Irish Time

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Martin Corey is a 63 year former Provisional IRA member,

who before being interned without trial for more than 

the last three years, spent almost twenty years 

previously in Long Kesh Concentration Camp in British 

Occupied Ireland. He was released in June 1992.

He was taken back into custody on April 16, 2010, on the

 basis of British SS, "closed material". On July 9, Judge

Treacy ruled, that Martin Corey's human rights had been 

breached, and he should be released immediately on

 unconditional bail. This was overruled by the English

 Viceroyal again and Martin was interned again without

 trial charge. 

Martin Corey is an innocent Irishman who has 

absolutely no idea why he has been interned in Ireland

 for over three years now without trial, on the order of 

a non elected English Viceroyal. Martin is but one 

example of Many Irish people, interned by remand, or 

without trial and many other guises in British Occupied


Below is the story of Internment introduced in Ireland on

the last occasion 42 years ago. Internment without trial 

has been a fact of life in every generation, since the 

foundation on a mentored sectarian,  headcount of the

failed, scum, sectarian, state of British Occupied 

Ireland, based on the privilege of the old British 

colonial policy of divide and conquer.

‘Internment’ by John McGuffin (1973)

Chapter 1

IN the early hours of Monday 9 August 1971, I was kidnapped from my bed by armed men, taken away and held as a hostage for five and a half weeks. I was not in Uruguay, Brazil, Greece or Russia. I was in the United Kingdom, an hour's flight from London. I was in Belfast.

     A crashing on the door awoke me. It was 4.45 o'clock. I went down stairs in my pyjamas to answer. As I opened the door I was forced back against the wall by two soldiers who screamed at me "Do you live here?" Overwhelmed by their perspicacity I admitted that this was so, whereupon they ordered me to get dressed. I foolishly asked why. "Under the Special Powers Act we don't have to give a reason for anything," an officer said. "You have two minutes to get dressed." Through the window I could see in the dawn light half a dozen armed men skulking in our tiny front garden.

     I was given exactly two minutes to get dressed while a young soldier boosted his ego by sticking an SLR up my nose. My wife, not surprisingly, was almost in tears as I was dragged down the stairs and into the street. She ran after me to give me my jacket and was roughly ordered back into the house. Our quiet residential bourgeois neighbourhood hadn't seen such excitement in years as I was frogmarched and escorted at the double down the avenue by eight soldiers. As we sped down we were joined by a dozen more who had been hiding in nearby gardens, wreaking havoc on the horticultural efforts of various OAPs. People who looked out into the early morning mist must have imagined that a Vietcong patrol had been sighted in the locale.

     "Tie him up and gag the fecker" [sic] an educated English accent ordered. "That's hardly necessary," I said, as I was frisked for the second time up against a lorry, or 'pig' as they called it. This was accepted, albeit reluctantly in the case of a corporal who was positively twitching with desire to practise his boyscout knots upon me. My shoes were taken off me and I was put none too gently into the back of the 'pig'. Two men with sten-guns covered me. "Nice morning," I ventured. "Shut your fecking Fenian mouth."

     I sat there and watched the army manoeuvres. Back up the avenue they scurried, to a friend's house, I thought. Obviously, however, they were out of luck. But, never men to return empty-handed, they came back with another friend, Liam, who lived at my house. He was barefoot and, it subsequently transpired, had been arrested in error for someone else. The two other houses they raided in the area were empty and so, after casually wrecking the two flats they hastened back, each man covering the other. There wasn't a soul about and their antics began to assume a somewhat surreal aspect. Any amusement to be derived from the situation soon evaporated, however.

     Sitting shivering in the back of the 'pig' I began to try to work out what was happening. I had known, as of course had anyone involved in Irish politics, that internment was on the cards, but I had never expected to be involved. For three years I had been a member of the People's Democracy, a libertarian socialist group, and had attended meetings, marches and pickets, all perfectly legal. I had contributed articles to their weekly paper The Free Citizen, again perfectly legal. My wife and I had received compensation from the government for being beaten. up at Burntollet by B Specials. But the public had been told over and over by the Prime Minister, Brian Faulkner, that only IRA and UVF men could be interned. What, therefore, were Liam and I doing freezing in a lorry with sten-guns covering us at this ungodly hour? Could the discredited Faulkner have panicked to the extent that in order to prop up his Orange State he had resorted to arresting unarmed socialists? It appeared so.

     We were driven to Annadale TA camp and forced to stand, legs apart, against the nissen huts. Then back to the 'pig' where we were joined by another PD member, Michael Farrell, and an unknown man whom I later discovered was Harry McKeown. They, too, were barefoot and when ten soldiers joined us in the back of the 'pig' we were very cramped. We sped through the deserted early-morning streets, with no idea where we were being taken. Each time we passed a police station I mentally crossed it off the possible list of destinations. Up through Carlisle Circus and past Crumlin jail. "Christ, it must be Rathlin Island," McKeown said. No one spoke, and the 'pig' made a sudden sharp right turn through to the Antrim Road. Then up a side street and into what we were later to learn was Girdwood barracks.

     Four lorries were in front of us and slowly disembarking were other men, mostly in pyjamas. A helicopter, engine revving, stood on the turf outside the TA hail. Another half an hour was spent shivering in the back of the lorry until we were told to jump down, without our shoes, into the mud and make our way, guns in our backs, into the hall. Soldiers, RUC and Special Branch men thronged the corridor and entrance hall. As we were 'processed', polaroid flash pictures were taken and affixed to a card. A further search. Watches, rings, belts were taken and we were pushed into the gym hail where about 150 other people were squatting on the floor. Many were in pyjamas or shirtless. Heavily armed soldiers walked up and down, risking apoplexy or a coronary by incessantly bellowing, "No talking, you scum."

