BBC BRUTISH BULLSCUTTER COPERATIONDon't even give them a chance to launch their Bullscutter !Oh, no. Brutish Bullscutter Coperation. Don't come fucking near me today. Dear Jaysus, you Kerry fucking recruits and gobshites all over the Irish media are their by-product. There are so many things I could say to express my deep mistrust and yes, anger of these new media Irish opinion makers. Their world service can be a titillating export but their rampant censorship of the restless native's replies stinks to high heaven, of arrogance, cultural imperialism and age old repression. I don't vote right wing as far as I know, so maybe that also explains my antagonism to them. I don't believe the Brutish Bullscutter Coperation, which henceforth will be simply called the BBC, offer anything approximating legitimate alternatives for this country, indeed any country but thats their business. I disagree with their monarchy, class system of commoners, lords, inherited privilige and intolerance of diversity or alternatives.Lest you think nationalism is blinding me, do not confuse my rants against Brutish Bullscutter with the many Scottish, English and Welsh friends I have known down through the years, most of whom are the salt of the Earth in my opinion and great people.It goes against every fibre of my being and tradition to be rude to people but you have got to stand up for your identity these days or become a smiling zombie product of their pundits and seductive manipulating bullscutter. Brutes are people too but we must take this tour d'arse with all of its insanity, as a relief from the bland sanitized, couldn't give a fuck mercenary BULLSCUTTER ! of our age.
An IrishBlog about Ireland including music, video, stories, drama, politics, news, media, twitter, facebook, google buzz, blogger and YouTube
Irish Time
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
BLOGTROTTER: GENERAL FUCKWITTAGE: "'Serious fuckwittage' Bridget said loudly. 'Yeah' agreed Shaz, 'that guy's buried himself in his own fuckwittage.' A couple ..."
Cead Mile Failte, A Hundred Thousand Welcomes
Cead Mile Failte, A Hundred Thousand Welcomes
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
BLOGTROTTER: 'I D'ON'T F*****G LIP-SYNCH" GAGA IN A SCUM STATE: "' I attended the Lady Gaga concert last night in the Odyssey in Belfast and was absolutely delighted to learn at long last what Gaga has b..."
BBC BRUTISH BULLSCUTTER COPERATIONDon't even give them a chance to launch their Bullscutter !Oh, no. Brutish Bullscutter Coperation. Don't come fucking near me today. Dear Jaysus, you Kerry fucking recruits and gobshites all over the Irish media are their by-product. There are so many things I could say to express my deep mistrust and yes, anger of these new media Irish opinion makers. Their world service can be a titillating export but their rampant censorship of the restless native's replies stinks to high heaven, of arrogance, cultural imperialism and age old repression. I don't vote right wing as far as I know, so maybe that also explains my antagonism to them. I don't believe the Brutish Bullscutter Coperation, which henceforth will be simply called the BBC, offer anything approximating legitimate alternatives for this country, indeed any country but thats their business. I disagree with their monarchy, class system of commoners, lords, inherited privilige and intolerance of diversity or alternatives.Lest you think nationalism is blinding me, do not confuse my rants against Brutish Bullscutter with the many Scottish, English and Welsh friends I have known down through the years, most of whom are the salt of the Earth in my opinion and great people.It goes against every fibre of my being and tradition to be rude to people but you have got to stand up for your identity these days or become a smiling zombie product of their pundits and seductive manipulating bullscutter. Brutes are people too but we must take this tour d'arse with all of its insanity, as a relief from the bland sanitized, couldn't give a fuck mercenary BULLSCUTTER ! of our age.
BBC BRUTISH BULLSCUTTER COPERATIONDon't even give them a chance to launch their Bullscutter !Oh, no. Brutish Bullscutter Coperation. Don't come fucking near me today. Dear Jaysus, you Kerry fucking recruits and gobshites all over the Irish media are their by-product. There are so many things I could say to express my deep mistrust and yes, anger of these new media Irish opinion makers. Their world service can be a titillating export but their rampant censorship of the restless native's replies stinks to high heaven, of arrogance, cultural imperialism and age old repression. I don't vote right wing as far as I know, so maybe that also explains my antagonism to them. I don't believe the Brutish Bullscutter Coperation, which henceforth will be simply called the BBC, offer anything approximating legitimate alternatives for this country, indeed any country but thats their business. I disagree with their monarchy, class system of commoners, lords, inherited privilige and intolerance of diversity or alternatives.Lest you think nationalism is blinding me, do not confuse my rants against Brutish Bullscutter with the many Scottish, English and Welsh friends I have known down through the years, most of whom are the salt of the Earth in my opinion and great people.It goes against every fibre of my being and tradition to be rude to people but you have got to stand up for your identity these days or become a smiling zombie product of their pundits and seductive manipulating bullscutter. Brutes are people too but we must take this tour d'arse with all of its insanity, as a relief from the bland sanitized, couldn't give a fuck mercenary BULLSCUTTER ! of our age.
