Irish Time

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Internment Olympics London 2012 : Death of the Galway Whooker

Internment Olympics London 2012 : Death of the Galway Whooker

category international | rights and freedoms | press release author Thursday May 31, 2012 11:07author by BrianClarkeNUJ - AllVoices Report this post to the editors
Human Rights Olympic Protest London 2012
I regret to report that agents boarded the Galway Whooker while it was open to public. One agent posing as an environmentalist, secretly monitored communication from the Galway Whooker, photographed maps, and set underwater charges to sink the boat. Divers beneath the Galway Whooker, attached a mine and detonated it. The bomb went off 09:28 P.M., making a large hole. Fortunately the Galway Whooker had been evacuated earlier, after a telephone warning, following which the mine was detonated. The Galway Whooker sank five minutes later.
Internment Olympics London 2012
Internment Olympics London 2012
I regret to report that agents boarded the Galway Whooker while it was open to public. One agent posing as an environmentalist, secretly monitored communication from the Galway Whooker, photographed maps, and set underwater charges to sink the boat. Divers beneath the Galway Whooker, attached a mine and detonated it. The bomb went off 09:28 P.M., making a large hole. Fortunately the Galway Whooker had been evacuated earlier, after a telephone warning, following which the mine was detonated. The Galway Whooker sank five minutes later.

We believe the agents were hired by one of the sponsors of the Olympics Games in London 2012, because of recent bad publicity. A considerable proportion of the Olympic protest art associated with London 2012 has been destroyed on the internet and censored. We are calling on all activists protesting the Olympic Games in London, to call for a boycott whether environment based or protesting torture, internment without trial in British Occupied Ireland and to create your own protest Olympic art regarding London 2012. Olive, Pui, Richard and myself have returned to base and we delayed publishing these details. until everyone had safely returned. Our own protest will continue in and alternative manner. We hope other can be creative with their own individual protests regarding the Olympics and political internment with torture.

A vigil and wake were held for the Galway Whooker last night on an island in the South China Sea. Everybody sat on both sides of a coffin,e specially made for the event. In the tradition of all Galway Whookers there was white linen adorning it with black ribbons and flowers. Lighted candles were placed around the coffin. Clay pipes, tobacco, snuff and suchlikes were also placed in the room. Everyone took at least a puff. The smoke kept evil spirits from London 2012 away. Clocks were stopped at the time of the death of the Galway Whooker. Mirrors were covered.

The cofin was never left alone until it was buried. A woman dressed appropriately in black panties and bra sat in the same room until the coffin was taken away. Crying began after the coffin was dressed appropriately, in case it attracted anymore evil spirits from London 2012, which would take the spirit of the departed Galway Whooker. After everything was properly prepared, the keening began. The Caointhe was started by Olive the lead keener who was first to lament the deceased. Pui recited poetry lamenting the loss of the Galway Whooker as well as crying and wailing.

All the women in the village joined in the wake and orgy afterwards to pay their respects to the Whooker. Naturally the women continued to cry softly as they engaged in mournful sex with each other and the other villagers. I could perceive that all of the friends of the Galway Whooker felt very strong feelings towards her. After the orgy I fell asleep as did most of the friends as the wake night passed.

This morning, Olive and Pui cleaned up a bit before the funeral procession. When the procession was underway it consists of myself, olive, Pui, the nurse, the villagers, the undertaker a shawoman. The procession walks along a long road beside the sea nearly an hour away. The entire funeral moved so fast and deliberately that I remember nothing because of my grief, except a comment of Olive and the image of Pui crying. The coffin was placed on the sea, set on fire and pushed out on the tide along with all of the Galway Whookers remaining artefacts. The remainder of the mourning and merrymaking process will begin tonight. I will fill you in sometime soon but I need to get some rest for it.
Related Link:
Óró, Sé Do Bheatha 'Bhaile - (le Paul Brady)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Olympic London 2012 : PHUCKIN PROSTITUTES

The crumbling civilizations or "primitive" social structures compared to the prostitute were a throwback by the British, to rationalizing their imperial expansion of greed and murder as a "civilizing mission." A rationality implying the channeling of sexual instincts in ways, that the British colonialists maintained were beyond the reach of backward peoples. 

Asia's  problem according to the British was primitivism and the vices of nature contain in sex without boundaries which prevented productive profit making for the British, rather than the existing purpose of sensual pleasure.. Prostitution's emphasis on pleasure rather than procreation, also was an excuse by the Christian preachers of British morals of exploitation, to judge the natives obstructing their sexual ideas, of their strictly procreative and their biblically ordained duty. The native being judged as wallowing in sensuality. The British judged the natural or people with nature still in them, as being a state of savagery.

It nevertheless was common for British travelers and colonial officials to accept that paid sex was widespread across their empire, they rarely however acknowledged the changes their colonial rule had in effecting profound changes in the manner of the existing culture of prostitution. Trading in sex was a phenomena as old as any society but the effects of colonialism, created new types of commercial sex from the materialism that colonialism imposed.

The British and colonial officials agreed that prostitution was living evidence of native disorder. Colonialists perceived their newly created culture as looser than the industrialized west. Burmese women said a colonial doctor in 1875, were organically unchaste and "if not prostitutes," were "next door to it." C.P. The Colonial Office in China perceived their Chinese populated colonies as, "prostitution is more or less of a recognized character." In India they stated that there were too many "phases and varieties of prostitution" to explain.

London 2012, 2012 Olympics, london 2012, London Olympics, london2012, LondonOlympics, Olympic, Olympic Games, Olympics, Olympics London

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Olympics London 2012 : HEARTS & MINDS INTERNED

The enforced delay in Aden due to weather continues which gives me time to cover briefly another Britis colony of Malaysia. The wars in Malayasia against the British and in Vietnam against the Americans have been compared many times by historians who have questioned, how a British force of 35,000 succeeded where over half a million U.S. soldiers failed in a smaller area. However, the two conflicts differ in several key points. Its important because it became a template for tactics employed by the the UK and US in place like Iraq and British Occupied Ireland today it is complex and to understand it one needs to study it further.

Essentially the answer is Britain approached it as an unconventional conflict and implemented an intelligence operation, against the political arm of the guerrilla movement called "hearts and minds,"  a key part of their strategy later in British Occupied Ireland. This contrasted to Vietnam where the Americans employed traditional war tactics. In military terms, the British army employed a low-intensity war instead of overwhelming firepower. The tactics were taught at a Jungle Warfare School based on experience gained in battle and example of which is the Batang Kali massacre.

The Batang Kali massacre was an incident that took place in Malaya on December 12, 1948 during British military operations The British army surrounded a rubber plantation at Batang Kali in Malaya and shot and killed 24 unarmed villagers before setting fire to the village. The only survivor was a young man, Chong Hong who fainted and was presumed dead. Eyewitnesses including the wives, children and others, included Tham Yong, aged 17 and Loh Ah Choy, aged 7 at the time. The men were separated from the women and children for British interrogation before the shooting began. The incident is called "Britain's My Lai massacre". It was in this campaign that first coined the now famous phrase "hearts and minds"  became a strategy for victory.

The British Defence Secretary Labour's Denis Healey instructed Scotland Yard to set up a special task force to investigate. The incoming Conservative government used the excuse of alack of evidence to drop the investigation in 1970. A BBC documentary entitled "In Cold Blood" revealed fresh evidence including accounts of witnesses, survivors and confessions of a soldier to Scotland Yard.

General Sir Frank Kitson developed low intensity operations in the following wars, Mau Mau Uprising, Malayan Emergency, Falklands War, Northern Ireland. He was awarded the order of the British Empire (GBE), 1985, Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath (KCB), 1980, Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE), 1972, Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE), 1968, Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE), 1959, Bar to the MC, 1958, Military Cross (MC)

A comment to my blog from a teenager expressing his feelings through blogging everyday promps me to include the following article from his blog called:

! A Growing Teenager Diary !