     Every five minutes or so groups of six of us were called out. The first three groups didn't return. The fourth did. They were dishevelled and several were bleeding, including a young man I knew, called Murphy. Was this the treatment we could all expect? I tried to comfort myself by thinking "Westminster must have sanctioned this internment; they'll have to behave themselves." Then I remembered Cyprus and Aden and Hola Camp in Kenya. My optimism flagged. The familiar lines of R. W. Grimshaw came back to me: "what can you expect from a pig but a grunt?" I braced myself and looked around. Very few faces I recognised. Mostly old men and very young boys. A man was led in by the police. Good Christ! He was blind! What sort of people were these, at whose mercy we were?

     [The army also detained three winos, picked up drunk at Dunville Park bus shelter, and a dog. All were released after 24 hours. It is not reported what the dog was suspected of – people will find this hard to credit, but it is absolutely true.]

     My name was called. Apprehensively I shuffled forward. I was taken by two young SB officers who identified themselves – the only ones to do so during my four interrogations – into a room and desultorily questioned. They obviously knew very little about me and cared even less. Name, address, occupation (lecturer) and a few general comments such as "Well, it's at least five years for you." What interested me more was the view past them through the window. On the lawn outside, the helicopter stood, engines still revving and blades rotating. A dozen or so barefoot men were being forced to run the gauntlet between two rows of military policemen who were clubbing them with sten-gun butts and batons. Those who fell were badly kicked. When they reached the helicopter they were grabbed in and then thrown out again almost immediately. The noise of the helicopter drowned any screams.

     The interrogators noted my concern. "That's nothing to do with us," one said. "That's just the army letting off a bit of steam."
     "I'd like to see my lawyer," I said, feeling foolish. They laughed. "I'm entitled to see a lawyer and to know what I'm being charged with," I tried again. They stopped laughing. "Listen, you smarty bastard, under the Special Powers Act we can keep you here as long as we like. You can't see anyone. No one will know where you are and we don't have to charge you with anything. If one of those soldiers happens to shoot you, there'll be no inquest either, you bastard." Having read the SP Acts I knew this to be unfortunately all too true. They lost interest and led me out again, this time upstairs to a crowded room where about 220 people were crammed on the floor. A faded sign on the door, under a regimental motto, said 'Merry Xmas'. Beside that a portrait of Her Serene Highness Elizabeth R. gazed serenely down.

     People were still being brought in and I saw another two PD members, John Murphy and Oliver Cosgrove, president of St. Joseph's Students' Council. I sprawled down beside Liam, who was looking very pale. I glanced down and saw congealed blood on his leg. "What happened?" I whispered. "Helicopter run," he grunted. It was only later I learned that he and others had been taken about four feet up in the air and pushed out backwards, believing that they were much higher off the ground, having been told so by the soldiers.

     The door opened and a young lad, his arm covered in blood, was thrust onto the floor. A policeman completed the task by going over and kicking him in the ribs. I later discovered that the lad's name was Patrick McGeogh and that he'd had to run the gauntlet three times.

     Military police patrolled us, preventing anyone from dozing off or talking, but with over 200 sprawled on the floor whispered conversation was possible at times. The young man in front of me was obviously in pain. He was Eamonn Kerr. Then I saw the pus oozing out of the sores on the back of his neck. Soldiers under command of Major Lloyd had stubbed out four cigarette butts on his neck in the 'pig'. William Burroughs has said "a paranoid is someone who has some small idea of what is really going on." I began to see his point.

     New military police wandered in and out making jocular remarks about getting the Fenians to sing 'the Queen'. No one stirred. At about 11 a.m. we were ordered to the door in groups of six, to get a cup of warm swill. An English gentleman put his head around the door and announced that he was a priest. Did anyone want to see him? His accent seemed to put off many. Only four queued up, shamefacedly. "You'll all be needing the last rites soon enough," the military policeman beside me smirked. Slowly they began to call out names. These were taken away in groups of six, apparently the mystic number, and disappeared from sight. By lunchtime our numbers had been reduced to 87. We were then taken downstairs again for 'lunch'.

     Again we sat in ranks on the floor. No talking, no dozing, no sprawling. As different NCOs came on duty the 'rules' changed. We were shuffled in order and made to walk in circles. Throughout the afternoon we were called out for further questioning. The boredom and uncertainty dragged on. We had little idea of time, of what was happening outside, of where our friends were, of what was going to happen to us. Most of the 87 were old men or youths. The blind man, Peter Farran, was still there. By now they had given him a table to sit at.

     The sergeant began to play a very real role in our lives. It was apparently his job to invent as many petty regulations as possible to make our lives uncomfortable. To go to the toilet necessitated queuing in a corner, looking straight ahead and putting one's hands on the shoulders of the man in front. Failure to comply exactly with this occasioned anything from a rebuke to a sten-gun butt in the kidneys, depending upon which NCO was guarding this vital installation. Time dragged on. 'Tea' was as unappetising as 'lunch'. Watery 'stew' "and you're fecking lucky to get anything." "Eat it, it may be your last." More reassurance. RUC men sat around the room, but it was clear that they were mere message boys; the army was in control. Some requests for a doctor were scornfully refused.