Monday, November 1, 2010
BLOGTROTTER: PAEDO PROCESS IN BRITISH OCCUPIED IRELAND: "SURRENDER PROCESS Remind me, please: on the one hand, which army is today actively recruiting in the north, among both communities? And ..."
Cead Mile Failte, A Hundred Thousand Welcomes
Cead Mile Failte, A Hundred Thousand Welcomes
BLOGTROTTER: PAEDO PROCESS IN BRITISH OCCUPIED IRELAND: "SURRENDER PROCESS Remind me, please: on the one hand, which army is today actively recruiting in the north, among both communities? And ..."
Cead Mile Failte, A Hundred Thousand Welcomes
Cead Mile Failte, A Hundred Thousand Welcomes
Friday, October 22, 2010
BLOGTROTTER: PERVERTED IRELAND'S MODEST PROPOSAL TO CUTBACKS: "The Paedo Party of Ireland have come up with their own particularly Irish solution, to massive cutbacks against the people of no property..."
Sunday, October 17, 2010
If you like this page then I ask you to join THE CAUSE petition with me and in a recruitment campaign invite your friends to join, to help build a wordlwide lobby for Irish Peace +Justice;
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Sex Ireland: Adams Family 2 FAMILY VALUES OF A SCUM STATE
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
At least one out of five Irish boys and one out of three Irish girls in British Occupied Ireland will be abused or raped before they reach the age of eighteen. Some of the conditions that arise as a result of abuse are: alcoholism, drug addiction, self-injury, prostitution, promiscuity, eating, sleeping disorders, migraines, back, stomach pains, sexual dysfunction and suicide.Later overeating, sex, alcohol and drugs block out or deaden painful memories of the abuse temporarily.
The word “enabler” is used to describe people like leading politicians for example who provide an environment for paedophiles to operate in. It’s a secondary act of abuse against the innocent child. Enabling is illegal in Israel, where it is criminal in instances of failure to report child abuse or where reporting is required or mandated by law or where the enablers interfere with the course of justice. The head of Finland's Amnesty international's, Mr. Frank Johansson has just termed Israel a "scum state. Many agree. The President of British occupied Ireland's largest political party, Gerry Adams was elected in the full knowledge of a forced admission prior to his election, by one of the largest majorities of voters, including parents, in Britain's last General election.
The question Brian Clarke asked before he was 'DISAPPEARED' was ;
British Occupied Ireland,
Child Abuse,
child rape,
Gerry Adams,
Scum State,
My StumbleUpon Page

Sunday, August 29, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
BLOGTROTTER: LET'S EAT IRISH BABIES IT'S POLITICALLY CORRECT I...: "'I grant this food may be somewhat dear, and therefore very proper for Landlords, who as they have already devoured most of the Parents, s..."
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
In Ireland besides the Catholic Church, Paedophiles are top of the political tree in politics, the media, the legal profession and the police. The British who control both parts of Ireland with their secret services, have managed to enable their rise to high places, since the formation of Irish Free state, almost 100 years ago. British secret services in Ireland have encouraged paedophile rings, because they can be easily manipulated and then disposed of when the time is right. There are photo's in existence on file. Children who brought a case against them, received awards of up to 50,000 euro but they hardly ever went to court because of British control over the Irish legal system.
A book about Colin Wallace, which alleged that boys in a care home were systematically abused by a British controlled paedophile ring in Occupied Ireland, where the men involved trained the boys as informants and agents within paramilitary groups for them, while they turned a blind eye. It is never investigated by the media. Many of the alleged paedophiles were either friends or associates of the Thatcher government. Many were also in charge of execution squads, directed against unarmed civilians in occupied Ireland. Most of the journalists that creep around SF, don't bother to investigate the many Paedophiles, at the highest levels of politics, the legal system and wealthy society and journalism.