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TUESDAY, MAY 29, 2012

Fundamental of Slavery

today i woke up at 8am.
then i just quickly prepared myself and went to work.
upon arrive at office, i continued my working stuff as usual.
after some moment, i was called in for meeting and just feel quite "funny" to know "something" but just can hold myself from laughing in front of the big boss.
somehow i just feel that there is nothing called as "copy idea" in the business world but just based on how effective your marketing skills to bring it success.
it is because in school/college, we were not allowed to "cheat" in exam but it is different in working life whereby we call it as a "skills".
therefore you can be counted as "smart person" if that method works well.

around 1pm i went to have my lunch with my colleague.
then i just have Penang prawn noodle and quite like it although it is not spicy at there.
besides, there was an old grandmother pushing something like a "trolley" which carrying his son who was a disabled person that just left half body and he keep singing "Hokkien" song with a speaker mic to ask for donation.
this scene really make myself feel so guilty because some people want to have a change in their life also can't whereby i have the chance to make a change also don't want.
seriously my superior also say me that "well, if you know that (internet market idea), why don't just make a new website yourself instead of keep saying because this and that, other competitor is so successful in their marketing decision.

guess the words that can comfort myself for just continue working for others people instead of creating something for my own was just like the Chinese words as below.
during the evening, i just continue to contact different type of "important person" to discuss something but the result was not good because most of them did not reply.
moreover, it was quite true that once you are famous, people will eventually find you.

besides, it seems that we will not any shares from the company if we work for a long time and just feel what my superior said was quite true that most of the business owner will just keep as much profit as they can in their own "pockets" which is why the richer people get more rich and the poorer people get more poor in this society.
somehow it also reminds me about one of my colleague working story at Naza World public listed company whereby their children "have riot in property (争家产)" when the big boss pass away last time.
around 6.50pm i make a move from office and took my "lonely" journey back home.
upon reach Wangsa Maju, i just have Penang prawn noodles again as my dinner and feel myself really addicted to it.

finally i arrived back home at 8.10pm and get myself prepared before using the computer.
Self Expenses Total Note: RM1385 (RM1347+RM1+RM2+RM1+RM6+RM2+RM20+RM5+RM1)
well, i just feel to share something about the "Superclass and Slaves" as below.
Superclass - Governments and cronies get the BEST of everything for FREE.
Superclass simply key in UNLIMITED FREE FAKE MONEY in their computers.
Superclass control resources from natural to human aka slaves.
Superclass create false religions, so slaves fight among themselves for their god.
Superclass want slaves to submit or die.
Slaves slave to their graves and pay for everything including their lives.
Slaves are stupid because they choose to be slaves to superclass system.
Slaves protest from east to west while superclass eat, play and rest.
somehow i just feel that this might be the fundamental of slavery and it is up to you whether you want to be a "superclass" or slave.

on the other hand, this also related to one of the meaningful article which is "The Fundamental Slavery by Osho" as shown below.
Sex is the most powerful instinct in man. The politician and the priest have understood from the very beginning that sex is the most driving energy in man. It has to be curtailed, it has to be cut. If man is allowed total freedom in sex, then there will be no possibility to dominate him. To make a slave out of him will be impossible.

Have you not seen it being done? When you want a bull to be yoked to a cart, what do you do? You castrate him, you destroy his sex energy. And have you seen the difference between a bull and an ox? What a difference! An ox is a poor phenomenon, a slave. A bull is a beauty; a bull is a glorious phenomenon, a great splendor. See a bull walking, how he walks like an emperor! And see an ox pulling a cart.

The same has been done to man. The sex instinct has been curtailed, cut, crippled. Man does not exist as the bull now, he exists like the ox, and each man is pulling a thousand and one carts. Look and you will find behind you a thousand and one carts, and you are yoked to them.

Why can't you yoke a bull? The bull is too powerful. If he sees a cow passing by, he will throw both you and the cart, and he will move to the cow! He will not bother a bit about who you are, and he will not listen. It will be impossible to control the bull. Sex energy is life energy; it is uncontrollable. And the politician and the priest are not interested in you, they are interested in channeling your energy into other directions. So there is a certain mechanism behind it—it has to be understood.

Sex repression, tabooing sex, is the very foundation of human slavery. Man cannot be free unless sex is free. Man cannot be really free unless his sex energy is allowed natural growth.
These are the five tricks through which man has been turned into a slave, into an ugly phenomenon, a cripple.

The first is:
Keep man as weak as possible if you want to dominate him.
If the priest wants to dominate you or the politician wants to dominate you, you have to be kept as weak as possible and the best way to keep a man weak is not to give love total freedom. Love is nourishment. Now the psychologists have discovered that if a child is not given love, he shrivels up into himself and becomes weak. You can give him milk, you can give him medicine, you can give him everything else, but just don't give love. Don't hug him, don't kiss him, don't hold him close to the warmth of your body, and the child will start becoming weaker and weaker and weaker. There are more chances of his dying than surviving.

What happens? Why? Just hugging, kissing, giving warmth, and somehow the child feels nourished, accepted, loved, needed. The child starts feeling worthy; the child starts feeling a certain meaning in his life.
Now, from the very childhood we starve them; we don't give love as much as is needed. Then we try to force the young men and young women not to fall in love unless they get married. By the age of fourteen they become sexually mature. But their education may take more time, ten years more, until they are twenty-four, twenty-five years old—then they will be getting their M.A.s, or Ph.D.s, or M.D.s. So we try to force them not to love.

Sexual energy comes to its climax near the age of eighteen. Never again will a man be so potent, and never again will a woman be able to have a greater orgasm than she will be able to near the age of eighteen. But we force them not to make love—girls and boys are kept separate, and just between them stands the whole mechanism of police, magistrates, vice-chancellors, principals, headmasters. They are all standing there, just in between, just holding the boys back from moving to the girls, holding the girls back from moving to the boys. Why? Why is so much care taken? They are trying to kill the bull and create an ox.

By the time you are eighteen you are at the peak of your sexual energy, your love energy. By the time you get married at twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven and the age has been going up and up. The more cultured a country the longer you wait, because more has to be learned, the job has to be found, this and that. By the time you get married you are almost declining in your powers. Then you love, but the love never becomes really hot, it never comes to the point where people evaporate, it remains lukewarm. When you have not been able to love totally, you cannot love your children because you don't know how. When you have not been able to know the peaks of it, how can you teach your children? How can you help your children to have the peaks of it?

So down the ages man has been denied love so that he should remain weak.

Keep man as ignorant and deluded as possible so that he can easily be deceived. If you want to create a sort of idiocy which is a must for the priest and the politician and their conspiracy, then the best thing is not to allow man to move into love freely. Without love a man's intelligence falls low. Have you not watched it? When you fall in love, suddenly all your capacities are at their peak, at their crescendo, just a moment ago you were looking dull and then you meet your woman and suddenly a great joy has erupted in your being, you are aflame. While people are in love they perform at their maximum. When love disappears or when love is not there, they perform at their minimum.

The most intelligent people are the most sexual people. This has to be understood, because love energy is basically intelligence. If you cannot love you are somehow closed, cold; you cannot flow. While in love one flows. While in love one feels so confident that one can touch the stars. That's why a woman becomes a great inspiration, a man becomes a great inspiration. When a woman is loved she becomes more beautiful immediately, instantly! Just a moment ago she was just an ordinary woman, and now love has showered upon her—she is bathed in a totally new energy, a new aura arises around her. She walks more gracefully, a dance has come to her step. Her eyes have tremendous beauty now, her face glows, she is luminous and the same happens to the man.

When people are in love they perform at the optimum. Don't allow love and they will remain at the minimum. When they remain at the minimum they are stupid, they are ignorant, they don't bother to know. And when people are ignorant and stupid and deluded, they can be easily deceived.

When people are sexually repressed, lovewise repressed, they start hankering for the other life. They think about heaven, paradise, but they don't think to create the paradise here, now. When you are in love, paradise is here now. Then you don't bother, then who goes to the priest? Then who bothers that there should be a paradise? You are already there! You are no longer interested. But when your love energy is repressed, you start thinking, "Here is nothing, now is empty. Then there must be somewhere some goal." You go to the priest and ask about heaven and he paints beautiful pictures of heaven. Sex has been repressed so that you can become interested in the other life. When people are interested in the other life, naturally they are not interested in this life.

This life is the only life. The other life is hidden in this life! It is not against it, it is not away from it; it is in it. Go into it—this is it! Go into it and you will find the other, too. God is hidden in the world, God is hidden here now. If you love, you will be able to feel it.

Keep man as frightened as possible. And the sure way is not to allow him love, because love destroys fear—"love casteth out fear." When you are in love you are not afraid. When you are in love you can fight against the whole world. When you are in love you feel infinitely capable of anything. But when you are not in love, you are afraid of small things. When you are not in love you become more interested in security, in safety. When you are in love you are more interested in adventure, in exploration. People have not been allowed to love because that is the only way to make them afraid. And when they are afraid and trembling they are always on their knees, bowing to the priest and bowing to the politician.

It is a great conspiracy against humanity. It is a great conspiracy against you! Your politician and your priest are your enemies, but they pretend that they are public servants. They say, "We are here to serve you, to help you attain a better life. We are here to create a good life for you." And they are the destroyers of life itself.