     Uncertainty was the worst enemy. A man, later identified as Geordie Shannon, was taken off to hospital. He suffered from ulcers and had been forced to squat, head between knees, for an hour. It was four days before he was brought over to the jail.
     The night shift came on to guard us. They, of course, had new sets of rules for us to obey. A new 'game' was introduced. It consisted of going down the line pointing at men and saying "tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor, fecking nailbomber!" Whereupon the fifth man would be set upon and beaten. Exhaustion had set in but people were still being called out and interrogated. At about 11 p.m. we were ordered to erect camp beds and given two blankets each. "Those Irish bastards smell; give them showers," the sergeant said. That we smelt was true, but hardly surprising, since men, still in their pyjamas in many cases, had been dragged through the mud. Everyone's feet, with or without socks, were encrusted with filth.

     The showers proved another opportunity for jocular fun. Several youths were forced into showers that were boiling hot, the next lot into freezing ones. We were issued with army socks and toothbrushes. "Compliments of her majesty," I was told. At midnight lights were dimmed and we piled into the rows of camp beds. I fell asleep but was soon awakened by a soldier shining his torch into my face. "O'Hara?" he asked. "No," I mumbled. He moved down the line. I dozed off again. Suddenly there was a thunderous sound. Batons hammered on the walls. "Get up you bastards." We fell out of bed. It was 3 a.m. 'Rollcall'. A Branch man came round and solemnly took everyone's name yet again. "What are you doing standing there, get to bed!" We dropped off once more only to be aroused at 5.30 am for 'breakfast'. Half a bowl of stale cornflakes. The beds were dismantled and we resumed squatting on the floor. People were still called out singly for further interrogation. Police walked in grinning and held up the morning newspapers to show us headlines "13 shot dead". "Ardoyne burnt to the ground" (an exaggeration). The sergeant, refreshed from his sleep, was also forthcoming. "That's 13 less of you Irish pigs; none of ours was got." Word filtered back from those who'd been interrogated again. The death toll had risen to 18, including four women and a priest.
     I got talking in whispers with my neighbour, George O'Hara. After doing the 'helicopter run' he, too, had been dragged into it, but, unlike the others, he had been taken up some 200 feet into the air. Two military policemen had then told him to "talk or we'll shove you out." Shades of Vietnam!

     My further three interrogations were tragi-comic. At no time was I questioned about the IRA, UVF or bombs. All questions which could be termed in any way relevant were concerned with what was socialism. Bizarre jokes were thrown in, such as "did I know that Farrell was getting Moscow gold?" So help me! Moscow gold! I explained that libertarian socialism as advocated by the PD and Farrell in particular was directly opposed to state capitalism as carried out by totalitarian regimes like the USSR. "That's just the KGB's cleverness," I was told. They clearly didn't believe it for a minute, but any smear in a storm. Next I was asked about Jerry Rubin. Was it not all a part of the international conspiracy, the trouble here? The next questioners were the most bizarre. A lugubrious gentleman gave me a lecture on the evils of atheism (I am an agnostic, but this theological distinction passed my Presbyterian inquisitor by). Did I believe in hellfire? Did I know that I would burn in all eternity? He didn't quite spell it out but the clear implication was that if I confessed to some crime or other – unspecified – he would be able to get on some kind of supernatural shortwave and put in a good word for me. Next I was asked what I was doing in the same room with a band of child murderers, rapists and mad bombers. All of them? All of them! "Even the blind man?" I explained that I had been dragged there by armed men, knew virtually none of the men and boys in the room, and rather doubted the allegations so wildly hurled about them. A view backed up by the Special Branch themselves when they released over 80 of them that day. They didn't seem very interested in me after these exchanges and contented themselves with telling me that I'd get "at least five years." For what? For speaking at civil rights meetings (perfectly legal meetings, in fact) which had led to "all this trouble."

     Their tactics with me may have been innocuous enough, but what others suffered was not. Quite a few were badly beaten – a fact obvious to all who saw them emerge from the interrogation room; many were told that the streets where their families lived had been "burnt down by the Orangemen," that their relatives had been shot, sons arrested, their friends had "squealed and told all about them," that everyone believed that they had squealed and that only the SB could smuggle them out of the country, that they had lost their jobs (about the only true statement made) and finally, that if they didn't talk "we'll rip out your teeth with pliers" – which were brandished by a well-known Branch man named Harry Taylor.

     By lunchtime on the second day discipline had relaxed slightly. The sergeant graciously permitted one cigarette per man before and after the 'meal'. Then we had a period; of exercise – five minutes walk outside. Soldiers gathered to make humorous remarks about 'the animals'. A playful corporal kept slipping the leash of his Alsatian as we passed him until the bewildered beast turned and tried to bite him., We were hastily rushed back inside lest we should laugh.

     Rumours began to spread that they couldn't keep us more than 48 hours without officially charging or interning us. This was incorrect. They can do anything they like. under the Special Powers Act, and most of the men we met in Crumlin Road jail who were from out of Belfast were kept six days without being issued detention notices, let alone internment notices.

     We continued to squat on the floor. Many were afraid to go to the toilet because of the blows some received there. Everyone was stiff and very tired, but still we were told nothing. Eventually, at 9.30 p.m., we were ordered to collect the bags containing our 'personal effects' and to put on our shoes. Suddenly there was a bustle of activity. About 25 military policemen and a dozen RUC men entered and surrounded us. Guns were cocked. Special Branch men entered and a senior officer appeared with a list. As he read from it, those called were to stand up and move over towards the door. The list was obviously incompetently compiled. Many of those called weren't in the hall or had been released earlier. The dates of birth of several people were incorrect but the Branch refused to recognize this and so sons were still mistaken for their fathers and vice versa. Eventually, 17 men were marched out. Were they being interned? Or released? We had no idea. My friend Liam, who had been arrested in error for someone else, was last to go.

