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Irish Time
Friday, April 30, 2010
The Rebels Yell - Ireland - Corrupt British Election
I say Iris, old crumpet, the Union in Fermanagh/South Tyrone is just not cricket Occupied northern Ireland election.
Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Thai army yesterday shot one of its own on the streets of Bangkok. They have been ordered by the British born, Eton educated, unelected Prime Minister Abhisit, to shoot to kill unarmed civilians protesting in Thailand. The following is a link to a discussion in the pro-government media in Thailand, about what is happening in the background currently, between Eton Abhisit and the Army Chief of Staff General Anupong. All of the independent media sites numbering several thousand have been shut down with many sent to prison with long jail sentences. So remember its a pro-government and try to read between the lines.
To carry out such a policy of heartless murder on civilians, Eton teaches a culture of supremacy, of seeing poor and native people as sub-human and then demonizing them with their media mafia, before the many slaughters and massacres ordered by the Eton Rifles. It is heartless and merciless.
Remember Sharpeville
bullet-in-the-back day
Because it epitomized oppression
and the nature of society
more clearly than anything else;
it was the classic event
Nowhere is racial dominance
more clearly defined
nowhere the will to oppress
more clearly demonstrated
what the world whispers
apartheid with snarling guns
the blood lust after
South Africa spills in the dust
Remember Sharpeville
Remember bullet-in-the-back day
And remember the unquenchable will for freedom
Remember the dead
and be glad.
- Dennis Brutus
From Ireland their first colony to India to Pakistan, to the Middle-East, to the war ravaged continent of Africa, the Eton legacy continues with centuries of a policy to foster division and then conquer the people of no property, the peasants. Whether to antagonize racial or religious division for conquest, the Rifles of Eton educated on this supremacist basis, the British imperialists still cause mayhem on a daily basis while their educated and their heirs the Americans, carry on the tradition of the Butchers Apron, under a flag of the same colour and design. Now we have another Eton educated and British Abhisit, directing another Bloody Sunday and the creation of another civil war in Thailand.
Link to AllVoices Report
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
If true I can see both Unionist and SDLP candidate up on fraud charges. I am surprised the local media haven't followed up on it but perhaps they are untouchables too. It will interesting to see if the God fearing Unionist people will vote for this fraudulent SDLP/Unionist alliance.
What is it about Ireland, that so many crooks and gombeens are elected by the people. and its not just a Catholic mafia thing in Fermanagh /South Tyrone. Have the Conservative party organized this fraud ??
Is it surprising that revolution is still the choice of THINKING traditional republicans, with so much corrupt gombeen politicians chasing the Queen's shilling ???
This is an utter disgrace and the media silence is deafening in Ireland.
Sunday, April 25, 2010

From Ireland their first colony to India to Pakistan, to the Middle-East, to the war ravaged continent of Africa, the Eton legacy with centuries of fostered division and conquest, of the people of no property, the peasants, on racial and religious grounds by the Rifles of Eton and British imperialists still cause mayhem on a daily basis as their heirs the Americans carry on the tradition of the Butchers Apron under a flag of the same colours and design.
Link to The Boys in Black
Friday, April 23, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Thailand Voices in the Shadow of Another Military Bloodbath
The Thai Government and military are preparing for another attack on the protesters in Bangkok, Thailand. Their spin doctors are in overdrive preparing the Thai people for another atrocity and have labelled the protesters as terrorists, to legitimize and sanitize another bloodbath.
The Protest site has been designated a danger zone, due to the stockpile of weapons and the "terrorists" congregated in the area claimed Army spokesman Colonel Sansern Kaewkamnerd yesterday.
He said rally organisers admitted, they were supported by "unidentified warriors", who were ready to resort to violence, in order to counter-attack the Army's forces. Last Saturday a number of weapons were stolen from soldiers and might end up inflicting casualties in another round of violence, he added. He said the authorities were trying to restore normality by dislodging the Reds from the Rajprasong area and that they were now prepared to deal with live ammunition fired by the "terrorists" from the red shirts' side.