Keep man as miserable as possible. A miserable man is confused, a miserable man has no self-worth, a miserable man is self-condemnatory a miserable man feels that he must have done something wrong. A miserable man has no grounding, you can push him from here and there, he can be turned into driftwood very easily. Moreover, a miserable man is always ready to be commanded, to be ordered, to be disciplined, because he knows: "On my own I am simply miserable. Maybe somebody else can discipline my life." He is a ready victim.

Keep men as alienated from each other as possible, so that they cannot band together for some purpose of which the priest and the politician may not approve. Keep people separate from each other. Don't allow them too much intimacy. When people are separate, lonely, alienated from each other, they cannot band together. There are a thousand and one tricks to keep them apart.

For example, if you are holding the hand of a man, you are a man and you are holding the hand of a man and walking down the road, singing—you will feel guilty because people will start looking at you. Are you gay, homosexual or something? Two men are not allowed to be happy together. They are not allowed to hold hands, they are not allowed to hug each other. They are condemned as homosexuals. Fear arises. If your friend comes and takes your hand in his hand, you look around: "Is somebody looking or not?" And you are just in a hurry to drop the hand.

You shake hands in such a hurry. Have you watched it? You just touch each other's hand and shake and you are finished. You don't hold hands, you don't hug each other; you are afraid. Do you remember your father hugging you, ever? Do you remember your mother hugging you after you became sexually mature? Why not? Fear has been created. A young man and his mother hugging?—maybe some sex will arise between them, some idea, some fantasy. Fear has been created: the father and the son, no; the father and the daughter, no. The brother and the sister no; the brother and the brother—no!

People are kept in separate boxes with great walls around them. Everybody is classified, and there are a thousand and one barriers. Yes, one day, after twenty-five years of all this training, you are allowed to make love to your wife. But now the training has gone too deep into you, and suddenly you don't know what to do. How to love? You have not learned the language. It is as if a person has not been allowed to speak for twenty-five years. Just listen: For twenty-five years he has not been allowed to speak a single word and then suddenly you put him on a stage and tell him, "Give us a great lecture." What will happen? He will fall down, then and there. He may faint, he may die . . . twenty-five years of silence and now suddenly he is expected to deliver a great lecture? It is not possible.

This is what is happening! Twenty-five years of anti-love, of fear, and then suddenly you are legally allowed—a license is issued and now you can love this woman. "This is your wife, you are her husband, and you are allowed to love." But where are those twenty-five years of wrong training going to go? They will be there. Yes, you will "love" ... you will make a gesture. It is not going to be explosive, it is not going to be orgasmic; it will be very tiny. That's why you are frustrated after making love—ninety-nine percent of people are frustrated after making love, more frustrated than they have ever been before. And they feel, "What is this? There is nothing! It is 'not true!"

First, the priest and the politician have managed that you should not be able to love, and then they come and they preach that there is nothing significant in love. And certainly their preaching looks right, their preaching looks exactly in tune with your experience. First they create the experience of futility, of frustration—then, their teaching. And both look logical together, of a piece. This is a great trick, the greatest that has ever been played upon man.

These five things can be managed through a single thing, and that is the taboo against love. It is possible to accomplish all these objectives by somehow preventing people from loving each other. And the taboo has been managed in such a scientific way. This taboo is a great work of art—great skill and great cunningness have gone into it. It is really a masterpiece! This taboo has to be understood.

First, it is indirect, it is hidden. It is not apparent, because whenever a taboo is too obvious, it will not work. The taboo has to be very hidden, so you don't know how it works. The taboo has to be so hidden that you cannot even imagine that thing against it is possible. The taboo has to go into the unconscious, not into the conscious. How to make it so subtle and so indirect?

The trick is: First go on teaching that love is great, so people never think that the priests and the politicians are against love. Go on teaching that love is great, that love is the right thing, and then don't allow any situation where love can happen. Don't allow the opportunity. Don't give any opportunity, and go on teaching that food is great, that eating is a great joy; "Eat as well as you can"—but don't supply anything to eat. Keep people hungry and go on talking about love. So all the priests go on talking about love. Love is praised as highly as anything, just next to God, and denied every possibility of happening. Directly they encourage it; indirectly they cut its roots. This is the masterpiece.

No priests talk about how they have done the harm. It is as if you go on saying to a tree, "Be green, bloom, enjoy," and you go on cutting the roots so that the tree cannot be green. And when the tree is not green you can jump upon the tree and say, "Listen! You don't listen. You don't follow us. We all go on saying 'Be green, bloom, enjoy dance' . . ." and meanwhile you go on cutting the roots.

Love is denied so much and love is the rarest thing in the world; it should not be denied. If a man can love five persons, he should love five. If a man can love fifty, he should love fifty. If a man can love five hundred, he should love five hundred. Love is so rare that the more you can spread it the better. But there are great tricks—you are forced into a narrow, very narrow, corner. You can love only your wife, you can love only your husband, you can love only this, you can love only that—the conditions are too much. It is as if there was a law that you can breathe only when you are with your wife, you can breathe only when you are with your husband. Then breathing will become impossible! Then you will die, and you will not even be able to breathe while you are with your wife or with your husband. You have to breathe twenty-four hours a day.

Be loving.
Then there is another trick. They talk about "higher love" and they destroy the lower. They say that the lower has to be denied; bodily love is bad, spiritual love is good.

Have you ever seen any spirit without a body? Have you ever seen a house without a foundation? The lower is the foundation of the higher. The body is your abode; the spirit lives in the body, with the body. You are an embodied spirit and an ensouled body—you are together. The lower and the higher are not separate, they are one—rungs of the same ladder. The lower has not to be denied, the lower has to be transformed into the higher. The lower is good—if you are stuck with the lower the fault is with you, not with the lower. Nothing is wrong with the lower rung of a ladder. If you are stuck with it, you are stuck; it is something in you. Move.

Sex is not wrong. You are wrong if you are stuck there. Move higher. The higher is not against the lower; the lower makes it possible for the higher to exist.

And these tricks have created many other problems. Each time you are in love somehow you feel guilty; a guilt has arisen. When there is guilt you cannot move totally into love—the guilt prevents you, it keeps vou holding on. Even while making love to your wife or your husband, there is guilt. You know this is sin, you know you are doing something wrong. "Saints don't do it"—you are a sinner. So you cannot move totally even when you are allowed, superficially, to love your wife. The priest is hidden behind you in your guilt; he is pulling you from there, pulling your strings.

When guilt arises, you start feeling that you are wrong; you lose self-worth, you lose self-respect. And another problem arises: When there is guilt you start pretending. Mothers and fathers don't allow their children to know that they make love, they pretend. They pretend that sex does not exist. Their pretension will be known by the children sooner or later. When the children come to know about the pretension, they lose all trust. They feel betrayed, they feel cheated.

Fathers and mothers say that their children don't respect them— you are the cause of it, how can they respect you? You have been deceiving them in every way, you have been dishonest, you have been mean. You were telling them not to fall in love—"Beware!" and you were making love all the time. And the day will come, sooner or later, when they will realize that even their father, even their mother was not true with them. How can they respect you?

First, guilt creates pretension. Then pretension creates alienation from people. Even the child, your own child, will not feel in tune with you. There is a barrier—your pretension. One day you will come to know that you are just pretending and so are others. When everybody is pretending, how can you relate? When everybody is false, how can you relate? How can you be friendly when everywhere there is deception and deceit? You become very, very sore about reality, you become very bitter. You see it only as a devil's workshop.

Everybody has a false face, nobody is authentic, everybody is carrying masks, nobody shows his original face. You feel guilty, you feel that you are pretending and you know that everybody else is pretending. Everybody is feeling guilty and everybody has become just like an ugly wound. Now it is very easy to make these people slaves—to turn them into clerks, stationmasters, schoolmasters, deputy collectors, ministers, governors, presidents. Now it is very easy to distract them. You have distracted them from their roots.

seriously i also feel myself being "emos" for so long was just because lack love from a relationship instead of family love.
in conclusion, i just feel this article is worth to read although it was quite long and you can just read those colourful words that i highlighted for summary of it.
well, there is no right or wrong of what it says and because it is all depend on yourself how to look about it.
later on, a friend just talked about some experience in UK life and don't know why i started to feel myself quite "weak" again.
anyways, i just told myself to be strong because at least i still alive after posting so many "emos" things at the past.
furthermore, thanks to all the blog supporter who give me positive word for staying strong and i really appreciate it!
Thanks !

Monday, May 28, 2012


Still holed up in Aden WITH Olive sitting on my face and Pui on my bollocks, waiting for a run at the Suez canal when the weather improves. In between session I 'm sick of seeing all these up-and-coming young hotshots on talk-show conventions with the BBC world service. hyping Olympic London and the British, the usual BBC bullscutter. Used to be simple just wind them up and let them rabbit, then you would just give them a nod and they’d shut up. Now they’re likely to start interviewing me or carry on with the whole phony and artificial process. Artificial?course its bloody artificial, fickle as phuck and flavour of the month bollix.