     Then it became really frightening. The SB withdrew, leaving the soldiers. They began to drill us, shouting what presumably to them were merry quips. "You're the feckin' bomber then, are you?" (This to a 77-year-old dignified man who never for a minute deigned to complain). "Haven't got your Thompson now, have you? You'll have to be fitter than that to join the British army" (this to a 70-year-old asthmatic who had had seven hours sleep, and that interrupted, in the last 65 hours, and who was quite unable to keep up with the exercises). Some of us were given 'fatigues' to do, which ranged from cleaning out toilet bowls with our bare hands to dishwashing. I was more fortunate and was given the task of sweeping the floor under the tutelage of a pimply teenager, eager to impress his superiors with his wit. My efforts were dearly regarded as inadequate and he let me know by constantly prodding me with the butt of his sten-gun. "Keep awake, you dozy sods," they continually yelled. It was now 2 a.m. My mind started to drift off. Things took what I felt was a very surrealistic turn. In front of me was the company notice board, upon which were pinned three notices – all of them blank! During the day one had been taken down and replaced with a blue notice, but it, too, was blank. (On looking back, I thought that I must have imagined this, but others who were standing in the front row with me have confirmed it). I kept trying to work out some kind of secret message from the board. Was it in the colour of the drawing pins? In the different shapes of the blank paper? Invisible ink? I felt myself falling asleep and a kind soldier awakened me with his baton across my back. "Feckin' bastard." I began to wish that if they must swear so repetitiously, they would at least say 'fuck' instead of using this emasculated surrogate.

     A quarter to four. Surely they must let us go. After all, the blind man was still in our group along with most of the very old men, and the only two other people in the hall whom I knew were not only not terrorists, but clearly couldn't be mistaken for terrorists. I wasn't even a Republican, a political belief quite legal in any democratic society. But then William Craig had banned Republican clubs, hadn't he, and the House of Lords had upheld the ban. I began to think of getting home and getting some sleep; surely it was just all a bad dream? About 3.50 a.m. the military police massed in strength again, this time even more threateningly. Most of us had had only a disturbed seven-hours sleep out of the last 67 hours. Was it to be a mass beating? Mentally I tried to resign myself to it. But no. Out came the lists again.

     Of the 60 still remaining, 48 of us were called up in groups of six. As I stood waiting to be taken out an SB man began to talk to me. "It's Crumlin for all you lads," he said, "and they've brought back the B men."
     "Not even Faulkner's that stupid."
     "Just joking, lads." Some joke!
     "Are you interning the blind man?"
     "Yes, at night he can see better than all of you put together."
     We were taken out into the entrance hall and photographed again with a RUG man holding us by the collar. We had been 46 hours in Girdwood barracks. At no time since our arrest had we seen a doctor, although later Brigadier Marston Tickell was to claim: "Those arrested were given a medical inspection both on arrival at the 'police station' and again on moving into the place of detention." (Army press briefing, Belfast, 20 August). "These medical tests are available for inspection," he went on to say. This, in fact, was totally untrue. No one was inspected. About ten men saw someone who, it was alleged, was a medical orderly. His only action was to order Edward Campbell to have his head completely shaven because he had 'venereal scabies'. (No such disease exists). Pressmen who asked to see the mythical medical records were refused.

     "Draw pistols," came the order. The group of six of us who had been called out of the hall together were forced down a corridor to our right, a RUC man holding each of us by the scruff of the neck and a redcap with a pistol at our heads, beside each of us. I could hardly stand for fatigue. "If there's any sniping out there we can afford to lose two of you bastards on the way over," a corporal said.

     Then we were out of the building and onto the path; We were rushed over the by now infamous 'obstacle course – broken glass, barbed wire, sharp stones. We were more fortunate than people like Michael Farrell who had had to traverse it in daylight – with bare feet. We at least had our shoes on, but one slip meant a cruel beating. Then we were rushed through a hole in a wall and found ourselves in the grounds of Crumlin Road jail. A rapid dash over the football pitch, with soldier snipers all around it. A final dash down a grassy slope and inside the walls of the prison itself. We were out of the hands of the soldiers. The screws couldn't be as bad? They weren't. Most seemed very subdued. There was no violence shown towards us.

     Two to a cell. Initially, we found the usual plethora of petty and nonsensical regulations. All the conditions the old internees had fought for, over the last 50 years, had to be fought for again, but, within two days, a prisoners committee had been elected and began to demand changes from the Governor, Major Albert Mullin. Because the treatment accorded in Crumlin was tolerable, Mullin was addressed as 'governor', unlike 'commandant' Kerr of the Long Kesh camp.

     We retained our civilian clothes, although most of these were torn and filthy; it took time to get fresh clothes sent in. We could get food and books sent in, and for the first time got to see newspapers. Free copies were sent in by the Irish News, Newsletter and Belfast Telegraph as well as a few Independents. The day after we arrived we were joined by those who had been sent over from Girdwood a day before us. They had been put up in D wing and had, by and large, received worse treatment than we had – more beatings, attacked by the guard dogs, put over the 'obstacle course' in bare feet. Most of them bore the marks of rough treatment and some were still confined to hospital, but the medical authorities didn't want to know about any allegations of maltreatment.