"Please rest assured that the law will definitely be enforced, in any operations, soldiers and policemen will try to avoid losses or, if that is not possible, to contain the losses within acceptable limits," he added. He said police were preparing to enforce arrest warrants issued against 24 red-shirt leaders.
Natthawut Saikua, one of the 24, said the red shirts were preparing a "welcoming party" if the government cracked down on protesters. "I confirm the red shirts will not waver if the government is to launch a new round of anti-riot operations early next week," he said, adding that the red shirts would not disperse before the dissolution of Parliament.
Red-shirt chief security officer Aree Krainara said he had doubled the number of guards to protect the leaders and the rally site.
Opposition Party political spokesman Prompong Nopparit led surviving relatives of what he said were 30 dead victims to file a police complaint charging the prime minister and other authorities with murder related to last Saturday's "bloodbath".
Red-shirt leader Jatuporn Promphan has said the funeral for the victims would be postponed until the completion of legal proceedings. Under Thai law, the bodies must be kept, pending the completion of an investigation into the killings, he said, vowing to bring culprits to justice before the expiry of the statue of limitations in 20 years. He said the red shirts would start 900 legal cases related to Black Saturdays bloodbath.
Finance Minister Korn Chatikavanij said the Prime Minister has no intention of resigning or dissolving Parliament, to pave the way for a new election. He maintained doing so would damage the country long term.
"If the government still wants to re-take this area, we can do nothing except wait. We have overcome fear. Nothing can scare us anymore," said red-shirt leader, Nattawut Saikuar.
Pressure is still mounting on Thailand's government to stand down with 23 people now dead. The head of the Thai army has called for parliament to be dissolved. The country's election commission says Prime Minister Abhisit's party can be charged with misusing donations.
People in Bangkok Talk
Daung , Bangkok
My husband and I were at the demonstration on Saturday. I had not supported the red-shirt movement before then.
My husband said the soldier's gun had live rounds because there was no adaptor on the barrel
But after the government shut down the People TV station, we were only seeing the government's side of the story on their own channel, so we went to see what was happening. It was peaceful for hours before the trouble started. The soldiers had been sweating in the afternoon sun so we gave them some of our water. We were in the front line.
A helicopter dropped the first tear gas at about 1700, then about two hours later they dropped more. Even with a damp cloth over my face it hurt, especially because I wear contact lenses.
At about 1930 the troops started walking forward. My husband saw one soldier who was on the tank unlock an M16 gun. My husband said the weapon had live rounds because there was no adaptor on the barrel.
Some media reports said the red-shirts had guns too, but it's not true. The soldiers started hitting us, my husband was fighting back.
I saw many people lying on the ground, some were bloody, some were in shock from the tear gas. I had to leave when the tear gas got too much.
I didn't join the red-shirt demonstration to support Thaksin; I joined because I don't like the Democracy Party.I think we should have new elections, but I think the government will try to hold onto power instead.
If the red-shirts choose violence I will not support them any more. We joined them because they are fighting peacefully.
Ekasit Paosila, Bangkok
The news on the ruling party's illegal donations means parliament may have to be dissolved.
I'm not pleased about this. There is no one better qualified to rule than Prime Minister Abhisit; I support him totally. I would rather parliament stayed as it is. The red-shirt mob are causing a lot of problems; they behave as if they own Bangkok.
They always claim to be peaceful and say any bomb-throwing or gun-firing etc is done by someone else.
The weekend events were totally unexpected. I think the protesters were expecting rubber bullets, but the soldiers were certainly not prepared to receive live ammunition.
There is talk about a third party being involved. There is video showing men wearing black with their faces covered carrying machine guns. They were firing from the mob, we presume at the soldiers. Of the 23 people killed, five were soldiers, but many more soldiers are seriously injured in hospital. At the same time, there may have been some people against the red-shirt mob, who were firing from rooftops. I think the majority of people in Bangkok are against these red-shirt gatherings, but I don't know how many would come forward to say so. They are typically non-committal.