There's no point in asking, you'll get no reply
Oh just remember I don't decide
I got no reason it's all too much
You'll always find us out to lunch

" Pretty Vacant

Oh we're so pretty
Oh so pretty
we're vacant
Oh we're so pretty
Oh so pretty
A vacant

Don't ask us to attend 'cos we're not all there
Oh don't pretend 'cos I don't care
I don't believe illusions 'cos too much is real
So stop you're cheap comment 'cos we know what we feel

Oh we're so pretty
Oh so pretty
we're vacant
Oh we're so pretty
Oh so pretty
we're vacant ah
But now and we don't care

There's no point in asking you'll get no reply
Oh just remember a don't decide
I got no reason it's all too much
You'll always find me out to lunch
We're out on lunch

Oh we're so pretty
Oh so pretty
we're vacant
Oh we're so pretty
Oh so pretty
we're vacant
Oh we're so pretty
Oh so pretty ah
But now and we don't care

We're pretty
A pretty vacant
We're pretty
A pretty vacant
We're pretty
A pretty vacant
We're pretty
A pretty vacant

And we don't care


It’s all Olympics TV for fucksake.  Everybody knows it’s a load of bollocks so can’t they just suspend disbelief like everyone else? No, apparently they can’t. It’s so passé really. Nothing new under the sun blah, ....That’s BBC Olympic entertainment. Cue commercial. I won't be just another puppet on the Galway Whooker up the Thames. So who’s in control?, the producers? advertisers? suits? ..can’t nail it down. Sometimes maybe the camera itself running the show….point it at people, they surrender free will. TV, Hollywood, video games, breaking news, analysis, documentaries all rolled into infotainment for brain cells to absorb and eyeballs to suck up. It’s bigger than all of us and its winning. Pull the plug, it’s still there. And why not? Why be a grouch. be a personality.

Johnny Lydon will not be joining  Blur, New Order or Coldplay at any London 2012 Olympic shindig. The Sex Pistol's front man said that he was approached by Olympic organizers for his support along with former Sex Pistol band mates. Lydon’s fears over censorship and corporate sterilization of any appearance quickly finished any hope of a Pistols reunion. “There’s no point, really, to it. There’s no joy in that…censorship mattered more than the content of the Pistols. If you’re going to be celebrating what is great about Britain, the honesty of the Sex Pistols was one of those things. If you censor the words of any one song, you're killing the honesty and I couldn't tolerate that. From my point of view we said we didn't want nothing to do with them. Such is the world we live in."

Johnny Lydon’s concerns over censorship are part of his reluctance to be involved in an event he views as contradictory to Britain’s present needs. The country is entering a double dip recession with the U.K. economy shrinking with record debt levels and the austerity driven by a Tory government  as draconian as Thatcher. Lydon explained that the Olympics “are going to leave an incredible debt as soon as it’s ended, the prices and taxes are going to go up…there’s a lot of unemployment and I’m seeing money wasted on people splish-splashing about and throwing things.”

When they raged against the Queen the "fascist regime", and noisily agitated for anarchy in the UK in the late 1970s the Sex Pistols were also considered a big threat to Ireland, particularly its traditional Catholic moral values. In state papers it was revealed the extent of official concern about the punk revolution. The Sex Pistols were targeted by an Irish police investigation aimed to protect "the country's morals", papers revealed.

When the IRA was intensifying a campaign of bombings and assassinations, Irish police turned its attention towards Johnny Rotten, Sid Vicious, Steve Jones and Paul Cook and their first album Never Mind the Bollocks. The  garda memo voiced concerns about the title of the band's LP and whether it breached Ireland's  rigid censorship laws. "The title on the sleeve ... would indicate that the contents of the record is obscene," a police inspector wrote.

The album was referred to Ireland's censorship board where the Irish deputy assistant chief state solicitor stated the sleeve might contravene the Indecent Advertisements Act. "However, the penalty on conviction cannot exceed IR£2 and in all circumstances you may feel that prosecution is not called for," he advised the garda.

Similarly today the internment of Irish political prisoners of conscience, in solitary confinement with torture of Marian Price and her other comrades, is censored by British world wide and in British Occupied Ireland. In fact the  British abuse of human rights in Ireland  and the whole Irish issue, is far more widespread, serious and spread over a far longer time scale of 800 years than the Tibet and Human Rights issues of the Beijing Olympics.

Banned tags; Olympics London, London Olympics, Olympics, Olympic, Olympic Games, Games, Two Thousand and Twelve, 2012, Twenty-Twelve, London, medals, sponsors, summer, gold, silver, bronze, 2012Olympics, London2012, 2012 Olympics, 2012LondonOlympics, 2012 Olympics, 2012Olympics
OlympicLondon,OlympicLondon, Olympics2012, Olympics2012, Olympic Games, twentytwelveLondon
Olympic Games, twentytwelveolympics, Olympics London, OlympicsLondonSayNO, Olympics London, OlympicsLondon, Olympics, BoycottOlympics, Olympics, LondonOlympics

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Olympics London 2012 : UCK THE YMPICS FREE PRICE

The Celts originated from an area around the Caspian Sea and came to the west at much the same time as similar migration into India . The Celts and the Hindus shared a common ancestry in a race known as the Battle-Axe People, whose mark was a stone battle-axe, whose home was in southern Russia with the language of the Celts coming from the same source as Sanskrit, the classical language of the Hindus. The Celtic language is called Indo-European and in it figures that correspond with the Indian deities whose likenesses between the brahmins, the priest-astrologers of India, and the druids, the priest-astronomers of Europe is striking. Celtic gods are depicted seated in a similar meditation posture to the Hindu deities.  T

The peoples drifted apart. The Hindus intermarried with older Indian races and developed a dark skin while the Celts went to colder Europe and became fair with reddish hair and piercing blue eyes. Plato thought them highly intelligent, although much given to drinking. They divided society into three groups. The druids, were learned priests, shamans and judges; the military aristocracy, who were the power-holders and the heroes; and the free men were farmers and owned cattle.Diodorus Siculus wrote that the Celtic women were not only like their men in great stature who were exceptionally tall and well-built but that they were also equal in courage. Women were honoured in Celtic society and lived in an equal way with men. 

A strict legal code ensured that women could inherit property, and name and title were taken from the mother rather than the father. They could marry whom they pleased and could claim damages if molested. They took their place in battle beside the men. There were two major waves of Celtic immigration and by 700-500 BC they had emerged as one of the most important peoples of Europe. By 387 BC they had conquered Rome it fell, according to the Roman historian Livy, because of the terror inspired by the 'magic' war-cry of the Celts, who went into battle naked and by 279 BC Delphi had fallen too, although both it and Rome were retaken later. France known as Gaul was entirely Celtic 

Its a day of rest, so I will keep it brief. Still here in Aden and its a day of rest, so I will keep it brief the gateway to the east. Besides Burma which we have covered, the British of course occupied India, officially now known as the Republic of India a country in South Asia, the seventh-largest country in the world,  with the second largest population of 1.2 billion people. Four of the world's major religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhis originated there. Sneakily brought under the British East India Company, starting in the early 18th century then rules directly by the British from mid-19th century it became an independent in 1947, after a non-violent resistance led by Mahatma Gandhi and inspired by Ireland adopting the colours of the Irish-tricolour to celebrate that fact.

I felt utterly alone in India after my friend abandoned our trip east many years ago but I had never envisaged being there on my own. I pressed on hoping that destiny would reveal itself? India becamea blur of brown faces, blue elephants and pink monkeys. Crowds gathered quickly whenever I stopped moving. There was always a crowd staring at me when somebody would usually ask, “Where are you coming from?, Why did you come to India, Are you looking for enlightenment?  Questions similar to the ones I asking myself.

Everywhere I went,  in railway stations, in parks, in restaurants I attracted attention by being just there. I considered finding an ashram to take me in to quiet place where I could find the meaning of life?  I got dysentery, was robbed, I had had no passport and no money when I arrived at an ashram up in the Himalayas. One can see him being shown into a simple white-walled room…a mat, a bed-sheet and a jug of water. He likes it. I really liked to get away from the realities of India. The evening were cool with a breeze usually wafting down from the Himalayas through the Ganges Gorge with the gentle chanting of other ashrams. I was able to turn off my mind, relax and drift into meditation?