One key British Paedophile, was President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews from 1978 to 1984, and a key international figure seeking compensation and restitution for Holocaust victims. He arranged back in 1997, the London Nazi Looted Gold conference. He chaired a Parliamentary Select Committee from 1994-1996. Going back to Beck's trial when the child, Paul Winston was a witness, the judge, Mr. Justice Jowitt, gave the court clear orders that there must be no mention of "persons in high places", to deal with the certainty, that British high society names, would be brought up in evidence. When independent elements of the media at the time, made an emergency application, the High Court ruled, that Jowitt's order was unlawful and void. One High society name duly came up and the evidence was reported.
A certain Lord and QC served 27 years in the British Parliament, eventually moved to the House of Lords. In the course of his work, the British Lord, made many visits to occupied Ireland, Switzerland, the United States, Belgium, Portugal, and Spain. He organized certain key events for the British Foreign Secretary, on behalf of the British Commonwealth Office and Government. He controlled over 42 nations represented at these events.
The British Lord presided over Inter-Parliamentary Councils, with over 1200 members of 87 parliaments, including a major group from the United States consisting on one occasion of Ben Gilman, Tom Lantos, John Lewis, John Porter and several others. Apart from(allegedly) buggering young boys, he was a member of the Masons, the orange Order and a member of the Irish Magic Circle, including the International Brotherhood of Magicians.
One unfortunate resident of the infamous Kincora boys home in Belfast for most of his teenage years, Michael Stone became totally psychologically disturbed, as a result of British secret service Paedophile activity in occupied Ireland. Kincora boys home was run by the British, as a virtual gay brothel by their agents controlled by MI5, who are today in charge of policing, in all of Ireland, as a result of an agreement they negotiated with Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness. Its clientele preyed for years on vulnerable young boys, supplying them to British Royalty, secret services, visiting politicians and journalists. Children in its care, like Stone, included paramilitary leaders, politicians, judges and public figures. MI5 uses it as a blackmailers lever on political figures. A certain royal Lord now dead was one of its more high profile visitors. It is believed that this particular paedophile ring, was responsible for the murder of Princess Diane.
Anyway to get back to get back to Kincora, after coming out of this particular British paedophile hell hole and a broken home, many are damaged psychopaths. A certain Micheal Stone was controlled by a British agent, a notorious, utterly sadistic, homosexual, of the Red Hand Commandos, John McKeague, who on one of his visits to the boys home, introduced him to British loyalism, controlled by the British secret services in occupied ireland. Stone was sent to Milltown graveyard for the funeral of Mairead Farrell, who was shot dead by the British military, unarmed, in broad daylight, as is normal for British execution squads in occupied Ireland, who also murdered her two young unarmed companions. It wasn't Stones idea to go to her funeral he claims. Despite the heavy presence of media observers, television cameras, British police, British army surveillance and helicopters, where you can guarantee every last person at those funerals was photographed, Stone claims he was beside Adams and McGuinness but did not shoot them.
Strange then that grenades he initially threw, were stun grenades, cellulose casings, not steel fragmentation casings. Had they been fragmentation grenades, the death toll would have been high. However intelligence leaks now say, that the people, who set up Maireid Farrell and her two unarmed volunteer companions for murder, by British execution squads, as well as the middle management of the Loughall men, were gathered around that graveside. Thats why the British gave Stone stun grenades, not fragmentation. Not a single death was caused by the many grenades he threw, because they were non lethal. The injuries they caused were from gravel and stone they kicked up, not steel shrapnel. Other injuries were caused as people rushed for cover.
The ones who died that day were the brave young unarmed men who pursued Stone, as he made for a getaway van on the motorway. It abandoned Stone to his fate, when it saw the crowd on him. It was a British police/RUC van which drove off but the British paramilitary police claim, it was traffic branch. If Stone had been sent to murder and wipe out the leadership of Adams and McGuinness, as the middle management were wiped out in Gibraltar and Loughgall, they would have given him an AK and a bag of lethal grenades. The handuns he fired, were for a getaway, not at the assembled leadership. Instead he helped instill fear as the middle management were wiped out, in a community to lower its political aims and settle for the Adams, McGuinness deal.
