Irish Time

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Cannon Fodder of War Business | The News is



Heartless Londoner Baggot see Urban Dictionary



Press Freedom Another Victim of Heartless Policing

 The police chief who was in charge of the British police force, that failed to protect a mother, who begged for police protection for her children who then went on to kill herself and her daughter, still refuses to apologize. He has now been promoted with a huge contract worth more than a million pounds sterling to police Ireland for "Her Majesty the Queen of England"

. Chief Constable Matt Baggott is the same Baggot who ran England's Leicestershire police force while Fiona Pilkington and her family endured violence, bullying and harassment that drove her to despair. Despite a record of persistent complaints by Ms. Pilkington over a long period of time, Baggot's police often heartlessly ignored her heart wrenching pleas for protection. Instead of being fired, he was promoted to teach loyalists in British occupied Ireland, on the finer points of British policing standards. He has also been awarded the Queen's Police Medal (QPM) and was later also appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE).

 Baggot has just been serving in Ireland a few short weeks and already the local edition of the British version of the Sunday World's newspaper reports: “Anger as cops leave hanged man’s body on show for three hours”. The police later confirmed that the body was left hanging from the flyover for more than four hours. It had first been spotted by an off-duty officer at 8am, but may have been there longer, and was not removed until close to 1pm."

 The Sunday World who also published a picture of the hanging, was criticized for coverage of the matter by Baggot. The image of cars driving past casually was necessary, as available tabloid space for words, could not adequately describe, the horror of the incident's impression. To be fair about the matter, it should be noted that shortly after the picture was taken, the traffic was then stopped by Baggot's British police force in Ireland. Nevertheless the body was still clearly visible by children from nearby houses for hours on end, before the British police bothered to get screens or remove it. Baggot's police who have massive screens which are normally used in public order situations, to hide Irish resistance to British rule in Ireland from the world's media, were not however used.

 Baggott's first reaction was again, a form of heartless denial and distinct lack of responsibility, as in the Pilkington case. Rather than apologize, his first reaction was to criticize a newspaper's Sunday World photos of the incident. Another attempted cover-up, of British double-standards as he selectively criticized media coverage of the victims of his own negligence, while approving of the photos British inspired barbarities, such as the Saddam's hanging for instance, which appear regularly in the media worldwide. A reporter with the same newspaper, the Sunday World whom the English police chief of northern Ireland criticized, was shot three times as he walked hand-in-hand home with his wife. Almost a decade later the killers have not been charged, although a senior police officer told the inquest at the time, that he was satisfied eight people interviewed after the murder, were responsible.

 Neither has the appointment of Martin McGuinness a 'peace proponent', and a former Irish republican turning to Unionist policies, who bizarrely himself has complained about the freedoms given to the local press, after being appointed as " her Majesty's" Deputy first minister in Ireland. Neither has it prompted any of her Majesty's other ministers in occupied Ireland to bother with justice in the matter. The coroner in the case of the journalist, Martin O'Hagan's murder said at the time he was satisfied with the police theory, that the murder of Mr O'Hagan was "related to investigative journalism in the area." Newsagents in the area are fearful too for their own safety and have also stopped selling newspapers, after being threatened.

 A senior detective who has since retired and now works as a police consultant abroad, says that the priority should have been the presence of a doctor and attempts to revive the victim. If death was certain or instance if rigor mortis had set in, the body should have been cut down immediately and taken away for forensic examination. “I can’t see the logic of leaving it hanging exposed to the elements,” he said. “It would be preferable to cut it down, with the ligature still around the neck, and take it away for forensic examination indoors.”

 Almost a decade after an investigative reporter, Martin O’Hagan was shot dead, journalists in Northern Ireland still question why police officers under Baggot\s British supervision have failed to bring anyone to justice: “Why?”.

 Why, they demand to know, has no one been prosecuted, despite publication of massive evidence pointing to a loyalist paramilitary gang near O’Hagan’s former home in Lurgan ???????

 The International body, Reporters Without Borders has condemned fresh paramilitary death threats made against other journalists in Ireland. A leading Belfast journalist recently recieved a threat, accompanied by a bullet, bearing the name, address and car registration number of Robin Livingstone, the editor of the "Andersonstown News", which was sent to a TV studio by a group claiming to be the Red Hand Defenders, thought to be a loyalist paramilitary front, for the occupying British forces that include, M16,M15, British Army, British Police, RUC/PSNI and many other British inspired death squads still roaming the streets of Ireland.

 Reporters Without Borders say: "This latest sinister development shows that paramilitaries still feel at liberty to seek to intimidate journalists - a threat worsened by the police failure to catch the killers of Martin O'Hagan." The NUJ has also condemned such "outrageous" action. Jeremy Dear, the union's general secretary, said: "We condemn utterly such threats. It is vital the PSNI acts to protect those under threat and that politicians from all parties deliver a clear message in defence of media freedom and the right of journalists to work free from such threats."

 A spokesperson from British Irish Rights Watch, has said the threats are aimed at stifling press freedom, adding: "With the 2001 murder of journalist Martin O'Hagan still unsolved, threats against journalists and others must be taken seriously." However Baggot's British police the PSNI has just recently threatened to imprison the Editor of another leading Irish newspaper, because of a refusal to reveal her sources, a normal journalistic right in any genuine democracy.

 Many human rights campaigners have called for the immediate resignation of Baggot and McGuinness for their combined criticism and attacks on press freedom. Even the BBC who normally use selective censorship in Irish affairs, were forced to mention the matter.

Sadly in Ireland, decades after the much trumpeted "peace process", Press freedom has been one of the main victims. Ordinary people cower in silence with fear of British inspired death squads that still roam Irish streets. The resurrected disgraced sectarian police force of the former RUC, although given a new makeover name of the PSNI, are still detested by the majority of the population. Strangely the only common theme, that unites working people on both sides of sectarian divide fostered by the British presence, is their common hatred of Baggots newly named police force the PSNI under Baggot's British supervision.


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