I almost forgot about myself for a while. Whatever the joy of it, it didn’t last long. One morning the ashram in charge of accommodation told me the time had come to leave. “Where will you go?” I asked. He smiled. “No, not me its time for you to leave.” “Have achieved enlightenment?” “No, no, no, we need your bungalow. We have a group coming.” So started walking back along dusty roads to the towns at the foot of the Himalayas. Farmers were watering, weeding and minding their crops. The road itself was quiet except for numerous cows and women going to market. Suddenly it descended upon me a blinding light, or a vision of the future in with hundreds of of airborne hippies with fans on their backs and flowers in their hair with a psychedelic version of John Lennon with a North of Ireland accent singing and playing his guitar, with repeated instructions to make love not war.

Almost everyone was busy trying to follow his instructions  making one big orgy in flight. I saw Gerry Adams was among them he had very long hair and he was banging away at someone from Derry who also had long hair. Most of the fenians and loyalist who were banging each other were stoned on high grade hash garlanded with marigolds, sunflowers and orange lilies. Behind all of this on the road was a large bus labeled ‘Monarchy’ The queen was also participating and she was getting the full treatment from Lord Muck of  Londonderry. Paisley was also there mounted by a nun,along with Maggie Thatcher sitting on his face in a sandwich. I realized quickly it was a vision from the future or instant nirvana. Some kind of parallel universe thing, I may write a book about it sometime, if i ever get my head together. I have to add that the nun had great thighs and she was going hell for leather sitting on Paisley's shaft, as she screamed in ecstasy riding him. Thatcher was more subdued, while at the same time sititting on his face but she was merciless grinding him down in sadistic spasms as he gasped for air.

2012Olympics OlympicLondon, Armageddon, British Occupied Ireland, Galway Whooker, Ghengis Fokner II, london 2012, London Olympics, Nuked, Olympic, Olympic Games, Olympics, Olympics London

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Olympic London 2012 SUCKS !

I am English born and bred and moved to London about 18 months ago. I hate it. It’s noisy, dirty, expensive, uncaring and certainly not meritocratic.

What’s more, I hate every single one of my stupid countrymen who tries to convince me it’s the best place on earth. I don’t know where this myth comes from but they all think I’m dead lucky to be living here.

Every time I suggest the place could be better it’s like I’ve told them I’ve slept with their mother.

Can’t wait to get out. Trying to find a way to move to New York.


Lived in London my whole life and it is my goal in life to emigrate to Oz or the States, i simply cannot stand living in this smelly, crime ridden, overpopulated SHIT HOLE and on top of it all, it’s one of the most expensive cities on earth! The fucking cheek!!

Liam, London -

i thought it was just me. Live there for one year as an 18 year old at The London College of Fashion. Lived in New Cross and went to school in Hackney. I am from Ireland where everyone is warm and talkative and welcoming. In London, I plunged into depression. I hated every single second of that year.

lollylady -

London is an amazing city, unless you’re interested in the evolution of humanity! I can’t stand this place. I’m glad I’m not alone. I moved here 5 years ago (my father is English) and I feel like I’ve been swallowed up by an overcrowded, overpriced, overstressed, outdated, and uninspiring black hole!! I’ve lived in Washington DC, Toronto, Chicago, New York, Kyoto and Hiroshima and visited even more, but London is frankly the most disappointing place to live. I’ve stepped back in time. The streets are dirty, the culture is arrogant, tolerance is low, public transport is a NIGHTMARE, the politics are juvenile and highly aristocratic, basic services like phone/gas/tv/banks/post office are never straight forward to set up and will always leave you feeling victimized. The bar and club scene is sooo disappointing. Difficult to make friends unless you want to look/talk/act like everyone else. And very difficult to find places that don’t play top 40 music crap. I’m leaving to settle back in Toronto this year. I can’t wait! Thank you for letting me rant. Peace to all.


Like almost everyone says …i thought i was the only one that felt that way. I moved from NYC to London a year ago and I swear every time i get to JFK i wanna cry with joy and when i come in to Heathrow i spend a week getting over depression. The weather sucks ass i don’t think ur ever quite prepared for just how bad it is…why do i have to wear a coat in JUNE …..ahhhhh but its worth it because if it’s actually hot in june/july u have to contend with ac-less trains. WTF that should be a health violation!! 100 ppl in one train car 80+ degrees and no AC puh-lese. And the people are soo soo …words defy me…lets just say it’s not what i expected and i now deeply detest the “average” english accent and i swear if one more person tells me its to-MAH-to not to-MAY-to i’ll scream, i don’t say anything when u mispronounce “vitamins” and “Pantene”. Cant wait to get out of this grimy ass place….. ugggg and the shopping here uuuggghhh horrible..customer service WORSE!!!! i hate this place.


I totally agree. London is a horrific place of epic proportions. The north of the UK is just so much better in callibre. Of course you’re going to get your crap places up there but NOTHING can be as bad as London. It is a fucking shithole. I do love my country, but London should be scrapped. It should be taken down and green fields allowed to grow. It is a wasteland that hasn’t been emptied for about 200 years.


hank you THANK you! what an amazing blog.. cant agree with you anymore.

london is vile, clostrophobic.. no1 speaks a word of english…. they look at you in hotels/shops/ whatever like your scum of the earth… the streets are littered with tramps… and a tenner wont get you more than a bus/tube ride a newspaper and a packet of crisps!

its pathetic

screw london


The pain of living in this country is destroying me mentally. It is so cathartic to read and relate to someone’s very accurate observations. London is SICK.

I have lived here all my life and I am trying to escape it as quickly as is possible because there is no life to live here. It’s not a city for ‘living in’, for obvious reasons. It’s a city to make money and then RUN AWAY FROM!!! The very vast majority of my friends have emigrated or have plans to emigrate.

I have a few aussie friends here who are making money and then plan to immediately return home. One friend actually spent a week crying when she was back in London from a visit home, sighting how unfriendly everyone is here.

We want to escape the dangerously high levels of pollution, the consistently horrendous weather, the despicable, angry, desperate people who habit the city who get become ferociously aggressive at rush hour, the filthy, ludicrously over-priced, filthy public transport services, the shocking lack of customer service, the overpriced everything, the small houses, small ‘super’markets, narrow roads, shit cars, population explosion, impossibly high levels of crime…. I could go on for days (literally) describing the crap this country offers.

THANK YOU for writing this. We all appreciate it greatly!


(a) arsewipes that say they want to live in a shithole area (generally greater London) because it ‘has character’. Might be true, if by character you mean filthy bucket of crap with dodgy people milling about a closed decrepit tube station at all hours of the night.
(b) mold and mildew infested flats with paper thin walls as some arsehole of a landlord has split a small terrace house into 8 flats charging 200 quid per room per week, extra if you want a luxury like window blinds – at least you get a free soap opera when the Asian family upstairs decides to have their bi-weekly domestic dispute. Never watching Bend it like Beckham again.
(c) black, nasty things that you have to pick out of your nose every evening after coming home from work breathing in that disgusting foul odour than seems to emanate from random points throughout the street
(d) an almost endless supply of scammers and small time conmen – ever tried buying a car from a second hand dealer in London? Trust me – been there, done that, took about a year off my life when they sold me a car WITHOUT THE WHEELS fastened on!
(e) limescale – i can’t believe this shit exists in the water here
(f) the useless roads and non-existent parking – the A406 story brought a smile to my face. Even the poor SatNavs get totally confused and give up when faced with those stupid roadabouts or huge intersections with five or six exits….with the street name uselessly painted on the road about 10 feet before the turn off and the white paint almost invisible due to wear and tear.
(g) and finally, the just plain horribleness of nearly every street. The same endless rows of Victorian housing without any endearing feature between one and the other.

I could go on..and on…the list would never end.


I am a fat English knacker who cannot be trusted, a snake, a rat, a man who pretends to be something that he is not. I preach trust and honesty whilst practising treachery.
I love London

Neil Grigg

I think the vast swathe of people agree that London is a shite-hole of the highest order…the only people who contest this point are either:
b) limited in experience
c)not of sound mind (i.e Mental!).

Sure, it’s nice to go there for a holiday, see all the famous sites, and maybe even extend your stay to a few months. But living there a whole year and 4 months(2007/8 as a Postgrad at UCL) – is a completely different kettle of fish.

Admittedly i lived in the shite hole they call Plaistow, but when I arrived in London from Melbourne Australia, I thought there must have been some mistake…surely this wasn’t the London I’ve seen on TV? Samuel Johnson’s London? The london of the Queensguards and Wimbledon Championship etc etc?

There were sinister characters prowling the streets. There were gunshots and police sirens at night. There were rats in the streets and “hoodies” on every corner. And the Tube always reminded me of the nightmarish visions evoked in “Jacobs Ladder” with the twisted angry faces of the hell-bound passengers.

Someone above claims that it’s worse living in Australia…get real!!!