Stone's actions, also gave cover to the Donaldsons, Scappitticis and others gathered around the graveside of the very volunteers, delivered up to the British. Everyone saw it as attempt to wipe out the "leadership" on their screens, while many of the traditional rural IRA s watched the "leadership", helping the Brits wipe out opposition and sell a pig in a poke, "Paedo Process" to a Catholic Paedophile controlled electorate. We also now know that Brian Nelson and other British controlled loyalists, never were allowed to get near the leadership. We also know the British made certain the bullets fired at the Siad Fein president in '82, were not capable of killing a rat never mind Adams.
A book about Colin Wallace, which alleged that boys in a care home were systematically abused by a British controlled paedophile ring in Occupied Ireland, where the men involved trained the boys as informants and agents within paramilitary groups for them, while they turned a blind eye. It is never investigated by the media. Many of the alleged paedophiles were either friends or associates of the Thatcher government. Many were also in charge of execution squads, directed against unarmed civilians in occupied Ireland. Most of the journalists that creep around SF, don't bother to investigate the many Paedophiles, at the highest levels of politics, the legal system and wealthy society and journalism.
One key British Paedophile, was President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews from 1978 to 1984, and a key international figure seeking compensation and restitution for Holocaust victims. He arranged back in 1997, the London Nazi Looted Gold conference. He chaired a Parliamentary Select Committee from 1994-1996. Going back to Beck's trial when the child, Paul Winston was a witness, the judge, Mr. Justice Jowitt, gave the court clear orders that there must be no mention of "persons in high places", to deal with the certainty, that British high society names, would be brought up in evidence. When independent elements of the media at the time, made an emergency application, the High Court ruled, that Jowitt's order was unlawful and void. One High society name duly came up and the evidence was reported.
A certain Lord and QC served 27 years in the British Parliament, eventually moved to the House of Lords. In the course of his work, the British Lord, made many visits to occupied Ireland, Switzerland, the United States, Belgium, Portugal, and Spain. He organized certain key events for the British Foreign Secretary, on behalf of the British Commonwealth Office and Government. He controlled over 42 nations represented at these events.
The British Lord presided over Inter-Parliamentary Councils, with over 1200 members of 87 parliaments, including a major group from the United States consisting on one occasion of Ben Gilman, Tom Lantos, John Lewis, John Porter and several others. Apart from(allegedly) buggering young boys, he was a member of the Masons, the orange Order and a member of the Irish Magic Circle, including the International Brotherhood of Magicians.
One unfortunate resident of the infamous Kincora boys home in Belfast for most of his teenage years, Michael Stone became totally psychologically disturbed, as a result of British secret service Paedophile activity in occupied Ireland. Kincora boys home was run by the British, as a virtual gay brothel by their agents controlled by MI5, who are today in charge of policing, in all of Ireland, as a result of an agreement they negotiated with Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness. Its clientele preyed for years on vulnerable young boys, supplying them to British Royalty, secret services, visiting politicians and journalists. Children in its care, like Stone, included paramilitary leaders, politicians, judges and public figures. MI5 uses it as a blackmailers lever on political figures. A certain royal Lord now dead was one of its more high profile visitors. It is believed that this particular paedophile ring, was responsible for the murder of Princess Diane.
Anyway to get back to get back to Kincora, after coming out of this particular British paedophile hell hole and a broken home, many are damaged psychopaths. A certain Micheal Stone was controlled by a British agent, a notorious, utterly sadistic, homosexual, of the Red Hand Commandos, John McKeague, who on one of his visits to the boys home, introduced him to British loyalism, controlled by the British secret services in occupied ireland. Stone was sent to Milltown graveyard for the funeral of Mairead Farrell, who was shot dead by the British military, unarmed, in broad daylight, as is normal for British execution squads in occupied Ireland, who also murdered her two young unarmed companions. It wasn't Stones idea to go to her funeral he claims. Despite the heavy presence of media observers, television cameras, British police, British army surveillance and helicopters, where you can guarantee every last person at those funerals was photographed, Stone claims he was beside Adams and McGuinness but did not shoot them.
