking of the Boston marathon bombing he told his son “Ok, Thanks to Allah you were not close to there and did not suffer.”
I remember I even asked “Who could do something like that?”
“We just talked. I asked him about our Dzhokhar [Suspect #2], how was he. I told him, he should help him out and keep an eye on him, so that he studies well. I told him ‘You left school, got married too early, but the kid should finish [his education]’. Because this is life – those who don’t study work a lot and work hard. That’s why I was telling them study”.

IRISH They are All Liars Liars THATCHER

"There is no such thing as society" - Margaret Thatcher, 1988

"There is no such thing as Margaret Thatcher" - Society, 2013

BOSTON BOMBERS 'My Children Were Set Up' Father

April 19, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -"SMH" -  Two brothers of Chechen origin suspected of staging the Boston marathon bombings, one of whom has been shot dead by police, are innocent of any crime, the Interfax news agency quotes a man identified as their father as saying.

‘‘In my opinion, my children were set up by the secret services because they are practising Muslims,’’ Anzor Tsarnaev told the Interfax news agency on Friday from the North Caucasus Russian city of Makhachkala.

Anzor Tsarnaev is the father of 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who was shot dead by police in Boston on Friday, and his 19-year-old brother and co-suspect Dzhokhar, who remains on the run in the area, Interfax said.

‘‘Why did they kill Tamerlan? They should have taken him alive,’’ said the father.

In May of 2011, Dzhokhar A, then a senior at a prestigious high school, was awarded a $US2,500 scholarship from the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts, to pursue higher education.

Now, Tsarnaev is on the run, described as ‘‘armed and dangerous’’ and suspected of the Boston Marathon bombing.Two brothers, one now dead, one alive and at large.

After hours of only grainy images of two men in baseball caps to go on, a portrait gradually started emerging Friday of the men suspected in the attack.

Tsarnaev, 19, and his older brother, Tamerlan, who was killed during a violent night in Cambridge, had been living together on Norfolk Street in Cambridge, outside Boston.

An uncle, Ruslan Tsarni, who lives in a Washington suburb, told The Associated Press that the men lived together near Boston and have been in the United States for about a decade. They came from the Russian region near Chechnya, which has been plagued by an Islamic insurgency stemming from separatist wars.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s page on the Russian social networking site Vkontakte says he attended Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, graduating in 2011, the year he won the scholarship, which was celebrated with a reception at City Hall, according to a news release issued at the time.

Before moving to the United States, he attended School No. 1 in Makhachkala, the capital of Dagestan, a predominantly Muslim republic in Russia’s North Caucasus that has become an epicentre of the Islamic insurgency that spilled over from Chechnya.

On the site, he describes himself as speaking Chechen as well as English and Russian.

His world view is described as ‘‘Islam’’ and he says his personal goal is ‘‘career and money.’’ Tsarnaev appeared in the video released by authorities on Thursday, identified as Suspect Number 2, striding down a sidewalk, unnoticed by spectators who were absorbed in the race.

He followed Tamerlan by about three metres. He wore what appeared to be a gray hoodie under a dark jacket and pants, and a white baseball cap facing backward and pulled down haphazardly. Tamerlan was stockier, in khaki pants, a light T-shirt, and a dark jacket. The brim of his baseball cap faced forward, and he may have been wearing sunglasses.

According to the website, Tamerlan was arrested for domestic violence in July 2009, after assaulting his girlfriend. He was an amateur boxer, listed as a competitor in a National Golden Gloves competition in 2009.
Uncle Of Marathon Bombing Suspects Speaks 


The marathon bombing suspects' uncle, Ruslan Tsarni of Montgomery Village, Md., told the AP that they are from a Russian region near Chechnya and that they lived together near Boston and had been in the United States for about 10 years.

Speaking outside his home, Tsarni told Dzhokhar Tsarnaev -- who remained at large and considered "extremely dangerous" -- that he brought shame to the family.

"Dzhokhar, if you are alive, turn yourself in and ask for forgiveness," he said.
Posted April 19, 2013

Toronto aunt of Boston bombing suspects demands to see more evidence

A Toronto woman who has identified herself as the aunt of the Boston bombing suspects said she will wait to see all the evidence before she believes her nephews are guilty of the crime.

“I’m a lawyer back home. Give me evidence. I participated in court sessions, where I had to prove the guilt of others,” said Maret Tsarnaev from outside her Etobicoke apartment. “Do the same here, show me evidence, give me more than a photo. But to be convinced that my nephews committed to these atrocities, convince me. Then come back and get my reaction and ask me how I feel.”

Tsarnaeva said she believes her nephews are being set up and that the photos of the young men at the site of the Boston Marathon bombing may have been set up, though she stopped short of saying who could be framing them.

She said she hasn’t been contacted by U.S. authorities but after she saw the photos, she was the one who called the FBI.

“I didn’t call right away. My first reaction was anger,” she said. “(I thought) How could this happen, how could they do this? For the sake of what? That was my reaction.”

Tsarnaeva said she called the FBI to tell them they couldn’t have done this and to ask for more evidence.

She said she found the photos strange because the brothers were not walking next to each other.

“Why wouldn’t they come together? Together as brothers. I’m suspicious this was staged, the picture was staged. By who? By whoever needs this, by whoever is looking for someone to blame.”

Tsarnaev said she contacted the FBI when she realized the young men whose photos were circulating in the media resembled her relatives.

The young men are being accused of planting and exploding a bomb at the Boston Marathon as well as killing a young police officer at Massachusetts Institute of Technology early Friday morning.

The older of the two was killed in a gunbattle with police overnight and since then, authorities throughout the state have been involved in an intense manhunt for a 19-year-old suspect identified by the FBI as Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, a Chechen from Dagestan.

Relatives told The Associated Press that the brothers had lived near Boston and were living in the U.S.

The dead suspect has been identified by several media outlets but his name has not yet been officially confirmed by U.S. authorities.
Let's Not Forget

By Andrew Sullivan
April 19, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - There are 1.6 Billion-with-a-B Muslims in the world. Less than 100 have successfully carried out an attack that killed US civilians. Even at the most generous estimate, there are less than 25,000 active members of Al-Quaeda. That’s 0.00000015% of the Muslim population. There are rogue ideologies, savage ideas floating around the world, easily accessible, and yet how many people have actually gone on to apply those ideas to kill others?

Here’s another fact: 1.7 million ethnic Chechens, only 2 of them have attacked the US. And those 2 were born and raised in Kyrgyzstan, as were their entire family for one generation, having been deported from Chechnya in 1944, and never lived in Chechnya during the conflicts there. Their family moved to Dagestan for less than a year in 2001, after which they became residents of the US at the ages of 8 and 15. They lived here for 11 years, studied here, wrestled and boxed here, graduated from school here, and one of them, Tamerlan, married a Christian woman and had a child HERE, according to his Aunt, who was interviewed on NPR. Whatever part of their lives inspired them to take this action, and WE DON’T KNOW if it had anything to do with their reading of Islam, they got those ideas HERE, in the US, on US soil, as US residents.


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