A new Irish international lobby group has been formed called AllVoicesAllIrish International; A group for all of the 70 million, of the Irish diaspora, scattered around the planet. Anyone remotely connected with Ireland is very welcome according to its spokesperson Brian Clarke.
He said, "We are not allied with any sect denomination or creed. Our purpose is to unify the Irish international voice, to express itself without censorship or hindrance and to organize ourselves in the social media with contactable, facebook, twitter or Google buzz accounts where in the future we can contact each other and by mutual general agreement, we can express the international Irish voice with clarity and a reasonable degree of unity.
The group is primarily for Irish people around the world, who have been particularly badly treated, without a voice to speak for them. Rachel Corrie a young American Irish cailin, was murdered in Palestine by Israel, while Irish peace activists have been brutalized, trying to bring humanitarian aid through the Gaza blockade.
While Israel are extremely well organized in the States to lobby for their people, the Irish are not. We need a voice for the millions of Irish people worldwide. The group has a page on Facebook which is meant to be a platform for an Irish cause adopted by the majority to lobby. no matter what it is without censorship, other than racism, commercialism, religion, sexism or violent bullying, feel free to use it. People throughout the world with an affinity to Ireland or interested in matters related to Ireland are very welcome.The group intends to to get effectively organized, because of considerable censorship by certain matters affecting Irish and Irish Americans in the Israeli and British media, when Irish issues are raised in a reasonable way.
Connecting facebook, twiitter and Google buzz accounts in an organized way, is part of the initials steps forward to lobby internationally including in the US for an Irish voice. For example when the MV Rachel Corrie was arrested by Israel recently, Irish people who wanted to lobby the American Government, could not find any Irish body organized anything like Aipac fro example
Neither could they contact the millions of Irish people worldwide, because of a wall of Israeli and British censorship, who do not want certain issues to be discussed, particularly in the United States. If we are to resolve these issues peacefully, it is essential that censorship is not allowed and that we can freely and peacefully organize, to make our voice heard. We would also like to extend a warm welcome to our dissenter and dissident Irish brethern, we hope to learn from some of their contributions.
Everyone is welcome to join, the contact details are with the group's press release."
AllVoicesAllIrish International

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