     From the papers we learned that about 110 men, mainly from rural areas, had been detained on the HMS Maidstone, a hulk moored at the coal wharf. They were getting only four hours on deck out of 24 and were apparently much more cramped than we were. At first we also had been limited to four hours but strenuous protests had forced the prison authorities to extend this, after the first week, to letting us out of the cells from 7.30 a.m. to 8 p.m. (4 p.m. on Sundays) and this was later extended to 9 p.m. After the first week we were able to eat together in the small recreation hall, although this necessitated some men having to eat with the toilets only a few yards away. Still, for most it was better than being forced to eat in our cells every day. Lights went out at 10 p.m.

     Most of the time, if the weather was dry, we spent in the small prison yard. The yard was overlooked by both C wing and D wing where the convicted prisoners were, and the first day when we entered it we were greeted by an incredible spontaneous outburst. From every cell window cigarettes, food, books, papers and encouragement showered down. That these men, whose conditions were worse than ours (though as some of them pointed out, "At least we've got a release date on our cell doors"), were so generous was, to me at least, a morale booster.
     Helicopters flew over every day, landing in Girdwood, a sordid reminder for most of us, exacerbated when they swooped low and gesticulated and mocked us.

     We were not allowed to contact lawyers for several weeks and our initial postcards out were held up for four days, presumably while SB men perused them. Later, "as a favour" we were permitted two postcards a week and eventually a 20-minute visit from relatives, with a warder sitting between us. It had been harder on relatives and wives. In most cases they had been trying without success to find out where we were being held. Some, like Mrs. Shivers of Toome, were only told where their husbands were after nine days. All had been fobbed off with bland lies by the Ministry for Home Affairs and shuttled from one authority to another. One army official evidently believed that it was a good joke to give the number of Paisley's 'Dial-a-Prayer' to relatives requesting a phone number to get permission to apply for a visit.

     On 14 September 12 of us were released. The next day the other detainees were moved to Long Kesh.


Nine British paramiltary police were injured during in a loyalist incident in north Belfast where the city's mayor had to be escorted by police away from loyalist protesters and away from Belfast
British Sinn Féin's Martin Miller (Máirtín Ó Muilleoir) was brought to hospital following several kicks to his balls, at Woodvale Park.The paramilitary British police were injured when violent fighting broke out at the official opening of a park.
A large crowd gathered in the area with rocks and bottles thrown at the British paramilitary police as well as at British Lord Mayor Mr Miller of British Sinn Fein. His lovely expensive vehicle was also damaged by the British loayalists.

BritishPolice said the injured officers sustained cuts and bruising in what they described as "violent scuffles". North Belfast Area Paramilitary Police Commander Chief Inspector Andy Freeburn said: "The PSNI will be investigating this appalling incident with a view to identifying those responsible."
"This should have been a positive day about the opening of a children's play park in the area, but instead was marred by disorder which has left a number of our community officers injured."
There were five nights of Loaylist rioting in the Woodvale area last month following a Parades Commission decision not to allow the Orange Order make their return journey past the nationalist Ardoyne area on 12 July. The PSNI are also investigating, if the Pensive Quill was drinking with the North Belfast loyalists before attack.

Lord Martin Miller a Provo, mentored for several years, along with his fellow boy wonder Donnelly, into being Lord Mayors of Belfast, before he fills Gerry Adams shoes, mentored by no less than Tom Hartley the previous British Snn Fein Lord Mayor..

Martin Miller is currently, British Sinn Fein's, newly installed Lord Mayor of Belfast. They say Lord Miller was born in 1959 and never dirtied his hands in the IRA, while he always had the ear of key movers and shakers, within the provo leadership. He belonged to the armalite-and-ballot-paper jet set, who never liked the 'armed struggle.

Tom Hartley a previous provo, Lord Mayor of Belfast, was very keen to find a high profile, public role for his proteges Lord Miller and Lord Donnell, in the early '80s. Miller's first attempt as a local council candidate for the Lower Falls, failed in 1985, but Tom fitted him in nicely at a by-election later in October 1987, with a safe seat. 

Like another previous Provo Lord Mayor of Belfast they were both very young boys at that stage. The Unionists were not happy with the whiff of Miller, using the camouflage of a Gaelic name, like the other Hartley teenage camouflaged protege Lord Donnell.

Within minutes of donning the Mayoral chain the former nominal republican, let it be known, that he would not be taking down his belowved royal portraits of her majesty, from his mayoral office and that he would attend war remembrance events, while holding onto all the Royal trappings of nobility and titles, like Lords, Counts etc., etc.,

Now every Fenian child knows that republicans, do not carry titles of nobility, its just basic stuff, confirming what many have concluded, a long time ago that Hartley has mentored many Unionists, camouflaged under Gaelic names and what have you, to replace himself, as a former Lord Mayor. Tom is now known around City Hall as his majesty.

Hartley and his entourage, were apparently spotted many years ago, engaged in a spot of bird watching in King's County and in the splendour of its castles, which is considered by some as an important, contributing, factor in the metamorphosis of Provisional Sinn Fein, into being a neo Unionist party, with its ongoing evolution, into being a compliant Irish client of the British Commonwealth when the provos take power, with Miller being a classic example of that change.

Apparently Lord Miller, is the perfect candidate to succeed Gerry Adams as Provo Sinn Fein President, being a businessman and extremely successful entrepreneur, along with also being a high flying media mogul, he is regarded as definitely being a safe pair of hands, for the British Unionist establishment. Neither will he be hang around City Hall for very long more either but will as First, First Unionist Minister, camouflaged under both a Gaelic personal and party name. All the influential figures in Provisional Sinn Fein and in the corridors of power at Stormont, can't wait to see Lord Miller of Belfast being there.