Strange then that grenades he initially threw, were stun grenades, cellulose casings, not steel fragmentation casings. Had they been fragmentation grenades, the death toll would have been high. However intelligence leaks now say, that the people, who set up Maireid Farrell and her two unarmed volunteer companions for murder, by British execution squads, as well as the middle management of the Loughall men, were gathered around that graveside. Thats why the British gave Stone stun grenades, not fragmentation. Not a single death was caused by the many grenades he threw, because they were non lethal. The injuries they caused were from gravel and stone they kicked up, not steel shrapnel. Other injuries were caused as people rushed for cover.
The ones who died that day were the brave young unarmed men who pursued Stone, as he made for a getaway van on the motorway. It abandoned Stone to his fate, when it saw the crowd on him. It was a British police/RUC van which drove off but the British paramilitary police claim, it was traffic branch. If Stone had been sent to murder and wipe out the leadership of Adams and McGuinness, as the middle management were wiped out in Gibraltar and Loughgall, they would have given him an AK and a bag of lethal grenades. The handuns he fired, were for a getaway, not at the assembled leadership. Instead he helped instill fear as the middle management were wiped out, in a community to lower its political aims and settle for the Adams, McGuinness deal.
Stone's actions, also gave cover to the Donaldsons, Scappitticis and others gathered around the graveside of the very volunteers, delivered up to the British. Everyone saw it as attempt to wipe out the "leadership" on their screens, while many of the traditional rural IRA s watched the "leadership", helping the Brits wipe out opposition and sell a pig in a poke, "Paedo Process" to a Catholic Paedophile controlled electorate. We also now know that Brian Nelson and other British controlled loyalists, never were allowed to get near the leadership. We also know the British made certain the bullets fired at the Siad Fein president in '82, were not capable of killing a rat never mind Adams.
In Ireland besides the Catholic Church, Paedophiles are top of the political tree in politics, the media, the legal profession and the police. The British who control both parts of Ireland with their secret services, have managed to enable their rise to high places, since the formation of Irish Free state, almost 100 years ago. British secret services in Ireland have encouraged paedophile rings, because they can be easily manipulated and then disposed of when the time is right. There are photo's in existence on file. Children who brought a case against them, received awards of up to 50,000 euro but they hardly ever went to court because of British control over the Irish legal system.
A book about Colin Wallace, which alleged that boys in a care home were systematically abused by a British controlled paedophile ring in Occupied Ireland, where the men involved trained the boys as informants and agents within paramilitary groups for them, while they turned a blind eye. It is never investigated by the media. Many of the alleged paedophiles were either friends or associates of the Thatcher government. Many were also in charge of execution squads, directed against unarmed civilians in occupied Ireland. Most of the journalists that creep around SF, don't bother to investigate the many Paedophiles, at the highest levels of politics, the legal system and wealthy society and journalism.
One key British Paedophile, was President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews from 1978 to 1984, and a key international figure seeking compensation and restitution for Holocaust victims. He arranged back in 1997, the London Nazi Looted Gold conference. He chaired a Parliamentary Select Committee from 1994-1996. Going back to Beck's trial when the child, Paul Winston was a witness, the judge, Mr. Justice Jowitt, gave the court clear orders that there must be no mention of "persons in high places", to deal with the certainty, that British high society names, would be brought up in evidence. When independent elements of the media at the time, made an emergency application, the High Court ruled, that Jowitt's order was unlawful and void. One High society name duly came up and the evidence was reported.
A certain Lord and QC served 27 years in the British Parliament, eventually moved to the House of Lords. In the course of his work, the British Lord, made many visits to occupied Ireland, Switzerland, the United States, Belgium, Portugal, and Spain. He organized certain key events for the British Foreign Secretary, on behalf of the British Commonwealth Office and Government. He controlled over 42 nations represented at these events.
The British Lord presided over Inter-Parliamentary Councils, with over 1200 members of 87 parliaments, including a major group from the United States consisting on one occasion of Ben Gilman, Tom Lantos, John Lewis, John Porter and several others. Apart from(allegedly) buggering young boys, he was a member of the Masons, the orange Order and a member of the Irish Magic Circle, including the International Brotherhood of Magicians.
One unfortunate resident of the infamous Kincora boys home in Belfast for most of his teenage years, Michael Stone became totally psychologically disturbed, as a result of British secret service Paedophile activity in occupied Ireland. Kincora boys home was run by the British, as a virtual gay brothel by their agents controlled by MI5, who are today in charge of policing, in all of Ireland, as a result of an agreement they negotiated with Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness. Its clientele preyed for years on vulnerable young boys, supplying them to British Royalty, secret services, visiting politicians and journalists. Children in its care, like Stone, included paramilitary leaders, politicians, judges and public figures. MI5 uses it as a blackmailers lever on political figures. A certain royal Lord now dead was one of its more high profile visitors. It is believed that this particular paedophile ring, was responsible for the murder of Princess Diane.