It was the underlying sense of distrust and dis-ease that got to me the most. I got racially abused about 6 or 7 times (I’m white) whilst living in London. The place is horribly divided along class / race and religious lines – see for example the recent racist murder of an elderly Muslim gentleman. After 6 years in Melbourne, the degree of aggression, distrust and hostility in London just blew my mind. Sharing a flat with a Senegalese and a Pole…now that was interesting. The Senegalese was an angry illegally and the Pole…he was off his rocker. I used to be a patriotic Englishman but i thank God/Allah/Buddha every day that I managed to get an Australian passport whilst I was there – it’s my ticket out of that cess pit they call London.


2012Olympics OlympicLondon, Armageddon, British Occupied Ireland, Galway Whooker, Ghengis Fokner II, London 2012, London Olympics, Nuked, Olympic, Olympic Games, Olympics, Olympics London

Friday, May 25, 2012



                   Marian Price Ireland's Interned Aung San Suu Kyi

                      BURMA IRELAND "SAME SAME"

This small excerpt is from,  “The Grave of the Hundred Head”,  by Kipling after Burma on his way back to England in 1889. He and his friends made an unscheduled stop at Moulmein on the coast of Burma, where elephants, pagodas, tinkling bells, and a beautiful Burmese girl left a deep mark on Kipling. :

" When I die I will be a Burman, with twenty yards of real King’s silk, that has been made in Mandalay, about my body, and a succession of cigarettes between my lips. I will wave the cigarette to emphasise my conversation, which shall be full of jest and repartee, and I will always walk about with a pretty almond-coloured girl who shall laugh and jest too, as a young maiden ought. She shall not pull a sari over her head when a man looks at her and glare suggestively from behind it, nor shall she tramp behind me when I walk: for these are the customs of India. (From Sea to Sea, p. 221 line 19) "

With the global financial collapse and the  onrush of Armageddon at Olympic London 2012, I haven't been feeling myself lately. I'm recovering my strength here in bed in Aden the gateway to the former British empire, today I am reflecting on another of their former colonies, Burma, Maybe it's all the sexual innuendo in this blog, perhaps I need to explain a  little. My sleep patterns are disturbed, I still wake up in the middle of the night wondering about things like the meaning of the great cosmic game and what exactly do geopolitics have to do with my existential void? I ask myself about Olive and Pui,  it's all so confusing and even though they are aware its an open relationship sort of thing. So many conflicting points of view and ideologies these days its difficult keep it simple if you know what I mean. I have a confession to make which I haven't told Olive or Pui about because they haven't noticed.

Now the Aung San Suu Kyi conflict thing in Burma, was always a big issue with me and I couldn't wait for the sanctions to be lifted so I could visit Rangoon, Thankfully they are, so I visited last month before our protest trip on the Galway Whooker to Olympic London 2012 . There was a spring in my step as soon as I landed. Some old beggar in my face didn’t upset me and I I gave him something small, It felt good, I used to be a beggar myself years ago. Now don’t laugh, after Olive and Pui I never thought it would happen again, if I am honest. Some people say I'm a hard bastard, particularly after I split up with my wife, I was not in the mood. I’m not totally daft if that’s what your thinking, I’ve read a few books on Burma and researched Rangoon before I came and I heard all the stories. You can call me cynical but I know how to have fun emerging world or not. Ok I know what you’re thinking, taking advantage and no fool like an old fool right ? 

But believe me first bar in Rangoon, first woman but she really is different.  Now I have a friend who has known me a long time, who says I would get upon a frog...hmm is he really a friend? It started  the way it usually does. She comes to sit with me, gorgeous!, I buy her a drink not really thinking much and she just sits there looking right at me. I’d just had a blow job yesterday so I was n’t  really looking for action but I hadn’t any objections either. So here we go again I'm thinking, another night in an Asian city, ladies, drink, bar-fine, hotel, shower, blow job, usual shag but when I actually got her on the bed something odd happens. She has nice tits, a very nice ass, with perfectly cute puss but the way she looks at me does something. I cannot explain but I instinctively know it's not a one off. 

Next day when we wake up she says it spontaneously. "You nice man. I want to stay with you." So my cynical part is thinking, more buffalo... old mum hospital...boyfriend up the street. “I have no family in Yangon." She says,  So I ask a few questions and she tells me she’s just arrived in Yangon from Mon state. She’s living with some girls, she does n’t particularly like and would it be ok if she stayed with me until she gets sorted. I ask her how much she wants and she says ‘up to you’. So I take her for noodle soup and I watch her look around the place. The way she’s looking, I can tell she is straight off the farm. She still hasn’t asked me for any money for last night. Before we leave I pass her a large banknote. She gives me a thank you gesture, tucks the money away and I put her in a taxi.

I go looking  around the city but I change me mind because I can’t concentrate. To cut a long story short I took a bit of a nap in the afternoon but when I wake up I'm thinking about her. Part of me knows this is stupid but another part says so what? Right so here we go again and as I get near her bar she’s already seen me. Her smile lights up the plaza, she comes over, I give her a hug, not too obvious. There is a problem however. A couple of guys down the bar are watching. One has got his eye on her and this is what I don’t like. Anyone with a bit of money can phuck her. I ask her why she likes me and I can see she does n’t really like answering questions like this but she says, ‘You like father me.’ That's fair enough, I can be sugar daddy no problem but  she know I like that little furry thing between her legs. I pay a bar-fine again. Is this artificial and sincere at the same time like we can talk about love and peace but underneath everyone there is a darker side with sympathy for the devil and I can feel the evil rising. 

Olympic London 2012  Richard tells me will be, Yanks, Arabs, Pakis, Poles, Chavs, 4x2s you name it and he especially can’t stand the flash City types he calls ‘getters’. When Richard gets a bit much we switch to the future time, AD, dated from the discovery of the Book Of Richard. What’s left of the UK exists on a little island pf communities where the people speak in tongues.This world is ruled by a geyzer called Livingstone III,  the night sky is called dashboard, children ride "motos" and food is called curry. There’s some good laughs in it too but after a while it gets zany and it’s nice to switch back to the real world where the characters are more believable. Writing about London these days is not easy, its a dump.

Where was I ? Oh yes I was telling you about Fon, I was paying her bar fine for about a week. We usually stay in bed till around midday, got some noodles and maybe did a bit of shopping. Then she trotted off and I would see her in the evening at the bar.  Life is odd, you think when you find someone special that’s the end right? But it’s a beginning too and I do love Olive and Pui. I get too philosophical sometimes or maybe Fon’s right. I just think too much. I would never meet a woman like her in Ireland in a million years. First off, Irish women these days are all mouth and very fat. Fat, noisy, pushy but maybe I'm talking about what you mostly find in the pubs these days. A lot of Irish lads are amazed when they come to Asia to find women like Fon. You get some rough ones here also but a woman like Fon can work in a bar, be polite, ladylike and make a lad feel good. It just seems to come naturally to Asian women. Most of them don’t even realize how cute they are. 

I love Ireland but I now love Asia too. The sex is great and there is no hurry but just lying in bed with her is cool too and watching the way she folds her clothes and rinses out her panties. I love the way she lets me look at her body when we’re having sex but she is still quite shy, dressing behind a towel. I ask her what she wants and she says ‘I want velly good man’. She is not really a bar girl at all or what I mean is she’s not really on the game, I go through the options but to telling the truth is all I can do these days. I can keep paying her barfine but that’s daft. How long can two people live in a hotel room anyway ? My visa’s up in a few days and then what? It just started,  I can’t blame her, If it was n’t  me it would be some other bloke.... just sitting there like fruit on a tree,,,but like Adam and Eve  I didn’t have to pick the fruit. So how will it end?Anyway I go to the bar one evening and no Fon . I mention it casual like to one of her friends. ‘Fon she go village,’ I catch my plane out of Rangoon next day.

London 2012, London 2012, 2012Olympics OlympicLondon, Armageddon, British Occupied Ireland, Galway Whooker, Ghengis Fokner II, london 2012, London Olympics, Nuked, Olympic, Olympic Games, Olympics, Olympics London

Olympics London 2012 : British Empire of Opium Death Dealer Games

In 1421, China's Ming dynasty Yongle Emperor ordered his fleet to convey an imperial edict with hats and robes on the king of Aden. The envoys boarded three treasure ships and left Sumatra to the port of Aden. As we shall see later there was good reason for the gifts, Aden at that time, along with the Suez canal later, being in many respects the naval port and gateway to facilitate east west trade which was critical to Chinese interests.