What about Martin Corey and the 42 years of sacrifices made, I hear you say ? What about the hunger strikers and martyrs? Well I suppose Lord Miller and his elite will turn up at their commemorations too, like Fianna Fail did over the years, still calling themselves, the republican party turning up at Bodenstown, while passing the white envelope of bankster confetti around. What about Wolfe Tone's people of no property, I hear a few reds under the beds cry ? Ach sure the poor will always be with ye and Gerry Adams will say a decade of the rosary for them. As for Martin Corey and all those currently, politically, interned, like their soon to be partners in crime Fianna Fail, during the Hunger Strike, Lords Miller, Donnell and Hartley couldn't give a fiddlers, apparently!



Guest writer Sean Bresnahan with a piece on the upcoming Tyrone event to commemorate two IRA volunteers who died in 1973.  It was written on the 1st August 2013.

Some noise going on here in Tyrone this week as the DUP's Tom Buchanon leads the charge against the "glorification of terrorism" with his party driving itself wild at the prospect of a parade passing through the town of Castlederg to commemorate local IRA Volunteers Seamus Harvey and Gerard McGlynn, who died in a premature explosion 40 years this month.

Having sung of these two men for years when down in the GAA social club in Aghyaran it's with pride that I'll attend the independent commemoration on August 11th at the spot where they died. These men have held a special place in my heart since first I heard my mother sing the ballad written in their memory many years ago so I'd hope as many of us as can make it will be there to pay a fitting respect to these lads who paid the ultimate cost for the people of Tyrone and Ireland.

But one place I'll not be is at the Sinn Fein sponsored event later that evening as they once again hijack the memory of Tyrone's Volunteer dead for their own party-political interests. In that respect for once I'm of the same mind as the arch-bigot Buchanon, this parade has no place in Castlederg - but not for the reasons good old Tom would have us believe.

Sinn Fein have no business using and abusing the names of Harvey and McGlynn given the recent outburst of Belfast Lord Mayor Mairtin O'Muilleoir, when he condemned the tactics of the IRA during its armed campaign, and those of his erstwhile leader, the Big Lad himself, when he was made a fool of by Miriam O'Callaghan on RTE and tried to rescue his credibility by disowning the very men who put him where he is today - by describing them as murderers. Together they have criminalised the Harvey's and McGlynn's of our struggle, they've done what the British couldn't when they attempted this very same thing in the H-Blocks of Long Kesh.

As I write this I'm mindful of Kevin Lynch from Dungiven, who's anniversary falls today, a man who died to prove that what Gerry Adams now believes to be true was nothing but a British falsehood. So they have no place making political speeches in Castlederg to lay claim to Seamus Harvey and Gerard McGlynn and they've no place laying claim to the Volunteers of Oglaigh na hEireann with their so-called 'Tyrone Volunteer's Day' - not when the party leader agrees that when Martin McCaughey and those who
fought alongside him took out a team of SAS (yeah those same soldiers who apparently died in a car-crash in Germany or somewhere) they had somehow become 'murderers'. No doubt Lynagh, McKearney, Gerry and Martin Harte, Declan Arthurs and Big Brian Mullin were murderers too or had murder in their mind's constitution. Some of us still beg to differ.

When O'Muilleoir condemned the IRA's tactics part of what he remonstrated against was its bombing campaign, yet Seamus Harvey and Gerard McGlynn died transporting a bomb. Just last month we commemorated the lives of Paddy Carty, Sean Loughran and Dermot Crowley, who died in a premature explosion in Omagh when the bomb they were carrying went off as they made their way into the town. Many other Volunteers died in similar circumstances.

Effectively what O'Muilleoir and Sinn Fein have done is to condemn them all, and just so they could appear as the honest John's with their phony 'outreach to Unionism' - which Unionists themselves can see is nothing but a dishonest ploy. You see the problem is they want their cake and they want to eat it. They want to stand in front of the media and portray themselves as the honest brokers even should that mean disowning the IRA and its actions, even going so far as to call them murderers - McGuinness and Adams
have both went along with this on the record in recent times.

But then on the other hand and to a different audience they want to claim these men as their own, to stand making speeches in their memory, to tell us how their sacrifice has been redeemed by the progress Sinn Fein has made in recent times and the position the party now finds itself in. It's nothing but wanton hypocrisy, you simply can't have it both ways. People are tired of it.

No doubt the adverse publicity from the Unionist outcry will aid Sinn Fein in it's efforts to lay claim to the Volunteer's of Tyrone, no doubt it will help draw a sizeable crowd to help massage their badly mauled ego. Because the republican people of Tyrone can see right through them in ever-increasing numbers and they know it. It's likely for this reason that they chose to shift 'Tyrone Volunteer's Day' from its traditional slot. It was once a touchstone event in the republican calendar, held annually on the anniversary of IRA Hunger striker Martin Hurson in the tiny republican stronghold of Cappagh in the hills of East Tyrone.

Given the paucity of numbers in attendance as the years have gone by, as the people of Galbally and its hinterland made their feelings known by the sound of their boots walking out the door, Harvey and McGlynn will instead be exploited to make the great and the good of Sinn Fein feel better about themselves. I just hope that those who attend to hear Gerry Kelly tell how the fight of Seamus Harvey and Gerard McGlynn still goes on, while he and his party administer British rule, legitimise the RUC, internment, strip-searching of prisoners and all the rest, take a few moments to consider how Adams, McGuinness, Kearney, O'Muilleoir and co. have disowned everything these lads went out and tried to do in the rush to make themselves yet more acceptable to that same British foe the Volunteers of Tyrone went out and fought to get rid of.