Anyway to get back to get back to Kincora, after coming out of this particular British paedophile hell hole and a broken home, many are damaged psychopaths. A certain Micheal Stone was controlled by a British agent, a notorious, utterly sadistic, homosexual, of the Red Hand Commandos, John McKeague, who on one of his visits to the boys home, introduced him to British loyalism, controlled by the British secret services in occupied ireland. Stone was sent to Milltown graveyard for the funeral of Mairead Farrell, who was shot dead by the British military, unarmed, in broad daylight, as is normal for British execution squads in occupied Ireland, who also murdered her two young unarmed companions. It wasn't Stones idea to go to her funeral he claims. Despite the heavy presence of media observers, television cameras, British police, British army surveillance and helicopters, where you can guarantee every last person at those funerals was photographed, Stone claims he was beside Adams and McGuinness but did not shoot them.
Strange then that grenades he initially threw, were stun grenades, cellulose casings, not steel fragmentation casings. Had they been fragmentation grenades, the death toll would have been high. However intelligence leaks now say, that the people, who set up Maireid Farrell and her two unarmed volunteer companions for murder, by British execution squads, as well as the middle management of the Loughall men, were gathered around that graveside. Thats why the British gave Stone stun grenades, not fragmentation. Not a single death was caused by the many grenades he threw, because they were non lethal. The injuries they caused were from gravel and stone they kicked up, not steel shrapnel. Other injuries were caused as people rushed for cover.
The ones who died that day were the brave young unarmed men who pursued Stone, as he made for a getaway van on the motorway. It abandoned Stone to his fate, when it saw the crowd on him. It was a British police/RUC van which drove off but the British paramilitary police claim, it was traffic branch. If Stone had been sent to murder and wipe out the leadership of Adams and McGuinness, as the middle management were wiped out in Gibraltar and Loughgall, they would have given him an AK and a bag of lethal grenades. The handuns he fired, were for a getaway, not at the assembled leadership. Instead he helped instill fear as the middle management were wiped out, in a community to lower its political aims and settle for the Adams, McGuinness deal.
Stone's actions, also gave cover to the Donaldsons, Scappitticis and others gathered around the graveside of the very volunteers, delivered up to the British. Everyone saw it as attempt to wipe out the "leadership" on their screens, while many of the traditional rural IRA s watched the "leadership", helping the Brits wipe out opposition and sell a pig in a poke, "Paedo Process" to a Catholic Paedophile controlled electorate. We also now know that Brian Nelson and other British controlled loyalists, never were allowed to get near the leadership. We also know the British made certain the bullets fired at the Siad Fein president in '82, were not capable of killing a rat never mind Adams.
A book about Colin Wallace, which alleged that boys in a care home were systematically abused by a British controlled paedophile ring in Occupied Ireland, where the men involved trained the boys as informants and agents within paramilitary groups for them, while they turned a blind eye. It is never investigated by the media. Many of the alleged paedophiles were either friends or associates of the Thatcher government. Many were also in charge of execution squads, directed against unarmed civilians in occupied Ireland. Most of the journalists that creep around SF, don't bother to investigate the many Paedophiles, at the highest levels of politics, the legal system and wealthy society and journalism.
One key British Paedophile, was President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews from 1978 to 1984, and a key international figure seeking compensation and restitution for Holocaust victims. He arranged back in 1997, the London Nazi Looted Gold conference. He chaired a Parliamentary Select Committee from 1994-1996. Going back to Beck's trial when the child, Paul Winston was a witness, the judge, Mr. Justice Jowitt, gave the court clear orders that there must be no mention of "persons in high places", to deal with the certainty, that British high society names, would be brought up in evidence. When independent elements of the media at the time, made an emergency application, the High Court ruled, that Jowitt's order was unlawful and void. One High society name duly came up and the evidence was reported.
A certain Lord and QC served 27 years in the British Parliament, eventually moved to the House of Lords. In the course of his work, the British Lord, made many visits to occupied Ireland, Switzerland, the United States, Belgium, Portugal, and Spain. He organized certain key events for the British Foreign Secretary, on behalf of the British Commonwealth Office and Government. He controlled over 42 nations represented at these events.