The Opium Wars, also known as Anglo-Chinese Wars, started with the First Opium War from 1839 to 1842 which were the result of disputes over trade between China in the Qing Dynasty and the British Empire. The Chinese Canton System in 1756  restricted trade to one port, so that they could monitor British trade, resulted in the British East India Company as result of the huge demand for tea in the west, facing an imbalance in favour of China, which the British redressed, with the cultivation of the Chinese population to opium addiction, in return for trading Chinese tea. Similar to Ireland today, after what  they call the peace process, where British intelligence agencies, control the distribution of hard drugs from their military in Afghanistan poppy fields, to their agents and paramilitary groups, in every part of Ireland, to control the Irish population with murderous consequence.   

The British merchants brought opium from the British East India Company's factories in Patna and Benares in British Occupied India to China, where they sold it to Chinese smugglers, who then distributed the drug in defiance of Chinese laws. The Chinese realizing the drain on their silver currency and the growing numbers of addicts, resulted in the Emperor demanding action. Some officials advocated legalizing the trade in order to tax it but were defeated by those who advocated arresting opium dealers and demanding the British turn over their stocks, initially refusing but eventually the merchants surrendered their opium to be destroyed. The British government then sent military forces from India, which plundered the Chinese coast, in order to dictate the terms of a settlement. The Treaty of Nanking allowed further opium trade, ceded territory, including Hong Kong, fixed Chinese taxes at low rates, granting privileges to foreigners not offered to Chinese overseas. Disputes by British merchants in Chinese ports led to the Second Opium War later.

With British Occupied India and its poppy fields under Britain's control and the strong mass appeal and addictive nature, opium was an effective solution to the British trade imbalance problem and the British simply had an insatiable greed. Within the Chinese mandarinate there continued an ongoing debate over legalising the opium trade. The Emperor a teenager who spent most of his time in bed with his concubines, many of them opium users themselves.

The story of the mid-Ming dynasty, where opium was a gift by vassal states, then used as an aphrodisiac in court. Eventually Chinese people from different classes and regions began using it for recreational purposes in a complex culture of opium. The transformation overtime led to its spread across all sections of society, embraced by rich and poor as a culture in its own right. The alternative perspective on life in China during this time is still for political reasons confined to scholars of history, anthropology, sociology, political science, economics, East Asian studies. 

Around this time, the British were selling roughly 1,400 tons per year to China. In 1839, the Chinese Emperor Lin, published a letter addressed to Queen Victoria, questioning the morals of the British government. This was just before the British executed a holocaust of ethnic cleansing in Ireland, which cleared Ireland of 6 million people many of whom died of starvation. Citing a strict prohibition of the trade within Great Britain itself, Lin questioned how they could then profit from the highly addictive hard drug in China. He wrote: "Your Majesty has not before been this officially notified, and you may plead ignorance of the severity of our laws, but I now give my assurance that we mean to cut this harmful drug forever."  The British government and merchant's response to Lin was to send a large British Indian army to enforce their drug dealing.

British military superiority, based on new technology along with warships, raped Chinese coastal towns, with ships supporting gun platforms with very heavy guns. British troops were armed with modern muskets and cannons which fired more rapidly and with greater accuracy than Chinese firearms and artillery. The British took Canton, sailed up the Yangtze, took the Chinese tax barges, a huge blow to the Chinese Empire, as it slashed the income of their imperial court in Beijing. The Treaty of Nanking forced the Chinese to pay taxes to Britain, opening four ports and ceding Hong Kong to Queen Victoria. The Qing empire recognized Britain as an equal to China and gave British extraterritorial privileges in ports.

Opium is a story which historians have failed to set in its proper social and cultural context neither taking account of the extent of its consumption in the history of modern China. Preferring to dwell on the opium trade, opium wars, imperialism and the politics of control, which is very relevant in places as far away as contemporary Ireland. The political history of opium, like its wars are only part of the story. The questions are at the point of which opium transformed from medicine into luxury use and why it was so popular and widespread when people learned of its recreational value. Understanding modern China is not possible, without understanding who smoked opium, when and why. The fact is the Chinese embraced smoking and using opium.

The social life of ‘Mr. Opium’ from birth as a recreational item to his old age as a social icon, is a perspective on the circulation of commodities and the things that are exchanged  with their meanings inscribed on their forms, uses and trajectories. In the analysis of these trajectories we can interpret the human transaction and calculations that enliven China, for example.  The social significance of Opium smoking was inscribed in its vanguard consumers, who were the literati, the officials with the pipes packed with precious stones and symbolic designs. Chinese people from different classes, regions and times, endowed many meanings to opium from luxury to necessity.

Many of those who wrote about opium, used sources prohibitionist in nature, the products of political revisionism. It is  the same problem of writers about drinking and other popular cultures. Information on the lives of the common people or Ireland for example usually comes from the outsider or from those regarded as a 'socially superior perspective'. Opinions of elite observers, have shaped historical generations, as opposed to that seen through the eyes of popular cultures on say public drinking, resulting in expressions of a degraded perspective, on the lower classes, and the pub or bar a symbol of misery and debauchery. 

The perception of opium suffered the same fate. Historians using prohibitionist sources, provided by  governments of the day perpetuating the prejudiced official line in condemnation of opium. Scholars and officials have cautioned about the prejudice of official histories. Sources of a historian are threefold; official history, family history and unofficial history. Older generations of Chinese warned about the problem of Chinese history being written by bureaucrats for bureaucrats, explain why official history has a solemn ethical function, the duty of expressing praise and blame as in the instance of say modern Irish revisionist history. Below is an excerpt from an alternative.

"The ‘genealogical method of anthropological inquiry’ is revolutionary, as Kopytoff has pointed out. His example is slavery. Slavery began with capture; an individual was dehumanised, commoditised and later rehumanised when he/she was reinserted into the host group. Dehumanisation begins the biography of a slave; it also marks ‘the diversion of commodities from preordained paths’. Opium was likewise diverted; from a herbal medicine it moved to become a luxury item. Diversion is ‘frequently a function of irregular desires and novel demands’. This could not have been more evident with opium in 1483, when a medicinal herb became ‘the art of alchemists, sex and court ladies’.2 This diversion shaped the history of opium and indeed of China for five hundred years to come. ‘A more theoretically aware biographical model’, Kopytoff stressed, should be ‘based on a reasonable number of life histories’. This book is the life history of opium as an aphrodisiac from the mid-Ming, as an expensive yanghuo or ‘foreign stuff’ and hobby among the scholar–official elite in the eighteenth century, and as a popular culture in the late Qing–Republican era and beyond. These histories tell us who smoked opium, when and why; they also help us to stitch together a much more complete picture of the Ming–Qing–Republican economy, and of its culture and society, and enable us to see both change and continuity in the culture of opium consumption.

This book examines opium from a cultural perspective because, as Daniel Roche has emphasised, ‘Any object, even the most ordinary, embodies ingenuity, choices, a culture. A body of knowledge and a surplus of meanings are attached to all objects.’3 Roche’s example is clothing. ‘Clothing speaks of many things at once, either in itself or through some detail. It has a function of communication because it is through clothing that everyone’s relation to the community passes.’4 The same can be said of other forms of consumption, including opium smoking. Roche emphasised that one should pay attention to the whole as well as to the parts; the signs that indicate  minorities, the colours that can characterise social functions and membership of different groups, the cut, the material, the types of jewellery. For this, reference the smoking sets and accessories that accompanied opium smoking. Roche also advanced much more: ‘the history of consumption must include analysis of demand, and therefore of the structuring of needs, the classification of consumers, the circuits of distribution and the spatial organisation of supply’.5 To understand needs, we must understand ‘the texture of our ordinary life’, that is, ‘the real weight of everyday life’, or the ‘history of what seems to have no history: material life and biological behaviour, history of food, history of the consumption of food’.6 For the Chinese, opium smoking, like tea drinking, was material life and biological behaviour, a history of food and a culture of consumption.

Pierre Bourdieu is significant here. His influential La Distinction: critique sociale du jugement studied ‘the science of taste and cultural consumption’.7 Bourdieu applied this science to the consumption of the arts and music; I shall extend it to that of opium. Bourdieu saw taste as ‘markers of class’ and consumption as ‘predisposed, consciously and deliberately or not, to fulfil a social function of legitimating social differences’. This was true with opium as its vanguard consumers, the literati and officials, enjoyed opium long before the ‘ordinary’ people heard about it. It was they who made opium smoking cultured and a status symbol; they who marked themselves apart from those below them, legitimating their social differences. Bourdieu analysed the consumption of pictorial and musical works. ‘A work of art has meaning and interest only for someone who possesses the cultural competence, that is, the code, into which it is encoded.’8 An opium pipe carved with an epic poem and served by a highly literate courtesan was limited to and had meaning for those who could appreciate the poetry and exchange-coded language. Bourdieu had ‘one foot in structural Marxism and the other in cultural studies’.9 The case of opium supports this approach. Opium was an aristocratic luxury item during the Ming dynasty. It became a necessity during the late nineteenth century. The story of opium is the story of taste and distinction; it is also the story of politics and class formation.