11:17 AM, August 06, 2013Reply
Very well said Sean a cara and as you rightly point out quisling $inn £einds president for life has indeed labeled the struggle and all those who suffered and died for the republican cause as part of a criminal conspiracy,he even went as far as allowing six men to die needlessly to hoist himself up into the lofted position he now thinks he holds, Martybroy O Millionaire the quisling $inn £eind socialist rep for Balmoral is a classic example of how far that party has bent over,along with their chairperson Decciebroy Kearney their outreach programme is more of a castle catholic begging to be accepted in the unionist big house,trying to ride two horses going in two entirely different directions is not working they are making themselves and the few that follow them look even bigger fools than their party president for life. real republicans will remember the sacrifices that so many gave unflinchingly, as Ernie O Malley rightly pointed out and it fits so well when referring to these carpetbaggers "Its easy to lie on another mans wounds "
11:58 AM, August 06, 2013Reply
Sean was just making a cup o tae and the thought of a previous post came into my head,a poster had mentioned to Anthony a musical theme to that post,and the tune The Grand Olde Duke Of York came into my Head re the quisling $inn £einds march in Castlederg,after all Gerrybroy is a titled brit and he certainly marches his followers up the hill and down again how fitting I thought,I am gonna enjoy my Belfast bap along with my mug which I named big Bob,!
12:11 PM, August 06, 2013Reply
Sean Bres-

I will be in Castlederg march this
sunday to remember and commemorate
Vol Seamus Harvey and Vol Geard McGlynn and all the Volunteers from Tyrone who fell in action-
Sinn Fein are now where we are at because men and women went out and fought and killed and in some case's died-I went to Tyrones Volunteer day every year and am not just going now because its fashionable-The Ard Fheis and the main hunger-Strike march change their locations each year and this march is keeping up with that tradition-The Unionists say that they have a right to walk their Queens highway but they don't want us to have that same right-
12:14 PM, August 06, 2013Reply

great piece. Thanks for taking the time to put it together.

Is it the fact that they are critical of the IRA campaign per se that you find irritating or is it because you believe they do so for opportunist reasons? I have heard O Muilleoir saying a couple of things over the years for which he was hammered but I actually felt he had a point and was showing a bit of courage in saying it. Obviously I fundamentally disagree with him but not on everything he might say. And I always admire it when somebody gives an opinion that is not popular. As we all know from experience, that can bring the thought police to the door.
2:05 PM, August 06, 2013Reply
Good article. It exposes just how confused the SF position is. They are so confused they think they are actually coherent and that's the funny part of it.
4:23 PM, August 06, 2013Reply
Very succinctly put. Now that we all understand the depth and breadth of the treachery of Adams and McGuinness, what’s next?

Marty Millar? Doesn't quite ring with the tone of authority that O'Muilleoir does...I suppose a bit like Francis Ross and Proinsias De that not a British tactic...change the name and loose the history?
5:37 PM, August 06, 2013Reply
Marty 'O' got a warm reception at a prod school today. Good to see the SF delusion of democratic harmony is on course for their 'border-poll'.

Must say that was most amusing. His conciliatory/Judas comments obviously having the desired effect....NOT.
5:38 PM, August 06, 2013Reply
Mickey you admit you's are where you's are because of the efforts of Harvey and McGlynn and others but why then do you let it wash over you when the leadership opportunistically betrays those same efforts by allowing them to be criminalised? Martin Hurson died on Hungerstrike to prove the point that those who engaged the British occupation weren't murderers, weren't criminals. That's what annoys me Anthony to answer your question. Fair enough if Sinn Fein wants to criticise the IRA and move in a different direction, drawing a line in the sand or what have you, but that's not the case. If they done so I mightn't necessarily be happy but I might respect their honesty. Instead they're trying to ride both horses as Marty says.

They want to condemn the armed struggle when it suits the target audience but then stand among republicans and pipe a different tune. It's sheer hypocrisy, what some might describe as running with the fox while hunting with the hound. Not from the likes of you Mickey, I've no doubt of your honest intention and belief, but from that manipulating shower of gits that would sell their souls to the devil without so much as a second thought. They've lost the trust of the republican people and is it any wonder? Thus this resort to chicanery.

I too attended Tyrone Volunteers Day on an annual basis so you should know as well as me it was ALWAYS in Cappagh, why the change now? As for the Hungerstrike commemoration it only started to be moved from location to location in the last 4-5 years because Adams and McGuinness were told to get out of Galbally, that they weren't welcome. Next thing you know hey presto, the Hungerstrike Commemoration gets moved to Galbally and Gerry and Martin are soaking up the attention. Funny how the people of Cappagh and Galbally stayed clear of the whole thing, FFS people can read ye's like a book. Deny it all ye want.