The British Lord presided over Inter-Parliamentary Councils, with over 1200 members of 87 parliaments, including a major group from the United States consisting on one occasion of Ben Gilman, Tom Lantos, John Lewis, John Porter and several others. Apart from(allegedly) buggering young boys, he was a member of the Masons, the orange Order and a member of the Irish Magic Circle, including the International Brotherhood of Magicians.
One unfortunate resident of the infamous Kincora boys home in Belfast for most of his teenage years, Michael Stone became totally psychologically disturbed, as a result of British secret service Paedophile activity in occupied Ireland. Kincora boys home was run by the British, as a virtual gay brothel by their agents controlled by MI5, who are today in charge of policing, in all of Ireland, as a result of an agreement they negotiated with Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness. Its clientele preyed for years on vulnerable young boys, supplying them to British Royalty, secret services, visiting politicians and journalists. Children in its care, like Stone, included paramilitary leaders, politicians, judges and public figures. MI5 uses it as a blackmailers lever on political figures. A certain royal Lord now dead was one of its more high profile visitors. It is believed that this particular paedophile ring, was responsible for the murder of Princess Diane.
Anyway to get back to get back to Kincora, after coming out of this particular British paedophile hell hole and a broken home, many are damaged psychopaths. A certain Micheal Stone was controlled by a British agent, a notorious, utterly sadistic, homosexual, of the Red Hand Commandos, John McKeague, who on one of his visits to the boys home, introduced him to British loyalism, controlled by the British secret services in occupied ireland. Stone was sent to Milltown graveyard for the funeral of Mairead Farrell, who was shot dead by the British military, unarmed, in broad daylight, as is normal for British execution squads in occupied Ireland, who also murdered her two young unarmed companions. It wasn't Stones idea to go to her funeral he claims. Despite the heavy presence of media observers, television cameras, British police, British army surveillance and helicopters, where you can guarantee every last person at those funerals was photographed, Stone claims he was beside Adams and McGuinness but did not shoot them.
Strange then that grenades he initially threw, were stun grenades, cellulose casings, not steel fragmentation casings. Had they been fragmentation grenades, the death toll would have been high. However intelligence leaks now say, that the people, who set up Maireid Farrell and her two unarmed volunteer companions for murder, by British execution squads, as well as the middle management of the Loughall men, were gathered around that graveside. Thats why the British gave Stone stun grenades, not fragmentation. Not a single death was caused by the many grenades he threw, because they were non lethal. The injuries they caused were from gravel and stone they kicked up, not steel shrapnel. Other injuries were caused as people rushed for cover.
The ones who died that day were the brave young unarmed men who pursued Stone, as he made for a getaway van on the motorway. It abandoned Stone to his fate, when it saw the crowd on him. It was a British police/RUC van which drove off but the British paramilitary police claim, it was traffic branch. If Stone had been sent to murder and wipe out the leadership of Adams and McGuinness, as the middle management were wiped out in Gibraltar and Loughgall, they would have given him an AK and a bag of lethal grenades. The handuns he fired, were for a getaway, not at the assembled leadership. Instead he helped instill fear as the middle management were wiped out, in a community to lower its political aims and settle for the Adams, McGuinness deal.
Stone's actions, also gave cover to the Donaldsons, Scappitticis and others gathered around the graveside of the very volunteers, delivered up to the British. Everyone saw it as attempt to wipe out the "leadership" on their screens, while many of the traditional rural IRA s watched the "leadership", helping the Brits wipe out opposition and sell a pig in a poke, "Paedo Process" to a Catholic Paedophile controlled electorate. We also now know that Brian Nelson and other British controlled loyalists, never were allowed to get near the leadership. We also know the British made certain the bullets fired at the Siad Fein president in '82, were not capable of killing a rat never mind Adams.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
In Selfish Occupied Ireland Children No Longer Count
Of course in a healthy society they should be all be held equally accountable but the manipulating politicians who worm their way out of abusive homes , use those same skills to worm their way, to the political top and spread the disease into the community. What kind of minds or hearts have these beliefs.
Child Abuse,
child rape,
Occupied Ireland,
Sinead O'Connor
Monday, July 19, 2010
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