Polkrit Thanetjindarat, student, Bangkok
I have supported the red-shirts for three years and am convinced that they fight for real democracy and not just for Thaksin.I support them because the government does not support democracy, Thailand is like a military state now. We would like to see parliament dissolved, and power given back to the people so they can choose their own government by themselves.
Will this happen? I think the government will hold onto power for as long as they can, because they know that if they hold an election, they will lose. It's like they don't dare to listen to the people's voice.
Press and media are controlled by the government; they say the government and the military is right and they don't report how many people died at the weekend. I know 23 people died because I saw this on a private TV station, not the government one. The protesters have the right to protest, but the soldiers have no right to use a gun, even when they're angry. And the government should know not to let them.
Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban said he had issued orders for soldiers to be equipped only with shields, batons and tear gas.
"They were unarmed, so some of them were killed," he said.
This conflicts with reports from several reporters who witnessed the atrocity including a BBC journalist who saw soldiers carrying and shooting high velocity guns.
Underneath the propaganda war the bigger picture of the military's defeat and stress is now a major factor.
"There are some divisions in the armed forces," said Prof Surachart Bumrungsuk, a military and politics expert at Bangkok's Chulalongkorn University. "Some units don't want to be involved in such a crackdown, others wanted it to be more assertive.
Human Rights Watch urged the Thai government to keep its promise to set up an independent commission to investigate last weekend's atrocity. Five soldiers and 18 civilians including a Japanese Reuter's cameraman were killed.
All parties should immediately cease political violence, the group said, and the government should hold those responsible accountable. It also called for an end to censorship of a satellite television station, more than 10 radio and television stations, and 36 internet sites.
Bombs in Burma
According to Burmese officials, three bombs exploded in a park in Rangoon its principal city today Thursday, as people celebrated an annual water festival, which is also being celebrated by its neighbour, Thailand. The explosions killed more than nine people and there were more than 60 wounded. The bombs exploded near Kandawgyi Lake, where crowds had gathered, to celebrate the Buddhist new year.
Nine people were killed according to official sources, five men and four women, with 62 people injured. A fourth bomb was defused as the explosions came, while the country prepares for elections, carefully planned by the military to take place later this year. Dissidents have dismissed the election as a sham similar to Thailand, effectively barring opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, because she has been in prison.
The area, which was cordoned off by police, with witnesses saying people fled and ambulances carried away casualties. Burma known in South-east Asia as Myanmar, has been hit by a series of bomb blasts in recent years, with the junta blaming attacks on armed exile groups and tribal rebels.
The military has ruled Burma for the last 48 years, justifying its power, by claiming they are needed to deal with ethnic rebellions, similar to the former Yugoslavia. The regime has been relentless for decades, with brutal campaigns against dissident groups in attempts to crush them.
Democracy activist and icon Aung San Suu Kyi has been under house arrest for 14 of the last 20 years. Human rights group Amnesty International, called on the governing generals in February, to end repression of ethnic minority groups ahead of the vote, accusing the regime of jailing, torturing and killing minority activists in order to crush any form of dissent.
In 2005, 11 people were killed and 162 injured when three bombs exploded at a convention centre and in supermarkets. Those attacks were blamed onthe Karen National Union, and Burma's government in exile, the National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma.
Witnesses today said they heard three loud explosions at pavilions along the U Htaungbo Road, which runs beside Kandawgyi Lake. Most pavilions along the road are run by business interests with closeties to the junta.
Burma or Myanmar is home to several ethnic groups, some of whom have been waging, decades long armed insurrection along the country's eastern border with Thailand.The military said last August, that they prevented exiled pro-democracy groups from bombing Rangoon, during a visit by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon the previous month. He had been in Burma to attempt the release of Suu Kyi before the election.
Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy (NLD) like Thaksin's party in neighbouring Thailand, won a landslide victory in 1990 elections, but the military junta never allowed her to take office. The dissident Nobel peace prize winner has been under house arrest almost constantly ever since. Democracy in South Asia, South-east Asia has constantly been interrupted by military coups, sometimes aided by foreign interference. The resulting abject poverty from corruption, causes the death of millions due to neglect, diet and lack of medical care. Alongside the brutal poverty there are pockets of immense wealth and privilege.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Military in Thailand Admit Shooting.