You say the Unionists don't want you's to enjoy the same right to walk the highway but that's not what this is meant to be about, it's meant to be about commemorating Tyrone's IRA Volunteers. Instead we have this circus, all no doubt to make Sinn Fein once again seem like they're actually following some sort of republican agenda when CLEARLY they're not
6:53 PM, August 06, 2013Reply
Just in terms of what you said Niall I agree one hundred percent. The majority of republicans now recognise the strategic error of the Adams strategy and, whereas before many stayed because they didn't want to split the movement, now people are walking away from the whole thing at an alarming rate for Sinn Fein. Increasingly all they're left with are the paid operators and their SDLP votes. What we must do is provide a credible alternative based on practical republican realities that people can feel comfortable in lending their support to and helping out with - as in the past. Now is the time to establish a solid foundation and to go on from there to mount an effective challenge to the continuing foreign occupation of our country. But patience is the key. We need to educate and re-educate ourselves and in turn return to the republican position
7:41 PM, August 06, 2013Reply

I think you got it right. There is no sincerity in what they do. Adams and McGuinness would send us back to war in the morning if it suited their agenda and abandon us by nightfall. Difference this time is that we would not listen to a word that would coem out of their mouths.

And they should always be reminded that if the IRA volunteers were mere murderers then both of them directed a murder campaign and the whole of Irish society has a right to know why.
7:43 PM, August 06, 2013Reply
A piece that strikes home to us all Sean.

They try time and again to drag the dead with them down the road of betrayal because the dead can't speak up for themselves.

They tell those gullible enough to believe them that the struggle goes on. I can only see them struggling to gain the acceptance of Unionism.

Today we saw Unionists set upon O'Muilleoir like rabid dogs as he tried to pat them on the head.

When O'Muilleoir condemned IRA actions of the past he was attempting to appease Unionism yet he didn't mention the killing of Jean McConville and the cruelty inflicted on her children. I won't wonder why of course.

The fact is that many of those who SF claim to be commemorating, including the Hunger Strikers, died not knowing that the likes of Adams and McGuinness were plotting behind their backs to end the struggle. They didn't know but from as far back as the Hunger Strikes the Brits knew.

One final point: Had the likes of Denis Donaldson not been exposed as a British agent he would have been walking with Adams and McGuinness on Sunday in Monaghan or would have stood by their side in various other so called commemorations.
8:00 PM, August 06, 2013Reply

just as you can bet your house on some of those who will be walking with Adams/McGuinness being absolutely in the same bracket as Denis.
8:07 PM, August 06, 2013Reply

Good piece, I like writing like this that comes straight from the gut. Larry is right SF are all over the place, its political and historical gymnastics sway one way then another.

One minute they talk like a solid republican the next they utter words which would make even Parnell squirm.

This outreach work towards Unionism is infantile, the latter do not believe a word of it and why should they. They have their six county state-let set in stone. Once the shinners signed up, all opposition to it is manageable, if the price of that is having some taigs about the place so be it. As long as they do not venture onto their territory.

The Brits certainly saw SF coming, they drip feed them just enough to keep them inside the tent pissing out.

The problem the likes of Kearney have, is all their outreach work is aimed at the unionist and loyalist leaderships, thus does not even trickle down to the unionist street. PR powder puffs for both sides, nothing more.
8:13 PM, August 06, 2013Reply

My understanding is the 11th commemoration is organised jointly by the 1916 Societies and Tyrone NGA (I am open to correction).

As both are non-party political and welcome all you are right to describe it as 'independent' but they should be given credit for their organisational efforts.
8:44 PM, August 06, 2013Reply
Talking about bullshit artists,
James has 18 air fresheners.on Tue he buys 15 more....on Wed he buys another what does he have..?thats right quisling $inn £eind neighbours.
9:04 PM, August 06, 2013Reply
Great piece Sean

Way back before the GFA , SF were on the agenda of taking seats in the carsonite house on the hill, Stormont.

That was the main objective , Thinking of themselves and fook everyone else , and , as you rightly say, If donaldson was not outed by the brits he would still be standing side by side with the leaders, who knows how many more Donaldson's are still within SF.

They change everything to get media attention, always have and always will. Talking about Ó Muilleoir , He was chased out of woodvale today, he went to open a new childrens playground, Cops had to escort him back to his car, Loyalists didn't want him there.

you addmitted that its a queens highway.

video ofÓ Muilleoir being protect by british cops in woodvale
10:14 PM, August 06, 2013Reply

Did you notice Ó Muilleoir said "we always take the advice of the police"
10:35 PM, August 06, 2013Reply
'If donaldson was not outed by the brits he would still be standing side by side with the leaders, who knows how many more Donaldson's are still within SF.'

The entire leadership.
10:52 PM, August 06, 2013Reply

" you admitted that its a queens highway "

Nope-read it again-

Hope Sean does not mind me writing this down here-
Just read the Journal AM and Tony Rochford the former hunger-striker for 3 weeks outside the Dail whom you ran a story about is calling for people to help him to block the gates at Leinster house to stop TDs from entering the Dail-his new protest starts in september and so far 595 people have contacted him to say that they would help out at this protest-saying and doing are two different things but it looks like Tony is going to give it a go-
12:01 AM, August 07, 2013Reply

"The Unionists say that they have a right to walk their Queens highway but they don't want us to have that same right"

Now, I know you stated "Their Highway", But , You also want that right to walk on the queens highway as well!. No getting around that one, and , don't forget MH, no matter what your sell out party states as its agenda, You are being paid with the queens shilling and sitting in stormont and council chambers were her photograph hangs.
Remember Mi6 McGuinness shaking that same queens hand, He was over the moon, But when he walked towards the grand old Duke, The Duke done a runner, is that not contempt or what.

Organized Rage.

Yes , I did, I'm Thinking of renaming SF, The Donaldson Gang, lol.


As Larry stated, "The whole leadership", they should now be having Union Jack hankies flopping from the Suit pockets because they are British to the core, Trained by them to Look in a mirror and speak all the lies you can but keep the same straight face."


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