One of the most influential works on consumption is Jean Baudrillard’s La Soci´et´e de consommation: ses mythes, ses structures. For Baudrillard, consumption is ‘a language’.10 Breaking away from a standard productivist orientation, the post-modern social theorist believed that consumption was ‘both a morality and a communication system, a structure of exchange’.11 This was certainly true of opium smoking, where offering the smoke to friends, colleagues and guests involved a fundamental Chinese socio-cultural value in the late Qing–early Republican era. Regardless of whether one sanctioned opium or not, one must offer the smoke in order to be ‘ti mian’ (polite or fashionable), thus a Chinese ‘morality’, ‘communication system’ and ‘structure of exchange’ was created. Many sought to catch up with the Joneses; consumption became conspicuous. Consumption itself is subject to individual manipulation; it is also ‘subject to social control and political redefinition’.12 Parallels can be drawn to alcohol in general and vodka in particular. Opium is a perfect example of the political redefinition of consumption. When the rich smoked it, it was cultured and a status symbol; when the poor began to inhale, opium smoking became degrading and ultimately criminal. The lower classes made the consequences of smoking visible and social; the literati and officials had the power to reinterpret consumption. Consumption has never been a simple economic matter.

Mary Douglas proposed ‘a distinctive anthropological perspective’ in Constructive Drinking.13 Anthropologists brought ‘their own professional point of view to bear interestingly upon the same materials studied by specialists on alcohol abuse’. They argued that medical and sociological research exaggerated the problems. As Dwight Heath pointed out, ‘Even practitioners of the so-called “hard sciences” acknowledge that social and cultural factors must be taken into account, together with physiological and psychological factors, when one attempts to understand the interaction of alcohol and human behaviour.’14 I extend this distinctive anthropological perspective to opium because drinking and smoking are the obvious analogies. ‘Drinking is essentially a social act, performed in a recognized social context’; so it was with opium smoking.15 Many authors have studied the social context of consumption. David Christian’s Living Water argued that vodka played a crucial role in Russian society on the eve of the Revolution. Thomas Brennan illustrated the ‘positive uses of drinking’ in prerevolutionary Paris. And David Hardiman exposed the different political agendas injected into drinking in colonial India. Brennan’s work is important because it challenged the heavily used accounts of the intermediaries, ‘the three robes’ – the clergy, the nobility and the liberal professions – their condemnation of taverns and consequently their influence on the study of popular culture.16 Here, I will challenge the heavily used accounts of ‘the Chinese robes’.

Deborah Lupton has furthered our understanding of the history of food and the culture of consumption. ‘Food and eating habits and preferences are not simply matters of “fuelling” ourselves’, she writes.17 This was true of opium, since smoking did not fill one’s stomach. ‘Food is inextricably interlinked with group membership as well as kinship’, Lupton continues, and again, opium is a good example where friends and family gathered to share leisure through smoking. Food is ‘the ultimate “consumable” commodity’; so was opium.18 George Ritzer has identified ‘McDonaldization’, a process whereby corporations cater to the ‘lowest common denominator’ of mass consumer culture.19 The same happened with opium in the late Qing, when smoking catered for the lowest Chinese common denominator – coolie labourers and peasants. Peter Atkins and Ian Bowler have summarised recent trends in food studies. Where functionalists emphasise ‘the utilitarian nature of food’, structuralists focus on the ‘broader and deeper causes and meanings of food habits’ and on how ‘taste is culturally shaped and socially controlled’.20 Opium smoking was utilitarian in nature, but it was also socio-culturally conditioned. Structural functionalists such as Mary Douglas draw upon elements of both approaches. Douglas has deciphered the grammar of the meal, a structured social event. I will decode the syntax of opium smoking by ‘mov[ing] away from a reliance upon the production-oriented explanations of society, which [have] for so long dominated materialism, towards a framework that can accommodate considerations of consumption and lifestyle’.21 This is pertinent to the study of opium as a commodity and smoking as history of food and culture of consumption."

This culture is of course quite similar to the Concubinage culture, where a concubine generally a woman is in a marriage like relationship with whom she cannot get married for other reasons. Often only men of high economic or social status have concubines, because it can be expensive. Historical rulers maintained concubines, sometimes thousands, as well as several wives. Normally concubinage was voluntary by the woman or her family's by arrangement, providing a measure of economic security for both parties. In ancient China, concubinage was similar but inferior, to marriage. The children were recognized as legal offspring but their inheritance were inferior to children of marriage often receiving a smaller inheritance. Often concubines  bore heirs, when a wife was unable to produce sons.Western laws do not acknowledge the legal status of concubines or recognize only monogamous marriages as legal, leaving the woman a mistress without protection.  Romans did not class same-sex relationships as homosexual and a concubinus was a young male slave chosen by his master as a sexual partner.

Chinese Emperors sometimes kept thousands of concubines and in ancient China, successful men often supported several concubines and their families. Concubines on a few occasions were buried alive with their master to keep him company in the afterlife. Concubines sometimes achieved much power and influence. In the 'Four Great Classical Novels of China' there is the story of 'The Dream of the Red Chamber' believed to be a semi-autobiographical account of author Cao Xueqin's own family life where three generations of the Jia family are supported by the favorite concubine of the Emperor. Imperial concubines kept  in the Forbidden City, were always guarded by castrated eunuchs, to make sure they could not be impregnated by anyone, other than the Emperor. Dowager Empress Cixi who liked her opium, was perhaps the most successful concubine in China’s history. Cixi gave birth to the only surviving son, who became the Emperor Tongzhi. She eventually became de facto ruler of the Manchu Qing Dynasty in China for 47 years after her son's death.

In the Mao era,  the whiff of an affair could get someone fired from their job, demoted or sent to self-criticism sessions and even jail. In the Cultural Revolution, extramarital affairs were condemned, labeled as Male-Female-Relationship Lifestyle. One of the most popular videos on the Internet  was a clip from an Olympics promotion event, rebrand the CCTV sports channel as the “Olympics Channel.” In the video, the wife of a popular anchor  crashes the event, grabs the microphone and accuses the anchor of sleeping with another woman. Polygamy is still around among upper class members of some minorities. Polyandry exists among Tibetans, Naxi and Pumi minorities. Modern marriage procedure have led to a rise in bigamy. In the old days wealthy Chinese men, married three or four women at the same time. The wives sharing different duties and responsibilities, raising the children.The first wife usually had the right to order secondary wives around and her children given precedence.

In consumerist China today sex, corruption and money are often intertwined in people's consciousness. Money scandals have a sexual element with Chinese expression saying: "Where there is corruption, there’s sex. And where there’s sex, there’s corruption. A wife dumped for a mistress says, ”Mistresses are always lurking in shadows of corruption cases. If you don’t have money, you can’t hold on to your mistress.” In Shenzhen there are "concubine villages," where thousands of young women live in luxury apartments, paid by their lovers, close enough to the border that the men can take off early from work, visit their lovers and be  backhome in time for dinner with their wives. 

Zhang Yu Fen a wife dumped by her husband for a mistress organized a “guerilla squad for attacking mistresses” made up of dumped wives.“Unless mistresses are completely wiped out, we won’t be able to achieve a harmonious society and will only be left with the menace” mistresses present, Zhang says, “We, the socially vulnerable, have to get together to eradicate the existence of mistresses. Our organization’s aim is to punish these husbands and claim the assets we are entitled to.”  The local media call them the “mistress killers,”because they have assaulted some mistresses.

There are many credible stories in Ireland of asylums being places for specially trained concubines. The asylums it is believed, trained young Irish girls in speciality skills, while sometimes later selling them off to rich men in England. There are such stories going way back to one of the beheaded wives of the King of England a certain Ann Boylan from east Galway whose name was changed to Ann Boleyn to hide her true identity. In the Victorian asylums built by the English in Ireland, girls were sold into Victorian slavery to be intensely trained as sexual slaves in some instances, with a specialty skill for purposes as a uniquely talented concubine. They probably still exist, perhaps more consenting now, trained in erotic and creative arts, often with some religious element involved. There are also many stories in Ireland of young nuns being individually trained by mentors to later satisfy some reverend Mother, parish Priest or Bishops in orgies conducted in the convents scattered around Ireland. 

London 2012, London 2012, 2012Olympics OlympicLondon, Armageddon, British Occupied Ireland, Galway Whooker, Ghengis Fokner II, london 2012, London Olympics, Nuked, Olympic, Olympic Games, Olympics, Olympics London


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