Military in Thailand Finally admit Shooting.
The Thai miltary has admitted yesterday, that some of its soldiers fired live rounds at red shirt demonstrators but they are now saying, that it was only to provide cover, for injured soldiers who were retreating, a spokesperson for the Government's Centre for Public Administration in Emergency Situations is claiming.
Col Sansern Kaewkamnerd tried to maintain yestersday that they had no choice, after the Army attacked the protesters but to open fire at gunmen hiding among demonstrators, to protect their comrades from more atrocities. He claimed to have soldiers ready to testify to a committee purportedly investigating the atrocity, similar to the Widgery tribunal after Bloody Sunday in occupied Ireland. Widgery's report was later discredited internationally as a whitewash by the British Government and another inquiry which cost almost 300 million dollars set up under a failing peace process, still cannot be published 38 years later because of "security concerns".
The Thai Government, headed by a British born Eton educated, unelected Prime Minister, yesterday released the statement, as public anger grows over the use of violence by government forces during the April 10 atrocity on Black Saturday in Bangkok, Thailand. Video footage, including news coverage by foreign media outlets, show pictures of soldiers firing automatic gunfire, directly into the protesters.
Col Sansern maintained at a news conference yesterday soldiers fired only live rounds for two reasons. They fired into the air to intimidate demonstrators he said and to protect injured soldiers from the advancing crowd. He tried to maintain they fired only one bullet at a time and that they did not switch to automatic gunfire so as to avoid causing more casualties, he maintained.
The Government's spin doctors, showed reporters five video clips of Saturday's atrocity. Just one of the clips showed soldiers firing at demonstrators. In another clip, a red shirt demonstrator was shot in the head from behind, which according to the Government meant the man was not shot by a soldier.
Other clips show protesters saying they saw a civilian wearing a blue shirt firing an explosive from a rooftop, another protester asks, "Has Seh Daeng come to help us?" with footage of protesters attacking a vehicle apparently carrying the injured soldiers to hospital.
Col Sansern said judging from the five video clips he believed protest leaders were aware there was an armed group among the demonstrators. Khattiya, a rebel army specialist who supports the Reds said, "Ronin warriors" fired weapons at soldiers only after the military attacked and fired M16 rifles at demonstrators first.
He said he believed those firing M16 rifles were army snipers. They fired from the rooftops of buildings in the area. "Ronin warriors", were set up by the Red movement, after the 2006 coup, when they were trained by Seh Daeng.
Bangkok Emergency Medical Service's confirmed yesterday that there were two more deaths from the Black Saturday Atrocity increasing the number of deaths to 23. The latest victims are Pvt Anupol Hommalee, 29, and Napaton Paopanas. Pvt Anupol died of shrapnel wounds to his head, while Napaton died from a gunshot wound to his stomach. They also reported 195 injured civilians and soldiers who are still in hospital, 14 of whom are in a serious condition.
Links to Further Coverage and Analysis
Monday, April 12, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
People of No Property and Elite Middle Class in Siam
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Well it was Sunday bloody Sunday
When they shot the people there
The cries of thirteen martyrs
Filled the Free Derry air
Is there any one amongst you
Dare to blame it on the kids?
Not a soldier boy was bleeding
When they nailed the coffin lids!—John Lennon and Yoko Ono "Sunday Bloody Sunday
Monday, April 5, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
However Associated press reports that an 18-year-old of a wealthy family, drove his Porsche into protesters’ motorcycles and was immediately besieged before the riot police intervened. Another wealthy woman said, she had to walk several miles because of the demonstration and said, “They are very poor and very stupid.”
Friday, April 2, 2010
Pope Criticism ‘akin to ANTI-SEMITISM’
Link to Report of THE PATRIOT GAME
Come all ye young rebels, and list while I sing,
For the love of one's country is a terrible thing.
It banishes fear with the speed of a flame,
And it makes us all part of the patriot game.
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